Your closest calls


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
You know when your fighting an enemy and your chances of winning are pretty much hopeless. But then by some miracle you somehow win the battle?
So, what would be the closest calls you've ever had?

One time when I was playing VIII, I was in Ultimacia's castle. I brought my characters down some steps and unfortunantly ran into a malboro. I tried to make my characters run away but it immediately casted bad breath. After a little bit, Irvine was KO'ed, Rinoa was petrified, and Squall had a few seconds before he too was petrified. I was pretty pissed off because it had been almost two hours since I last saved and I really didn't want to do everything again. But just as Squall was at one second left, Gilgamesh came out and killed the malboro. I had never been so relieved while playing a video game ever.

Another time I was playing IX. Zidane, Steiner, and Garnet were all KO'ed and Vivi had almost no mp left. I was also out of ethers at the time. I kept trying to revive Garnet but the damn monster would hit her everytime I revived her and KO her again. Vivi suddenly had less than 100Hp so out of frusteration I had him attack. He did less than 100 damage but the thing died. It was quite amusing.
Hm, I've had some close encounters like that...

Ah, yes. On FFX; facing Dark Ixion, that was fun. It had lasted 5 aeon overdrives, one didn't even take off damage. I was back to my party of, Yuna, Auron and Tidus (Strongest characters, currently) so, since an aeon did an overdrive, got killed, Ixion had another 2 shots so he attacked Yuna and Tidus, taking off... well, damage that could of killed them 3 times over. Auron was left standing, I had a split decision... revive Yuna and get another overdrive in, or, get Auron to attack for luck.
This was a killer decision, if this screwed up... I would lose the game.
I thought, well, "Here goes nothing" and had Auron attack, he took off a smashing amount of HP and well, Ixion... dead. ^__^

Twas a very close call, too. I'm sure Ixion would of booked Auron in for an overdrive, if the my Aeon-overdrive idea didn't work.
Marlboros always ALWAYS oblitherate me.
I'll be right in the middle of a really important quest, about 45 minutes away from the last save point, and I'll get demolished by one. =[

FFX had some BAD marlboros! o_O
I have had a nasty run in with a marlboro that left me literally on 30hp per character, was a relief to beat it!
The closest call I've ever had was this one on FF4. I'll give you the situation.

OK, I was playing FF4 for the first time. I had to fight The wind feind, Valvalis. Immediantly, the PS1 became a genius. she attacked Kain at the right time, every time, and he died quickly. Next, Cid fell like a rock. I tried to revive Kain, but Valvalis killed him every time. She then moved to Cecil, and showed him who was boss. I only had Two characters left, Rosa and Yang. It seemed all hope was lost.
However, One last stroke of brillance. I had yang use my last 'Life' item, and commanded Rosa to heal a fallen Kain. Yang did his thing, and then he was hit once, and was KOed. With Kain revived, Rosa healed him to buy some time.
I then had Kain Jump the entire time, and had rosa use cure magic. it looked good, untill Rosa ran out of MP. once again, I thought I was a Goner. I had one last option since I had no Potions or Ethers. I had Rosa Pray. seriously. it worked, and valvalis killed her with one last attack. Kain Jumped and ended it. I won that, but Kain only had 84 Hp left. 3 Seconds later, I got owned by a small group of Ice Beasts. I felt pissed, and didn't pick the game back up for the rest of the day. but I got over it.
The closest call I ever had was in the original FF... coming out of the Marsh cave crown in hand with my entire team but one wiped out and no saving or curing items... and the single character only have HP in the teens... those squid headed monsters were indeed monsters...
My closest call was during ff12 while fighting plyraster and had him down to about 1/3 or 1/4 of his health. I was about level 65 or so and he started attacking so fast and killed my entire main party so i bring in my reservs who are all at level 20. Fran and penelo are killed in the first few seconds so i bring dead vaan in and use ashe to revive vaan and while getting ready to cast it pylraster attacks and ashe miraculosly blocks!. Then Ashe revives Basch and blocks another attack!! take her out vaan revives Balthier and I end up winning the fight after another 10 minutes of play or so. I thought it was unbelievable that I had ended up winning that!!
Last night I was playing III. Two of my characters were dead and I was out of phoenix downs. My warrior was then killed and my black mage was low on HP. So I cast a level one spell since that was all the MP I had left and luckily that was enough to kill the boss. I was pretty much ready for a game over.

It was even luckier than my characters were revived after battle. :)
I've had some really close calls. Some good, some bad. When I went into the final battle against Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII I was only around lvl 30. First my party were frogs, then they were dead frogs, but Cloud... he stayed strong. He stood alone, almost no HP left, down to his final breathe... used a hero drink, did Omnislash, barely beat him. Ah man, it was a great moment. It was perfect.

Also, I really wanted to say "but they got better" but it didn't fit in the post...

When I was beating Ultimacea I had a similar situation, only without all the glory. Everyone was dead and she'd sucked all my magic. I had nothing. Zell was hitting for like 30 HP every hit... but he widdled her down. She had about 2,000 HP left or something like that. And he just widdled her down. I was so happy to have finally beaten that stupid game.
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Two good ones...
In FF7...I do remember that the battle with the Ultimate weapon was an anxiety attack and a half. I was freaking out because my two strongest casters (Vincent and Tifa) were KO'ed and the only people I had left was Cloud and Barret, and one PD left. So...I ended up reviving Vincent, which probably was the best course because a turn later, he got walloped good enough to break his limit, and Barret reached his soon after. It took about half an hour to kill it. But I reaped the benefits...:)

