XIVth Member Info

They called it Organization XIII because she wasnt a member of the Organization for long. If anyone recalls KH:CoM, no one ever referred to the Organization as Organization XIII...It was known as the Organization. This leads me to conclude that this game may have been taking place during the course, or after, CoM...She was not a member of the Organization for long, so it seems natural to conclude that after her secession from the Organization, they named it properly Organization XIII, because Roxas was a member before her, and they were confident that they only needed one Keyblade wielder.
The"X" in nobodies names doesnt necessarily refer to nobodies but maybe to only organization members, cuz all of them hav the X in ther names. Namine doesnt hav a X but shes not a member of the organization.

I do think Xion looks strangely lik Aqua. EDIT: sorry mean Kairi

When Xion says in the trailer "how can to people be one person" shes probably stating that how could a nobody be jus half a person Ex, Roxas + Sora = one person.

Jus a thought ... remember from KHII when that hooded looking organization member ran out of the underworld and told sora to run away the 1st time u went there....well its a girls voice...and larxene (who is the only girl from XIII that i can recall) was killed in KH COM. So maybe that was Xion...but who really nos...ive always wondered who it was
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FFking's theory may have been really correct. Thinking that Xion is the one who told Sora to run away the first time you went there. Maybe, one point.

Hmmm, I think If Sora has NOBODY, maybe Kairi too will have NOBODY, and Kairi's NOBODY will be Xion. And that Riku is talking with Xion, maybe they have known each other for a while.

Does Riku have a NOBODY?? Well...let's see.

If Xion's KeyBlade is fake, then Xion may be a KeyBlade Wielder's Nobody. (Uhhh)
Xion looks like Kairi, but different in hair color. In Sora's case, Roxas just looks like Sora but different in hair style. Another point in my mind.

Anyone support me? Or contest my hypothesis? Come on, just no flaming, guys.
Jus a thought ... remember from KHII when that hooded looking organization member ran out of the underworld and told sora to run away the 1st time u went there....well its a girls voice...and larxene (who is the only girl from XIII that i can recall) was killed in KH COM. So maybe that was Xion...but who really nos...ive always wondered who it was

It was Demyx, his voice is kinda high pitched there tho, I admit that.
What I don't get is, if they have no emotions, how come he clearly displayed fear there? My friend says that nobodies still have instincts and it was an instinct of survival but idk...
This will probably get black-barred, but I will tell you that Xion is not a nobody. I don't want to give away much more, you'll figure it out as you get further in the game. Also, that cutscene in KH2 where Sora and Kairi are shown with Roxas and Namine in the background makes me pretty sure that Namine is Kairi's nobody.