Your Favourite Character And Why?

I liked Eiko and Vivi. Eiko just strikes me as funny, with the moogle friends and cooking and then her desire to win Zidane, even though you know it's pretty much hopeless, while Vivi has such a dramatic story (sometimes I wonder why he wasn't the main character).
I have to go with Vivi. In fact, Vivi is probably my favorite character in the entire series. He starts out so weak and vulnerable, but he grows so much throughout the game. I really felt a connection with him as he came to grips with what he was. As far as using him in the game, gotta love the Black Mage with his awesomely powerful spells. ;) He is just a well done character overall.
~Look at me posting on an older thread I feel so naughty har har~ But I like Freya the most
im torn between steiner and vivi.

steiner is such a moron, then he turns out to be great, plus hes a hardy bastard. anyone who doesnt like vivi is basically a cunt. there arent any characters that i hate because im not a hateful person.

excellent game!

now you :toni:
My favorite character was Blank. He was really awesome and strong in the beginning of the game. But if you are talking your party members, definitely Quina Quan. He fights with a giant fork, come on how is that not awesome. ;)
Vivi! Because he's pwnage on massive scales. He totally kicks arse throughout the whole game battle wise. In story he goes from being shy and goes on to be strong and sure of who he is. He even wants to save his whole race eventually.

Vivi is my favorite video game character ever! :)
No question its Vivi. He has the best story, is the most interesting looking.... He is the damn black mage!
I loved all of the characters in FF IX and its a tough call for me. It's between ViVi and Beatrix, but in the end I have to go with Beatrix. I seriously would cry tears of joy if they did a remake of IX and she was a playable character after the events in Alexandria on Disk 3. She is an absolute badass and I love everything about this woman. Once she truly discovers what going on I really felt for her.
Beatrix is one bad bitch and I absolutely love this character <3

To me, the best character in my opinion was the star of the whole thing, Zidane. He's such a kind, strong friend to everyone he meets. He often does the impossible when all odds are against him. In my opinion, he's probably the best Final Fantasy character to date. He's cheerful compared to the depressing main characters we all care for from VII and VIII, and isn't as much of an idiot as Tidus or Vahn was. He was smart, he was helpful, and he was strong. He did what he had to to protect Vivi, Garnet, and many of his other friends. He even saved Kuja despite everything his own brother did to him.

And when Zidane went through that depression down in Terra, finding out he was a Genome and that he was meant to destroy the world, I felt for him. I honestly felt the pain in Zidane when he found that all out. It was the most dramatic scene of all, too. The song "You're not alone!" made it even more intense, and that's one of the main reasons I love him as a character. He helped everyone in the past, and when he was in his weakest state of mind, they were there for him by his side. They brought him back to his senses to finish the fight against Kuja and Garland.
I feel like my favourite character in FFIX should be Zidane. He's clever, he's cheerful, he's got a good sense of humour, he's strong emotionally and physically, he's supportive of his friends, he was merciful, he was no nonsense. He was also a stark contrast to Squall and Cloud, which I felt was due, after the serious natures of Cloud and Squall, the two sourpusses. And Zidane was big enough, when his big revelation down on Terra came to pass, to accept help from his friends. Which is something not all of us can do. I myself learnt that lesson slowly and I feel like Zidane was a part of why I was eventually able to.

Vivi is my favourite. He's a Black Mage, he's as short by comparison to almost all his friends as I am to mine and he's powerful beyond measure. Also, he wears cool clothes. He is an entire generation's idea of what a Black Mage looks like. And he manages to muddle himself through the mother all identity crises. I can't imagine how I'd deal with the concept of doubting my own existence. Sure, we don't know what we a species were created for, but we can decide for ourselves. And Vivi comes to this conclusion for himself. Also, whether you used Vivi's gift to Steiner very often or not (I did), Vivi gave Steiner the power of magic swords. And whatever you thought of Steiner, that's pretty cool in my book.
My favorite would have to be Freya hands down. Outside of the whole searching for her lost love stuff, I was able to find myself to relate to her the most personality wise, Zidane being a close second. She has my favorite warrior class being a lancer, and her attacks are pretty powerful and unique in their own way. I also enjoyed the character concept for her. I thought it was interesting how she was a mouse and yet she was a knight. While she is mature she does have a sense of humor. Most importantly I guess I like her so much simply because she had always bailed my party out when they were close to being killed. Plus my weapon of choice is a staff/lance/spear Freya FTW!
ViVi. The shy little mage kid really flourished throughout the story as he comes to grips with his own mortality. A tool of destruction with a kind heart. The only offensive mage your group has for large portions of the game so, almost invaluable in terms of battles; he never left my party. He was always there to bring a lighthearted optimistic view on things, even in his own darkest hours; he overcomes it all and perseveres. Zidane is overrated :mokken:

Vivi is certainly my favorite character. I think this shyness was a way to portray modesty of a sort because, as we know, Vivi could easily be one of the strongest characters available to you in the game.

His struggle is very endearing and you grow sympathetic for him as well. I find myself filled with emotion when I think about his story. I mean his quote, "How do you prove we exist...? Maybe we don't exist..." gives me goosebumps! To see such a kind-hearted and innocent individual struggle like Vivi did I just wanted to cheer him on even more! Then you see him make friends, grow stronger in all aspects and finally stand up and not be afraid to speak his really touched my heart. In my opinion, Vivi has the biggest life journey, through his struggles and triumphs, than any other character. One of the reasons I feel this way too is because on an actual real life human level, it is easier to relate to him as opposed to any other character.

And lastly Vivi is like a cute kid with his small mistakes, shyness and etc. I love it! haha
My favorite character is Zidane :drag:

He's a very charming, warm, sincere, genuine, funny, smart, uplifting, inspiring. He is such a well developed character. He's everything that I'd consider to be perfect. LOL i know that sounds hella fangirl, but bare with me. There really--aren't any flaws as him in the character.

Not to mention he's cute.

It HAS to be Blank. Such an awesome, selfless character. He is underrated and should have been a bigger part of the game. I always thought it would be cool if they made a prequel to FF9 that was all about Tantalus and how they all met and joined, etc.
I love everyone, but Freya was my favorite. She was just so cool, calm, collected... and yet still very loving and emotional and quick to stand up for herself and others. She was very protective of everyone else too so she kind of took the mother figure role.
Vivi is the obvious choice I think. The whole cast of FF9 is brilliant and it's the fact that they fit together so well that's the main thing.
But Vivi is great because he's an incredibly well designed child character. Child characters are usually a nightmare. Like Eiko.