Your Favorite Final Fantasy Character?

Coudn't decide so here it goes:

1.Cecil (Dark Knight)
7.Cecil (Paladin)

FYI: Filo is from FF XII Revenant Wings. I chose her cause of her unique fighting style.
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Argh! Its a tie between Yuffie, Aerith and Cloud! I can't pick but I guess I have to so I'd have to say my personal favorite would be Yuffie Kisaragi, I love her; she's so cocky arrogant and selfish in a selfless kinda way xD She is so quirky and original; I love her! But I have to say while she looked gorgeous in DoC I hate how they made her...ditzy. I mean she was never like that in FFVII, she just hated studying and stuff, but she wasn't ditzy >.>
:hmmm: My absolute favourite character is probably Zidane. I love his bright and humorous attitude. It is a lot different to most of the main Final Fantasy Characters. I find him refreshing and unique.

He has a lot of depth to him though, he isn't all happy-go-lucky without a care in the world. He is protective of his friends and he does have his own problems, he just doesn't want to burden anyone else with them. That's what I like most :) Plus he's cute and has a monkey tail!!

Freya Crescent

She's a truly strong woman, both physically and mentally. She's devoted to the man that she loves, and even after learning that he had suffered from amnesia, she still chose at the end to remain with him, even though she was still bothered that he couldn't remember their past.

She's also able to roll with the punches and deliver them right back, as seen when Zidane rags on her at the bar in Lindblum before the Festival of the Hunt. And while she refuses to forgive Beatrix, she recognized the general's strength and tasked her to protect Garnet.

In the game, her Jump can mean the difference between life and death when you come across party-wiping attacks, keeping her safe long enough to bring back a party member when she descends. Her Dragon Crest, along with Zidane's Thievery, is among one of the most deadly low-cost specials in the game. And considering how many players often use the Limit Glove/Eat or Lv. 5 Death spell Quina learns, it's an easy way to crank up DC's power while level-grinding on Grand Dragons.
The brotherly duo of Basch and Gabranth tops my list of favorite characters (which used to held solely by Laguna Loire until very recently)

Basch and Gabranth are well done characters in a game that desperately needed them. Their different perspectives make for a fascinating outlook on how two people with ultimately good intentions can have radically different outcomes. If I were to write in complete detail about it then it would come up to thousands of words maybe so I'll spare you guys the pain and just say they're the freshest breath of air since FFIX.

Honorable Mentions-
1. Laguna Loire
2. Zack Fair
3. Ffamran "Balthier" mied Bunansa
4. Squall Leonhart
5. Zidane Tribal
6. Jecht
7. Cecil Harvey
8. Kain Highwind
9 Snow Villiers
10. Sazh Katzroy
Kuja. Hands down. He's evil, and he's amazingly beautiful. His attacks are also bloody brilliant. (albeit hard to control).
I also love Vaan, Lightning, Ritz (Tactics Advance), and Tifa. (At least in Duodecim. I'm not a huge fan in actual FFVII) Balthier, and Gabaranth.
HMMMM tough decision this one, since i have played a few and all of them are awesome.
The top would have to be Cloud since VII was my first game, secondly would have to be Vincent just because he rules, Third would be Zidane because he has twin daggers and a tail of all things, just awesome lol. Then it would have to be Nanaki/Red XIII, just an awesome character.

TBH i could go on alll day cos they area all awesome.
My favorite FF character of allllll time has to be Rinoa, and I know everyone is going to jump and tell me how childish and whiney she is, but I already know. And its part of why I love her. She has her sweet side, her compassionate side, her kiddy side, and her... human side. She's flawed, not perfect. But, in that way, I find that so many people can relate to her. Rinoa has always been my favorite, but I guess FFVIII is my favorite game, and her being one of the heros just makes me love her more <3

Honorable Mentions
mine would be the dark knight / paladin
Cecil - Simply because he was the first character that i use in my final fantasy days ... and also i love the job changing aspect .

