You'd think with all that technology...


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
In some of the Final Fantasy games, they would have a mobile phone in there somewhere! I think 7 was the only one I can remember where a phone was used in order to change characters around.

But wouldnt it make it easier if a group got seperated, they would have at least 1 damn phone to communicate with the others. Example:

Lightning and co are attacked and seperated by chasing forces.

Lightning: Crap, we're seperated from the others. What should we do?!
Hope: Dont worry, whilst traveling I managed to get Sazh's number. Problem solved!!

Lolz, Im sure their lifes in these games would be easier XD The technology they have in these games does make think :-)
Good point...they have airships which can fly - a LOT of them - blades which can shoot bullets, dresses that put themselves on, and flying schools. A little phone shouldn't be particularly difficult...

That said, in FFXIII
Fang has something similar to a mobile phone in Chapter 7, which she uses to keep in contact with Snow...and shout down his ear when he doesn't call in like he should. XD
They're probably not there for the simple reason of advancing the storyline. If they do end up getting separated, the story would seem too simple and boring if they could just call each other up and get back together ASAP.

If it's not for that reason, it's probably because an earpiece is more appealing than a cell phone. XD Adds some diversity and makes it a bit more interesting when you've got even more advanced ways of communicating.
Well, not a mobile, but some kind of comms device, like an earpiece as you mentioned. I agree it does help advance the story by being not using such technology. But to me it also seems werid to have no form of communication.
It is a good point...but It would probably make the game less intresting.
Say a Final Fantasy 34 was made...and the main characters names where Bob and Sara(that would never happen)...
Bob: Oh no, Sara! Sahagins!
Sara: Don't worry! I'll use my MOBILE PHONE!
*Flips open phone*
Sara:Cid's Airships? We are in dire need of your services!
*Airship drops bombs to the ground*
Yes, I know I have to much imagination.
Bear in mind that mobile phones weren't completely ubiquitous yet when the likes of FFVII and FFVIII were made (and especially not before that). And they'd have looked a little out of place in the games since!

Mind you, do any of these worlds have internet? XD
Haha. No doubt! you would think with all the nifty/ridiculous things they can make/do that a measley cell phone would have been top of the list. Or at least a pager xp
Well, as Advent Children (Yes, I'm going there) showed, it's very possible for all the people in all the FFs to find random sources of energy without going down Earth's history of coal, oil, then nuclear, not to mention all the stuff we're getting started in now.

Therefore, it's fairly easy to conclude that it's entirely possible for the people on these FF planets to never find radio waves, or hardly any of the electromagnetic spectrum for that matter, outside of optical.

I know they mention (I think they do at least) radiation in some of the games, but us Earthlings knew radiation was dangerous long before we knew how to use it, by as much, if I recall my physics class correctly, a few decades.

I doubt the adventure the hero and his/her party go on takes a decade.
I have to admit, its a brilliant point, but I also think because the games are of a fantasy nature they mostly dont bother including real-world technology such as mobile phones for the most part.

Afterall with Advent children, the mobile phone bit was not exactly well recieved by many as it was seen as SE selling there soul for a few more $$ in advertising revenues.

I'm personally glad mobiles as such havent really been massively integrated into the final fantasy games, it would make things ever so slightly duller if they were.
great thought,
but i think the developers intentionally had things like that removed so it doesnt shorten the life span of the story/game itself, and then if it was there, it'd make the game too easy and honestly, kinda boring :P
They would have looked out of place in 10 &12 before that mobiles wernt really as much of a staple ad they are now. And 13? They do have phones. And they use them when they get seperated just like you said
I think mobile phones are good to have in FF games........

But there are some points where you are looking for FF characters and hey why not call them................

Like in the beginning of FFXIII when Lightning and Snow were looking for Serah............why not call her?

Sure this could be shorten the story and such in FF games............

But it is kinda stupid not being able to communicate with a character within an FF world............and as you progress through the story you just happen to come accross them.
I guess there haven't been as many futuristic / modernistic FF games as there have been medieval or steampunk.

In FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF9, FF11 and FF12 a mobile phone would have looked very odd. Some / most of these worlds were very technologically advanced, but not in the same way.

FF7 used mobiles in the movies and spin-offs, and the original game had the PHS party system which was essentially the same thing, using mobiles.

With FF8, I'm not sure. Like others have said mobiles were only just coming out back then, and were big black chunky things I think. They could have used other comms devices but I guess they have to draw a line somewhere, as that could seriously have affected the narrative. I'm pretty sure that the FF8 universe would have had something like that though, since they had cameras which could record live, and had quick ways to relay information to one another. Perhaps the people in the FF8 world just preferred to be more visual, or perhaps the playable characters couldn't afford the technology, or were too young to own such devices (perhaps you had to earn the right to use one).

The people of FF10 could have had such things back before Sin, but afterwards (and with technology largely abandoned) most communication devices would have been left behind with all other technology. It makes sense for this world not to have any devices for easy communication, although the Al Bhed probably would, and perhaps they did when we weren't looking (or maybe they did anyway as I haven't played the game in ages so I'm not sure if anyone had any devices of this kind).

As for FFXIII we see Yaarg using a communications device quite a bit, so we can conclude that they had been invented in this world. The main playable characters perhaps didn't have the time to exchange numbers... Or perhaps they didn't have any devices on their person, which I do believe makes sense. Most of them were
being Purged at the beginning and had their possessions stripped from them, and then they rapidly found themselves at the Fal'Cie being branded as L'Cie. From then on they didn't really have much of a chance to head back home and get their comms (that's assuming that anyone could own one, and not just military as I wouldn't be surprised if Sanctum controlled who could have communications devices of this kind) except for Hope, who had his house attacked soon after entering it anyway, and therefore couldn't grab his communications device
if he owned one.
A cell phone is used in XIII, when Fang and Lightning arrive in Palumpolum. They call Snow, who is with Hope. But that, besides the PHS in VII, is the only time I know of a phone being used.

Oh wait...I just remembered one from Wutai, when doing the Yuffie sidequest, Reno gets a call from HQ while they are at Turtle's Paradise.
In some of the Final Fantasy games, they would have a mobile phone in there somewhere! I think 7 was the only one I can remember where a phone was used in order to change characters around.

Wanna know something you got a point. The only final fantasy that has anything like a mobile phone was final fantasy 7, with all there tech you would think they would have a laptop or a phone on more than one especialy since they have airships and what not
The thing about using mobiles in FFXIII is that like most things they would have been controlled by the Sanctum, and dont forget the fact that our heroes are on the run with very little space to be safe......why use a device that would bring the enemy right to you?

In FFVIII they had the equivalent of the internet, as depicted in the during the Dollet SeeD they had massive interference from the Sorceress Adel satellite so ythat would have disrupted any and all comm devices.
Stop trying to push logic onto video game stories. Don't you know doing that kind of thing can give you cancer or something? o.o

Seriously though the whole mobile things for communication story-wise would be too convenient, way too convenient. That and back in the 90s and such mobile phones weren't that popular in real life so they wouldn't have been used in a video game anyways. So that's why the older games in the series that had the more advanced worlds wouldn't have had such a thing.