XIVth Member Info

GFX Guilder

TI Vice-Captain
Aug 11, 2008

The XIVth Member is a new member of the Organization that will be introduced in 358/2 Days. She was introduced without a name at the time, all we knew about her was that she wasn't in KHII, a game that takes place after 358/2 Days, and that there was a specific reason to why that was. Along with that, Nomura has stated that even with the XIVth member, the Organization was still called Organization XIII, and, likewise, the specific reason for that will be told during he course of 358/2 Days. Her appearance has yet to be seen but it is believed to have been revealed at the DK¦²3713 Party Event, images should be soon to surface.

At the DK¦²3713 Party Event, there was a brand new trailer for 358/2 Days that ended with the revelation of the XIVth Member's name, spoken by Namin¨¦ in the line "I wanted to meet you, Xion". This is the first time her name has ever been revealed to the public. Just who is this new character Xion?

Another surprise revealed at the DK¦²3713 Party Event was the revelation of XIV's, or Xion's, weapon. It was none other than a Keyblade! We don't know all of the details on this Keyblade, but in the trailer impressions Riku is said to tell her that her Keyblade is a fake, to which Xion says "Don't tell me that! You, don't lie!". We have yet to see what her Keyblade looks like, but it is believed to be revealed shortly.

When asked if the XIVth member was a character we have seen before, Nomura answered, smiling, that it was a secret and that, while the XIVth Member does appear in this game, she is not the reason for the game, but that her "point" was that she was a key character. He also went onto to say that the reason why she has no pillar and why she didn't appear in Kingdom Hearts II will all be explained. It has also been stated that the XIVth Member has had great influence on Roxas' future actions.
Interesting. Another keyblade wielder too. I look forward to getting the game and finding out all this stuff. :) And as for the original name of this character, it was probably something like "Ino". That's my guess on the character's original name.
As far as I've seen, Xion could well almost be like Sora's nemesis since she can also use the Keyblade. Could she also Form change into Valor, Wisdom, Master and Final, just like Sora? Only time will tell...
Xion is an interesting character on many counts. it adds to the already massive mystique of the Organization and its involvement with Nobodies with human form that were not seen.

also Xion's human form, speculated to be revealed, should be a big suprise to everybody.

i am looking foward to the revelation of XIV's identity more than anything in KH...except BBS.
Why did they call it org XIII then? and is this after kh2 or before cuz i thought all the members were killed by sora or sommit
358/2 Days takes place between KH1 and KH2, likely also during the short time of CoM as well, so yeah, still lots of organization members left to kill xD

And old thread is old. Xion's face has been revealed for a long time now and has led to more questions because she looks so much like Kairi:


I kind of got an outrageous theory (so this isn't confirmed, just an educated guess) about that myself that I've been plugging on other sites:

Basically that Xion is Kairi's nobody.

Now hold on! You're probably thinking "uh, no stupid, Namine is Kairi's nobody", right? Well, I'm not disputing that. In fact, what I'm saying is that Kairi in fact has TWO nobodies.

Why? Because it's possible that Aqua's (girl from BbS) keyblade soul went to Kairi in some way. We do see Kairi use a keyblade in a cutscene in KH2 at TWTNW, right?

What does that have to do with anything? It's likely that Ven and Terra's keyblade souls went to Sora and Riku respectively, and since Sora's nobody Roxas does look like Ven, it's possible that his nobody would mimic what is within Sora; in this case, Ven.

As for how Namine is still Kairi's nobody, Kairi already does have her princess soul, so it's already very special and wouldn't combine with the keyblade soul, and thus when Kairi technically became a heartless, two nobodies could've been created

Of course, I could just be completely wrong :monster:
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Basically, his theory states that Kairi somehow was able to have 2 Nobodies, Xion and Namine. He also states that Kairi is related to Aqua (could be older sister or mother if plausible), thus when Kairi, a princess of heart, became a heartless per se, she split into three, her normal self, her nobody representing Aqua (Xion) and her nobody representing her PoH self (Namine).

Though it still sounds a little farfetched don't you think?
Is there a possibility that Kairi and Aqua are two different people and Xion is Aqua's nobody? Its wierd for Kairi to have two nobodies. Besides, BBS is wayyy before KH1 so wouldn't Kairi be Aqua's nobody?

That probably made no sense, but at least I tried :nudge:
i agree with that... we will reallly won't know who XION is a nobody of until they release it. so until then we can only speculate. i can't wait till this game comes out because of this.
Instead of being Kairi's second Nobody (A bit messed up, but whatever.), it's more plausible that Xion is Aqua's Nobody. However, this is extremely arguable as Nobody's names are usually anagrams of their previous names. (Sora=Roxas, Xehanort=Xemnas, ect.), while Xion's name has no relation to Aqua's name. It will be a complete and total mystery on who Xion is until 358/2 Days actually comes out. One of the reasons I can't wait for this! (Main being finally getting to play a whole game as Roxas xD)
For the record, I never said Aqua and Kairi could be related, just that the keyblade soul from Aqua ended up in Kairi, likely when she was just a kiddo back when she lived in Hallow Bastion/Radient Garden.

