XIII's Linear Design - Thoughts

When you look at the area map, and only see maps of current areas, it's hard to argue FFXIII is not linear.

From what I've played so far, it is, I admit that.

But what some people sometimes don't realize that just because your character is moving on the so-called path, it doesn't feel like it. I don't know about you guys, but I have to look at my screen when I play a game, and I don't see plain pathways when I move my characters. The scenery and area definitely does NOT make it feel like you're walking on a pre-determined path.

I say that graphics aren't the most important thing in the game, but they definitely don't hurt. FFXIII's astonishing graphics manage to creative vantage points that are so far and wide, it's just incredible. It doesn't not feel limited in the least, and I think the player's perception is the most important thing to take into account.
I Just Picked up my copy of 13 and am waiting to get a chance to play it i loved 12
because it allowed freeless roaming throught out ivalice and the sidequests i thought were excellent i loved tracking down the hunts , rare game and finding the espers was fun i just dont like the sound of having to be constricted to a set path ............. im still pretty sure im gonna love this game but id still rather have freedom to move about as i wish
I've never minded the linearity in Final Fantasy X, and now having played Final Fantasy XIII for myself, the linearity really doesn't bother me. I didn't ever think that it would.
This. I think the storyline suits the linearity, when you look at the environments in general there's no way they couldn't be linear for the most part, and then when you do get environments where there's more freedom, you're given it. The linearity over everything was probably my secret worry but it was over exaggerated.
This. I think the storyline suits the linearity, when you look at the environments in general there's no way they couldn't be linear for the most part, and then when you do get environments where there's more freedom, you're given it. The linearity over everything was probably my secret worry but it was over exaggerated.

See I agree with your point on how the environments dictate just how much exploration is afforded to the player but having played the first 27-8 hours and landed on Pulse the experience up to now has been one of sheer, unabbating fighting :gonk:. When I look back at how, after a 'mission', a sequence of vast exploration or fighting the party and indeed players were given a respite in previous installments the just doesn't seem to be any in this game. It's quite taxing given the fact that the battle system requires quite alot more concentration that the others.

What's worse is the linearity doesn't look as if its gonna get better :gonk:

Looks like there aren't any towns or cities... :ffs:

Great game though! Hell of an eyefull and awesome battle system.
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Its not the linear design i have issue with- but the lack of richness in depth. very little other than the main story and
the miniquests that DO come (about 30 hours in) are few and not brilliant.
like i mentioned in other threads, Square Enix have done what many game developing companies have been doing recently, and that is experimenting. The reason for the removal of the features that all us FF fans have come to love simply 'takes too long to develop for a console such as the PS3' but the developers have boldly stated that these features will be present in the upcoming Final Fantasy XV ( release date currently 2015-2016 [will be taking advantage of the SONY 3D home entertainment] )

its a mistake, they now understand, lets get back to our lives.

It doesn't really bother me too much tbh. I mean if you sit down and stop to look around I mean the visuals and everything is breath taking and as fusionist had said, I don't really feel like your on a path that's already chosen. Nonetheless, I still really enjoy the game and it doesn't really effect me. Though think about it... if they did let you roam around the game would be even longer x] which wouldn't bother some people but, just throwing it out there xD

X was a great game as well and it was "linear." too.
Meh I dont mind it really. The environments are huge to start off with. The only town in the game I think is Nautilus well that I visited so far. I dont know if you can go to Bodhum. Like I said its no big deal. Travelling with no towns is ok but yes I do miss shopping at towns and all that. XIII is a bit like X but X had towns. XIII being linear does fit with the story though. Oh and I think Oerba is a town too is it not?
I also don't mind the linearity at all, I loved FFX and its like what people said, the linearity matches X linearity itself. Im not one to complain though that there are little to none town/city locations because thats what makes XIII different from the others, if they had towns and cities than it wouldn't fit the XIII story progression very well. I'm not saying all games should be Linear but this one is alright being Linear.
Well as the matter of fact, Final Fantasy XIII is pretty linear for 20-30 hours, but the story is so great that it just keeps you going and doesn't let you catch a boredom with the game, get ready when you reach Gran Pulse, You can forget the linearity :)
Even though the linearity of the game doesn't really bother me, I do find it odd for a game classified as an RPG.
Maybe I'm used to the Western-style RPG where you can go anywhere you like from the start. There are exceptions such as Bioware's RPGs and the Fable series, but these also encourage exploration.
With FFXIII, I have encountered invisible walls when trying to go to a certain point or swim around for example. It feels like going from point A to point B. By the way I'm into Ch.7 at the moment. Hopefully it 'opens' up more in later ones.
Doesn't really bother me that much.

You are Pulse L'cie and the people of Cocoon want you to die because you're horrible bastards... From what they understand, walking, living, eating, drinking, pissing, shitting, fucking, ultra-contagious cancer.

Not like you'd be able to do anything in a town, if you could enter one anyway.

It's not that disappointing to me when I look at it that way.
I like linear gameplay because it makes it easier to get from point a to b
In free roam world it is soooo hard to find your way around.
I like the invisable walls too and the limitatitions of jumping.
it makes it feal like a real ff game.
Doesn't really bother me that much.

You are Pulse L'cie and the people of Cocoon want you to die because you're horrible bastards... From what they understand, walking, living, eating, drinking, pissing, shitting, fucking, ultra-contagious cancer.

Not like you'd be able to do anything in a town, if you could enter one anyway.

It's not that disappointing to me when I look at it that way.

I know why they don't let us prance around the cities, but to me that's just poor story and game design.

FFVII characters were always walking around Midgar. I know it's easier to spot a l'Cie than a member of AVALANCHE but surely it's just about concealing your brand?

The fact that I wouldn't be able to do anything in a town were I given one just says it all to me.