I definitely agree as Cecil being a favorite!
there only one character for me and you can all guess who it is :grin:


now that you's have failed at guessing.. or not, mine is yuna because she had a way in life that i find really kool... she goes on this quest to defect sin... she
about to die because of the final sending
but yet she still really happy and takes it on with a grain of salt... also she even falls in love with someone even when she knows what gonna happens..

also in Dissidia when she finds out that there no way to defects the manikins... she does the same thing...just continues to be happy and takes it with a grain of salt.. that why Yuna is my top FF Character XD
I've only played IX so far since I'm basically new to the series. I guess I'll list my favorites just from that game.
  1. Tie between Freya and Vivi
  2. Zidane
  3. Tie between Steiner and Garnet (Dagger)
  4. Kuja
  5. Amarant
  6. Eiko
  7. Quina (dear God, I him/her/it)
Freya is beautiful with that red outfit, and has a deep theme behind her with "Despair - To be forgotten is worse than death." She's one woman I'de hate to fight, but love to have as an ally and friend. Very loyal to friends, and very faithful to Fratley. Such a shame though what happened to his memories. I feel bad for both, despite renewing their relationship in the end. Anyway...

Vivi is like one of the coolest little dudes, and I really felt sad for him too. "Sorrow - How do you prove that you exist...? Maybe we don't exist..." He maybe small, but packs quite a punch. I kinda want kneel down and give him a high five or a fist bump. I can tell he's a very good and loyal friend too.
My favorite character would have to be squall. The main reason is because i like how squall has a huge personality change after meetin Rinoa. I also have to say that I just love the gunblade. It's ability is second only to Cloud's Buster Sword.
Vanille, Yuna, Tidus, Cloud, Squall, Lightning :D

MOD EDIT: SkanDizzle this would be considered a spammy post in a post count section. Maybe you can elaborate a bit on why these characters are your favorite?
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Well obviously I'm the best Final Fantasy Character ever.... :grin:

But seriously now...
Cecil FFIV was a great character, having a dark side, and trying to clear it, and yet even after he does, everything dark happens to him.

Zidane FFIX Amazingly fun character, goofy, flirty, yet all things start to go to hell, and yet he still remains himself...
Yuna for her determination and optimism in the face of
death and adveristy.

Stevie Wonder said:
she goes on this quest to defect sin... she about to die because of the final sending but yet she still really happy and takes it on with a grain of salt... also she even falls in love with someone even when she knows what gonna happens..

Exactly! :)

I'm also very fond ot Vincent, for a reason I can't even identify, Auron, because he's mysterious, and Steiner (he's hilarious)!
I've only played IX so far since I'm basically new to the series. I guess I'll list my favorites just from that game.
  1. Tie between Freya and Vivi
  2. Zidane
  3. Tie between Steiner and Garnet (Dagger)
  4. Kuja
  5. Amarant
  6. Eiko
  7. Quina (dear God, I him/her/it)

Well, had playing one game kinda limits your choice haha.

But for memory (I probably need to consider more) I liked Zidane (fun-loving and I loved his weapons), Lulu (cranky - such funny interactions between Wakka and her), Lightening (Style wise, but her personality was so-so), Cloud (again style wise) and Refia (Oh no- not toads!)
Hmmm theirs alot of characters to think about and so many of are just so great since I alot of them really have made an impact on me.

1) Oerba Yun Fang - My all Time Favorite without question, I finally found a character thats exactly like me xD

2) Yuffie Kisaragi

3) Leon

4) Paine

5) Rikku

6) Lulu

7) Lighting

everyone from this point arent any order like the ones above ^ ^

8) Ramza (with pig tails and at age 20)

9) Agrias Oaks

10) Tifa

11) Oerba Dia Vanille

12) Sazh

13) Melidoul Tingel

14) Sephiroth

15) Penello

16) Ashe

17) Rosso The Crimson

18) Kadaj

19) Aerith

20) Tidus

21) Cloud

22) Lede

23) Celia

24) Terra

25) Zidane

26) Garnet

27) Setzer Gabani

28) Seifer

29) Fuujin

30) Selphie

31) Cissnei

32) Lady Yunalessca

33) Emma

34) Commander Lucil

35) Seymour Guado

36) Gippal

37) Baralai

38) Leblanc

thats about it.