XII Ruined Summoning

Do you like the Espers in FFXII compared to other FF games

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 69.2%

  • Total voters
Well the summons in FF12 are pretty much useless because of the fighting system and should have been more rewarding after battling them and some of them were quite hard to defeat.
I've never been a fan of summoning to defeat bosses anyway... and I'm glad because I summoned Ultima in the Great Crystal -seeing as she's holy and should be able to dispatch of a few zombies easily - but she got OWNED so hard. And my character's were like... Level... I dun remember.... o_O;; But not weak.

I think the one I used the most was the Scorpio one. (I can never spell his name) because he's quite a tank Esper.

The only time I really use the Espers is when I want to level a specific character. Because it gets rid of your other allies, thus giving the summoner all the EXP... if your summon lasts long enough of course.
I was so disappointed with the new epser's. I mean you take at least 5 or 6 tries to beat them epsically zodiark and when you get them they are worthless. Later in the game its better to not bother with them they are so weak its just a waste of mp. The only epser i still use is zodiark and only after one of my characters has been stoned so i can summon him and he can final eclipse and get 50,000 damage right off the bat. I've tried to use them to help with marks later in the game. HA! forget it they get killed so fast that your sitting there wondering why they but them in the game in the first place if they werent going to help you.
I still find the summons poor. Sumat I dont think Il be changing my mind on anytime soon. Every time I have tried using one, the fucker hasn't survived long enough to do any notable damage. Either that or the stupid caster died instead. Sumoning fails.

I dont think they do all that much damage anyway, only thing I like about them was the music -__-
I was never fond of summoning things, so I don't mind their being relatively weak. I thought they were designed pretty awesomely though, and the music was fun. It's more fun fighting them than using them.
Yes, the Espers were only fun to gather and such, when summoned we only used them for the cool looking and sometimes decent damage dealing overdrives v.v
I mean if they dealt as much damage when you use them as when they battle you then....by all means bring on the Espers!! 8D

I agree, Summoning SUCKED butt in this game, it took away what was the best summoning IMO from X and turned it to some poorly controlled weak attack. I only used them once, and that is when I needed one of my Espers to open some door for me. I was highly disappointed with the summoning in this game, hope its back to its old style in XIII
I think i summoned once in the whole game. I found them pretty useless, i preferred using quickenings because the damage was higher. I also wasnt a fan of the espers themselves, i think they looked kinda weird but maybe thats just me.
FFX just made a huge step with the Summoning system (and prop the best) and FFXII's Battle System couldn't do it in that way.

Well, noone can dispute the fact though that the Espers animations were amazing and man... I just love the music in the background after you bring forth an Esper.
It's so EPIC.,..there i said it :P
I'm with the espers on this one. for a few reasons...

1) You have to fight um to get um. Which end up being some of the toughest battles in the game.

2) They might be ( absolutely are) useless against bosses, however.... if you summon them in the field you can kill fiends effortlessly, and give all the experience to one character. This is useful if you're searching for rare steals, and beats the hell out of stopping to one hit semi weak foes.
Also- they're sweet to romp around the battlefield with, just stick by ur side and own when necessary.

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Love the Espers or hate them

I don't know if this has already been done, but who like what Square did with the espers in FFXII. They are extremely different then other special creatures in the FF series.

I don't really like them. I hate how you controll them and they were not as memerable as other FF's.
I don't really have something against the Espers themselves.
But I hate the summoning system in FFXII because the Espers are: weak, lame and useless.
So I ended up hating them anyway. XD
I hate them with a passion.
All they did was protect the other two characters of the party (or three if there's a guest) from damage and that's it. Espers can't attack like my characters do and they look uglier. And of course another annoying thing about them is that they are kind of awkward to control/command.
God is just a statistic

What ever happened to Shiva and Bahamut? Oh yeah there freakin air ships. I would have liked them more if they were actually espers in game. Even if they were big space ships.

To answer the question. As of right now the poll is 100% saying No we do not like the esper system.
Compared to the other games, I didn't think the Espers were that great. I didn't like the whole time limit thing AND they take away your MP and that was pretty bummy. Because of that I didn't bother using them too much
I really liked reading the Espers' histories. I thought the whole idea of them waging war on the Occuria was interesting and the fact that they each had counterparts. They were utterly useless in battle though. Some of them did present a challenge when fighting them, which I liked since pretty much all of the bosses were pushovers.
I really liked reading the Espers' histories. I thought the whole idea of them waging war on the Occuria was interesting and the fact that they each had counterparts. They were utterly useless in battle though. Some of them did present a challenge when fighting them, which I liked since pretty much all of the bosses were pushovers.

This pretty much.

Also, the way some of the Espers looked was far too complex for me. I couldn't tell the mouth from the elbow. They got carried away with that. :/