Your Favourite Character?

Who do you like?

  • Vaan

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Balthier

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Fran

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Basch

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Ashe

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Penelo

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters

Balthier's Girl

Leading Lady
Dec 6, 2006
In Cognito
So who was your favourite? I vote Balthier... Just like Setzer, I love a "Han Solo" type character. So charming and slick. Mmmm. :lust:
totally balthier hes that cool melo type like vincent or rose dincht. well dincht wasnt melo but u no wat i mean
Larsa or Reddas win for me.

Both have a bit of mystery behind them and are revealed rather uniquely compared to anyone else. I am surprised you only have the main ones up there. =/
I pick Ashe because she is insanely hot.And she swings a mean Ragnarok.And she also helps me up when I get knocked out or poisoned or other status effects:)
Larsa or Reddas win for me.

Both have a bit of mystery behind them and are revealed rather uniquely compared to anyone else. I am surprised you only have the main ones up there. =/

To be honest, I only included the main six because I just started playing and don't really remember the other characters. I mean, I'm bad at remembering who's who. Hell, I've been running around with Vossler as my guest for the last hour and I only JUST figured that out because I decided to look at his name in my menu! :D
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i hate all the ff12 character because they all suck. they all lack characeter developemnet and you never find out much about them. ff12 sucks cock and anyone who likes it should be shot in the fucking face.

Maybe you should be shot in the face for being so inconsiderate..

Favourite character?

Hm, mainly Cid, Ghis and Bergan. Some of my favourites lol.
BOOOO!!! Sorry I didn't add more people to the list. As I said before, still can't remember the names of any of the NPCs. I know, I should really pay attention! ^_^

Anyways, just vote for your favourite of the six if your favourite character isn't listed.
ashe is cool she might be my magician in the future but she wouldnt be my favorite.

You didn't need to change your font... But it's much appreciated.^_^

I have a hard time chossing between Basch, Balthier, Ashe, her cousin Cid or whatever, and Vayne. But I think that only two of them that I listed are on the list to choose from. I'd go with Basch because He's a mysterious person, he doesn't say much, and he has a suprising breadth of knowledge.
I choose Ashe. IMO, I thought she was one of the best lead female characters for FF so far. Strong, Independent & Determined
I usually like to be different and not vote for the most popular character. But I have to go with Balthier anyway, because he is my type of guy. Laid back, Ladies Man, Suave and Smooth. Yep, he is great.
Ashe's cousin isn't called Cid hahaha, she does have an Uncle if that's what you mean. Don't know if she even has a cousin..

Out of the list? Basch. He seems like such a caring and honourable man.
Well..when you think about it, Reks isn't on for a lot is he?
The game aint out over here yet but from what i've seen and stuff i like balthier and why has no-one said Prince Rasler he looks so cool in the opening(yeah i know he dies)
Heh. I always thought Vayne looked like Pete Burns from Dead or Alive.

