Your favorite weapon from a Final Fantasy game?


Apr 8, 2011
There have been many different weapons in the Final Fantasy series. All of them unique in their own little ways. If you could choose one as your favorite, what would it be?For me, it would have to be Gunblade. It had a very unique look to it and it also had a very powerful model of it near the end of the game. LIONHEART! I would definitely have to say that weapon rocks! It did some serious damage, especially during limit break. It could do up to 9999 each hit. I also liked Yuna's staff, it wasn't very original but it still was nice. It wasn't just an ugly stick from the woods, Laughing It was a very beautiful staff.Cloud's Buster sword was very large and awesome looking. It was also quite powerful and looked very heavy to carry lol.What about you? What was your favorite weapon from the series so far?
I always liked Cloud's sword, Ragnarok. I think it is the coolest looking one he has. A huge Black Blade with a large gold handle. Ever since I saw that weapon when I first played VII, I always thought it was the coolest.

A runner up would be the Claw weapons. I always found them amusing. Especially the Cat Claws. Thinking of someone strapping on the claws of a cat and attacking people with them always makes me giggle.
Well, Squall's Lionheart gets a definite mention for being a blue lightsaber. Can't go wrong with one of those.

That said, my overall favourite weapon is the Chicken Knife, particularly the FFV incarnation. The more you run, the stronger you get. As someone who prefers to stand and fight for grinding than to flee every battle I'm thrown into, though, I didn't get the chance to use it much. Still, its the most interesting weapon to me. xD, Gilgamesh uses it with added sound effects in Dissidia :rofl:
My favorite weapon yet was Hope's Boomerangs :rofl:

Yeah, RIGHT. Who the fuck uses a boomerang for a weapon. My real favorite weapon is the Brotherhood sword that Wakka gives to Tidus in FFX.

It's the most unique looking weapon, and it's the only one that really looks different from any other sword.

Also, if you put break damage limit on it, it becomes Excalibur :awesome:
My Favorite Weapon in ALLLL Of FF is..

The Gunblade!

The gunblade is the most amazing sword evar!

Reasons? These!!

1.Unlike those other swords that can only cut,this weapon can cut get stuck inside and blow a hole in the oppenent from the trigger!

2.again if the other swords get stuck tough luck but the Gunblade can use the explosion from the bullet to get free in a instant

3.It's Exteremly Difficult to weild unlike other swords you can just pick up this one takes a ton of time and effort to use effectively can be Easily modified to a new more powerful form ((Such as Lionheart))

5.The Design is one of a kind no weapon in any game holds a candle!((Lighnings thing isent the same >=o))

could keep goin but im done 8D
I think my answer is going to be quite similar to many other peoples... but..
Cloud's Ultima Weapon was mad sick!
Squall's Lionheart was awesome!
Steiner's Excalibur II was ridiculous!

Basically, any weapon that does ridiculous amounts of damage and looks very, very cool will become my favorite weapon !
I'm in love with both Lightning's gunblade and Tidus's brotherhood sword.

Lightning's gunblade is beautifully designed, and I would love the chance to learn how to wield it. (If only it were real...) It's such a graceful looking weapon, and convenient too. Run out of bullets, time to slash some shit up.

And Tidus's brotherhood... it's beautiful as well. So many feelings behind it too. It is unique looking. Possibly the most in the entire series, because of it's color, and light weight.
Lightning's weapon might be able to actually be made and it might be a good weapon for military use in the real world xD would be alot more effective than a bayonet

the only problem I saw was how the Weapon changed forms I dont think a Real gun could do that and not break or if it did work wouldent be able to hold too much ammo
Vanille's fishing rod. I can open a can of whoop whoop on an adamantoise and then go and fish out some dinner from the nearby lake :awesome:

/not rlly :monster:

My favorite so far is Stella's rapier. Its so elegant and ladylike and I don't think I've seen a girl Final Fantasy character fight with a rapier yet so I like that. I don't know its properties yet or if it even has any but I already like it. I like magic users but I've always been preferential to swords...just not really big overdone ones...
Squall's gunblade and Tidus's sword.


Mod Edit: As this is a post count enabled section, I will need to ask you to please put in a bit more effort into this post, helpfully with some reasons. Of course, whole essays aren't expected, but you get the idea. xD Short one-liners in sections like this are often seen as spam, so just bear this in mind. =]
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Squall's Gunblade is an obvious answer; pretty much all of the ones he uses are really cool.

Also, one or two of Tidus' weapons are pretty cool. The ones with deathtouch/deathstrike, I believe those sorts of weapons are called a Danse Macabre or something like that, they look fantastic. The little black streak they leave in the air as they swish is a nice touch too.
Tidus Caladbolg is absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL !!!!!!!!!!

not only does it look good, but it's added abilities of Break Damage Limit, triple Overdrive, Evade and counter, and magic counter are so useful.

Break Damage limit makes it possible to 1 hit KO alot of the Enemies throughout the game, Triple Overdrive's added fun of unleashing Blitz ace repeatedly in Combat with bosses. Evade and counter, Physical attacks become useless against Tidus and he hits back after each failed attempt, and magic counter is just an awesome addition as you counter magic as well as physical Damage.

I LOVE CALADBOLG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always liked the Blood Sword.
Other than that, bells and books are pretty cool. From what I understand, you use damaging, magical sound waves and uh...damaging words, respectively. You know what, put instruments there, too. And the handbags and rugs from Final Fantasy Tactics.
I don't pay attention to FF weapons in general. They are either starting to get generic (the Gunblades) or just plain ridiculous (a fishing rod, really?). However, FF Type-0 has been a surprising entry with what Machina has for a weapon:


It's supposed to be a rapier, but I have no idea what kind of rapier Nomura was looking at when he was presumably designing this. I just dub it a Spiral Saber because that's what it is. It's a Drillblade the way I see it and I don't care how little we know of the characters of Type-0 - I love that sword. :mokken: