Yes or No Game

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Yes...i have them for breakfast every day...of course i fucking haven't!

Have you ever met me? (think about that)
YES! Mwahahahahaha! actually no

have you ever been able to wield a real sword?
I have one...though I wish it could at least act like one :P

Have you beaten Halo on Legendary difficulty??(hard stuff rerally)
if you're reffering to programming(C++ and stuff) then yes.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and say "Hell yeah! I'm as hot as I'll ever be!" ?

PS: Namine...if you do have a dual core on XP....bad...very bad....I have one and I'm regretting it....tons of stuff to download to make it work properly)

EDIT: This whole thig goes for Namine.....dam u'r fast FFGuy....or my Net sucks big time
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