Yes or No Game

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Nope, actually I find them quite entertaining.

have you ever been struck by lightning?
No. (As a little side story, I caught a monarch once... But I had to let it go because it was going to beat itself to death against the glass... Sad... :( )

Have you ever eaten grass?
No, I am the grand master of butterfly slaying :wacky:

@WolfBlack I kinda have, I was force fed it in my first primary school :sad:

Are you scared of the dark?
Yes. But only when nobody else is around. With other people around, I'm normally the brave one.

Do you have questions for me?
Yes. ^^ Especially when I play Fallout, because it hits multiple targets, if I remember right. xP

Do you like Halo? (If you do, you suck :( )
Yes. Though I've never played it, I want to so badly. D:

Ever heard of BioShock?
Yes, they're are mythical creatures, something I'm very fond of.

Do you like flying (like in a plane) ?
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