Another one in FF9...I was forgot what level I was but I decided to take out the Hilda Garde for a spin...So I decided to go and chill around the Lost continent. Bad idea, because as soon as I landed on an isolated island and walked for two seconds, I was attacked by a Grand Dragon. That made me want to rip my hair out! But I ended up beating it after every character in my party had a trance...five times!
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I always have a close call in FFIX when I go up against Gizamaluke (which I just realized is in the Henne mines in FFXII)... but it always comes down to Freya doing her lancer jump attack. The rest of my party is always dead a long long time before.
My most recent close call took place this afternoon. I was fighting AtmaWeapon on FF6 and for once i decided not to use the vanish/doom trick. That turned out to be a stupid idea. Locke, Edgar and Shadow had been KO'd, and Mog was on his last legs. I couldn't revive anyone because Mog was using one of his dances, but Mog managed to take out the bugger just in time. I'd forgotten to use the second save point on the floating continent so you can imagine how relived i was.
I'd say for me it was on FFVII. I was against the twin-headed thing in the glacier, and both Cloud and Barret were KO'ed and Tifa had barely any health or MP left at all. I knew that revivng someone wouldn't do anything, so I just decided to attack. Amazingly I beat the bugger :lol: I was so relieved
The closest call I ever had was in the original FF... coming out of the Marsh cave crown in hand with my entire team but one wiped out and no saving or curing items... and the single character only have HP in the teens... those squid headed monsters were indeed monsters...
:D Happened to me to, but for a stupid reason. I ended up training around in Marsh Cave, lookin' for overlooked items, etc, for an hour or so and thought I did a fair job. I went outside with my HP down to the last hair, then suddenly remember I had to make the treck back to the nearest town. Barely made it. Taught me to get at least a few Potions and such. :P

Also had a bad close call where I lost by one hit in FFXII. I was Hunting a Nidhogg in the Lhusu Mines and got it down so I coulda killed it in one or two hits, but all of a sudden it killed Basch, and then killed Fran, then Vaan who was trying to cure Basch. Y.Y Died right when I thought I had it.
Marlboro, my team was Tidus, Yuna and Auron, the Marlboro used bad breath, confusing Tidus, Tidus had haste on him as i casted it before, and him being my second strongest character it would be quite bad... he attacked and killed Yuna in 1 hit(lol), then he attacked Auron leaving him with about 300hp left, then i could luckily use Auron to remove Tidus' status ailments and kill the Marlboro after ressing Yuna with a Phoenix down...
was really close cause if Tidus killed Auron too he might even have attack himself(which is actually possible, i think)

game was FFX, ofc
One of my closest FF calls happened last night when playin FF12, my party was fighting the rocktoise mark, I went in there, immediately did a quickening chain with Vaan, Fran, and Basch. Ended up with about 5 chains. It took about 3/4 of the rocktoise HP, but then it went nuts, jumped on Fran's head (quickly switched out for Balthier). I then did another quickening with Balthier, but it only lasted for one. So then all my characters had close to no MP, and the rocktoise started spinning around, causing 300+ damage to everyone close enough. I switched to Vaan as the leader, ran away, recharged his magic while the rocktoise concentrated on Basch and Balthier, they died, and just as it went to headbutt me, ( I was on about 30HP at this point, stupid skeletons) Vaan did his Red Spiral, and somehow cast it 8 times in a row, which in turn cause the Cataclysm. Needless to say, the rocktoise went down like a bag of.... rocks. And that was that.
my closet call was on ff9 i was fighting beatrix for the first time, and i was very low level she was owning me badly and i only had one hp. she did her final attack and it's an attack that takes you down to one hp, but i did not know that so i thought i was dead, i was so happy when it did not kill me :D
mines gurd :P you know that giant gurdian thing? the one on top of gagazet on FFX? yeah well i was fighting that andi didnt know i was gonna fight it, id benn training in gagazet right, and forgot to save, so all my characters had like 500-1000hp not really enough so icast reflect on tidus with yuna coz i had no idea wtf was going to happen, but i slipped on the controller and the whole match the bidg stupid thing kept casting curaga on itself, very nice, thank you mister giant monster^_^
My fave 1 is from XII i was in a big battle and enemies were coming out of nowhere. my resevre party had them down to 1 left. he casted dark and my two frontline fighters died. Then balthier shot him in the chest for a critical hit oh yea!!
new closest call, it's rather umm... embarrassing to say this considering the strength of my characters :P
Braska's Final Aeon
Yuna: 9999 HP, 970MP - Weapon: Nirvana, Armor - HP +10%, MP +5%, Auto-Phoenix, HP +30%
Tidus: 78XXHP, 320MP - Weapon: Caladbolg, Amor: HP +20%, Stone Ward(don't ask, small mistake), Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Potion
Auron: 97XXHP, 213MP: Weapon: Piercing, Sensor, +3% Strength(never bothered with Celestial), Armor: +5% HP, Auto-Phoenix, +30% HP

after a bit of "playing" with Jecht, he pwned Yuna with petrification, making her die instantly,Jecht changed into second form(after killing him), then i used Lulu in place of Auron(XP reasons) got pwned instantly, Tidus on his own, killed first form, got low on HP(3k), i ressed Lulu and put Haste on her(2 turns, in hope of getting Auron back), Jecht "swipes" his sword, Lulu dies instantly Tidus 1k HP, used hi-potion on lulu(auto phoenix ressed her), jecht used "jecht beam" causing a whopping 405dmg on Tidus(lol), healed up and wtfpwned Jecht xD
though the "pwning" did take a while, even after i managed to get Auron back instead of Lulu, but i guess it took a whole cause i lost my only decent ranged attacked(Yuna)

but well, it was quite close, considering he could've swiped and killed Tidus when he was left with 1k hp

i killed Omega Weapon 5 minutes before that without any trouble, and this guy gave me so much trouble making it almost like i should be shot instantly