You Should Have Heard of Me

I've always had an issue with what people consider "alternative" but that's a story for another day, I'll try and think of a couple of lesser known ones I know about.

World's End Girlfriend



Tom Waits (Extremely well known, but still pretty alternative)


The Bran Flakes
The Honorary Title. I've never seen anyone talk about them much and they have some really great songs. They are featured on the show "One Tree Hill".
My favourite song by them.

Slower song but still good
Street Sweeper Social Club

They only recently released their debut album. The band consists of Tom Morello and Boots Riley. It took me a little while to get used to them but I really like them now.

Here is a live performance of my favourite track "Promenade":

Their first Music Video "100 Little Curses":

A live cover of the song "Paper Planes" by M.I.A:
I jsut lost my whole fucking POST

So Il keep the talk short and sweet. James. they are pretty darn huge, but no one ever seems to have heard of them, I always get , who's he, it's them THEM

They don't really publicise themselves, like, ever, it's all down to word of mouth really - or if you hear a song on the radio and are like, ooh thats good, who's that.

ANYWAY, here I go again, afew songs, some you may have even heard of! :0

still cant do the you tube tags

Live vids im afraid, cant find out else. I was at this one :grin: theres a minor fuck up about a minute in and they restart

pretty sure this was the same night

Song of WIN

People should know this one

There were vids of this one, but for some reason 'she only comes on top' is changed for she only sings...

Krezip: Originally dutch, sing in english, though alot of people haven't heard about them.. Such a shame...

I love how the crowd was at this PinkPop festival... <3

Making April: Probably my most loved song of a random band I'm not too into... They're good in my opinion...

Heard of these through a friend and their songs are pretty good, this one in particular. I'll have to listen to more of their stuff soon.

Somehow, this reminds me of Evanescence a little. I love songs like this that are really loud and full of noise.

This always sends shivers down my spine whenever it gets played. It's one of those songs where it seems someone's going off to war or something like that.

Aww, this song always get me all the time. Whilst it's only an acoustic ballad, it works really well. The video also shows the emotions of the song.
@ Bambi: I cant do the Youtube tag either :P

The only good thing to come out of my last relationship was being told about this band. They are called Reuben, but sadly they have recently broken up due to other careers :( But here are my fav songs by them :P


They are led by Johnny Yong Bosch, Former Power Ranger, and now the voice actor for Firion in Dissidia and Rush in The Last Remnant, as well as Ichigo in Bleach

Sunday Flower:

Here Comes The End Again:
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The Airborne Toxic Event-Sometime Around Midnight
In my opinion, these guys are like the indie version of Coldplay, somewhat.

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A small Finnish death/thrash metal band who sing in their native tongue. They only have one EP out so far but it's good.

Again, a Finnish band who sing in Finnish, this time doom metal. They're signed to Spinefarm (well, Spikefarm) and just brought out their second album which features vocals from Alexi Laiho from Children of Bodom. They definitely deserve more recognistion.

These guys are already fairly well known amongst the folk-metal community I think, but hell I'm going to post one of their videos anyway. They're a Pagan/folk metal band from Germany.