Like I said, just a theory, and I even admitted that it was rather "outrageous" :P

Alright, deviating from the 358/2 Days part of the KH series, but here goes:

As for the thing about the "keyblade soul", I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one using that term, but I can't find anything directly in any KH sources, so I probably picked that up from another fan's theorizing or something; my bad for using an unoffical term then >_<

However, there is the VERY vague dialog from the "Enigmatic Soldier" in KH2 Final Mix+ where you can fight him as a secret boss. He says this to Sora before fighting:

(Stole it from this guide, so credits go to them for the translation: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/935702/50361)

"Aqua...Ven...Keyblade...Who are you? I can feel it - we have met before. But when... No... it isn't you... It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe...ha...ort...Is that you? Xeha...nort...Xehanort!"

The key word here (to me anyways) is "chosen". Terra ('cause it's obviously who it is) chose someone for something, and I can't help but think what he chose was for someone else to have his ability to use a keyblade; i.e. his "keyblade soul"

As for why he gave his ability away in the first place, well, we'll probably find out in BbS what exactly happened, but look who his nobody is; imagine dealing with Xemnas if he could still use a keyblade o_O

Back on track a bit...

I admit that when I first see Xion using a keyblade, her being Aqua's nobody totally made sense. Roxas uses a keyblade and is Sora's nobody, right?

However, I don't think Xion is Aqua's nobody directly, 'cause then that would assume that if Aqua became a heartless in the first place, her nobody which you guys are assuming is Xion must have existed since then.

I think we can agree that if Aqua became a heartless in the first place, it would've happened during the time of Birth By Sleep, which is 9-10 years before KH1, so that would mean all this time Xion had existed she only just appears in 358/2 Days, that takes place between KH1 and KH2, yes? Where was she that whole time then?

And once again, in one of the trailers, Xion inquires to Riku (I think it's him...) about "the girl that was always with Sora" or something like that, so why would Aqua's nobody care about the girl that was with the Sora? If it was Sora himself, that would make more sense since Aqua might care about the keyblade ability of Sora's, but Kairi, who is just one of the 7 princesses of heart?

But I agree, speculation based on trailers and a couple of pages from gaming magazines only yields so much much light, but still the truth is obscurred in the shadows~

...Shut up, it's Kingdom Hearts; it's all about the light and dark, shadows and all that stuff xD
Uh, don't the nobodies remember their past lives? if so, Xion wouldn't have had to ask about the girl that was always with Sora. And 2 nobodies theory, sorry that's rediculous. The only reason Namine is different is because there was no darkness in Kairi's heart to make a heartless. But there could be some connection like a relative of Kairi's turned into a heartless and made a nobody.

I don't know where I've heard this, but apparently Riku encounters Xion and calls her keyblade a fake because she doesn't have a heart.

There are also screenshots of Roxas, Axel and Xion sitting together eating some ice cream (sea-salt of course).

My posts are always rambling I need to not think so much.
It's true that nobodies USUALLY remember their past lives, however there's one main example that deviates from that: Roxas. From what I understand, he had no recollection of Sora's life when he was born and while he was in the organization. It was only near the end when he was forced to disappear by reconnecting with Sora that he began to actually know stuff about Sora (those dreams of him, etc).

And again going back: why does Xion even care about Kairi then if there's not at least SOME kind of connection there? She refers to Kairi in one of the trailers as "the girl that looks like me", so kind of an indirect statement that there's a connection with Kairi

I'm still not really liking the whole "relative of Kairi" idea since it's more of a "what if", but it does make some sense theoretically. It would just be annoying that out of no where, bam! We find out Kairi has a twin sister or something, you know?

Namine is particularly special because she was born when Sora released Kairi's heart from within himself with Riku's keyblade at Hollow Bastion back in KH1.

And anyways, Xion says in one of the trailers "How can two people be the same?" and I'm pretty sure she's referring to her situation.

I don't know where I've heard this, but apparently Riku encounters Xion and calls her keyblade a fake because she doesn't have a heart.

There are also screenshots of Roxas, Axel and Xion sitting together eating some ice cream (sea-salt of course).

Oh? Well, that's interesting. A fake keyblade...

Mmm...I think the sea salt ice cream is just Nomura's symbol of friendship in the games, but that's just what I think :P
I totally agree with Fusionist
! I thought the same! I think that's Ventus,Terra,Aqua are somehow Sora,Riku,Kairi and Roxas,Axel,Xion+Namine :D Master Xenaroth have two faces : Xemnas, and xenaroth ... That is complicated we will see soon i guess :D