Yes or No Game

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yes, well did.. I used to play football(soccer), tennis, basketball, did some sailing and some other sports. None atm.

have you had a really perverted dream? be honest :P
no , but i wloud like to get my hands on a penguin. it would be the greatest pet ever

Has the world moved on?
nope it never moves on...or off...just around in circles...tis a wonder we arent always dizzy

can a monkey fly?
Yes, found several and it makes it more special if they're shiny ^^

HAve you ever broek a computer game? Shame on you if you have!
Oh lord no! I wouldnt dream of hurting anything Final Fantasy related, well cept Cyrstal Chronicles!

Have you ever spanked a moneky?
not in the literal sense, all tho i have fed a monkey cheetos

have you ever watched a person having open heart surgery!!! hiya!!! long time no see!

did ya miss me?
Yay, its Aeris! Oh sorry, wrong person, you didnt die by the sword of Sephy did you?

Dont you just love kinder eggs?
Not really, I never win anything based on luck

what's the highest amount of money you've lost?
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