Your Final Fantasy Merchandise


I love to read and discuss pretty much anything!
Jul 17, 2006
United Kingdom.
After viewing Randis' rather incredible collection, I thought it would be fun to find out about the various FF collections of our members!

We have a separate threads for the games here, so please just post about figures, plushies, books, jewellery, keyrings etc.

Do you have any stories to tell about these? Where did you get them? ^_^

Did you buy them whilst they were in the shops or find them by chance after they were discontinued?

Is there anything else you would like?


I have a fair few models of FF characters. :hmmm: (Although most of them are mini!)

My oldest is this model of Yuna, which was a gift from my first boyfriend Shaun for the Christmas of 2006. ^_^ I had previously attempted to make a model of Yuna from fimo clay, which was an utter disaster (I still have it and we renamed her Tuna...). Receiving this model was an absolutely fantastic surprise. :) Sadly her summoner's staff is no more. :sad3:

A few months later, I found a model of Ashe (FFXII) in the Virgin Megastore of Paris. My mum made some strange comment about her boobs o_O but I decided to ignore her raised eyebrow and bought her. :lew: My mum really thinks I'm weird for liking anime, manga and Final Fantasy. :hmph: Although Ashe has never been one of my favourite characters, the detail on Ashe's armour is incredible! :gasp:

I also have a collection of the mini figures, which started during a trip to Edinburgh. Forbidden planet had boxes with Squall, Tifa, Auron and Ashe. After a trip to ebay, my friend Nick and I worked on building this collection - he bought me Cloud, Yuna, Rinoa, Rikku and Tidus as gifts! ^_^ I have no idea how I ended up with Balthier and Fran... Methinks they came as part of a package. :hmmm:
This is pretty much the same as my collection, actually, although I don't have Penelo, Vaan or Bashe. I also have these guys from FFIV! :yay:

In summer 2009, my friend Steve bought me a model of Shiva for my birthday! ^_^ One like this. Again, this was an absolutely fantastic surprise!

About a year ago, I discovered a book called The Sky: The Art of FF, which I pre-ordered, only to have the order cancelled. :hmph: I have since bought a collection of Amano's work and received the Distant Worlds artbook from Katrina for Christmas. Both of these can be quite expensive, yet I managed to catch them on amazon for £16 and £4ish respectively! :gasp:

The Sky is back on the amazon market, so hopefully that'll arrive in October!! :cheer:

Last, but by no means least, I have recently acquired two models of Final Fantasy XIII's Serah! The first is from the boxed collection, but I bought her individually from a shop in Brussels. I wasn't TOO fussed about the others so didn't want to spend the extra money, even though the box was better value for money. :hmmm:

Then last night, I received a wonderful amazon gift card from an incredible friend! :yay: I swiftly went to amazon and bought this model of Serah.

Why is the detail on women's clothing so much more interesting? :lew: The clothing of Cloud and Squall is so drab! hence why I haven't bought models of them. :hmmm: Tidus' clothing just looks a bit does Vaan's, but who wants a model of Vaan? :P I wouldn't mind getting Hope one day! :grin:

Has anyone seen a model of Noel anywhere...? :hmmm:

Oh yes! And over the past few months, I have built a small collection of FF soundtracks: Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy Distant Worlds I and II, Final Fantasy VIII Piano Collections and, for my birthday, Final Fantasy XIII-2 Special Edition! If the others weren't £45+ and I knew Nobuo Uematsu was going to benefit from my purchase, I'd buy the others. :hmmm:
I have a chocobo hat and a 'Grand Theft Chocobo' shirt. That's about it XD

.......yeah, I have no money to buy any cool stuff :(
Well.. Getting the idea that online purchase is completely safe in some websites is utterly impossible for my parents so Im stuck with the fact that I can only order smthing when I have the money myself and besides that I need to convince my brother to order the things I want. Right now Im focusing in getting the main series games but as I earn next to 0 it will be lenghty task until university. After I get the games I want, only then will I start to buy merchandise but I suppose that will take a few years to happen :(
I have a Tifa figure that my husband got me a long time ago, and one of Vincent that my brother-in-law gave me for Christmas that same year (2005, I think). Same bro-in-law also gave me a FF8 lighter and watch that doesn't work, but that's alright. xD

Both figures are stashed away somewhere. I'm not really a fan of leaving collectible figures lying around for everyone to see.
Wow, those are some great figurine collection, Judy!

I don't usually collect stuff. But I do have random merchandise such as a moogle plush toy and a dissidia shirt.

I guess I am not the type who has the motivation to start a collection, haha.
I have a Tifa figure that my husband got me a long time ago, and one of Vincent that my brother-in-law gave me for Christmas that same year (2005, I think). Same bro-in-law also gave me a FF8 lighter and watch that doesn't work, but that's alright. xD

A big statue of Vincent? I'm missing him... I'll buy him off of you. :wacky:

I've got a massive figure collection at home, and an Aerith shrine. I'm not huge on collecting that actual games unless it was for playing purposes, but I've always liked collecting statues, action figures, stuffed things.. Then I developed an obsession for a certain pink clad beauty and focused more on her, as well as VII in general.

I'll post pics when I get home on friday. Or maybe not cause I've ordered two massive holy grails that have yet to come in. :megusta:
One hundred, billion dollars.


He's a good figure, isn't he? About.. 8 inches tall, where he's standing on a piece of cement street, holding up his gun? Or are you talking about the posable one?
The FF models look cool.
you have a neat collection going on there!

I am not really collecting them but i am think about getting more.
At least i will get all the bikes first.
I was visiting a guy who has all FF models a while ago and they sure take away space...
As a collector he has to leave them all boxed and unopened and to be honest i can not appreciate their
look as long as they are boxed, boxed toys look silly to me, that is the only reason i am not collecting them (yet)
Got these at the 25th anniversary event today in Japan.
official pamphlet


I am new to the world of final fantasy but let me tell you what.....I love it. I played final fantasy vii for the first time on my ps3 and thought it was pretty much the best game I have ever played! That being said, here I now have been bitten by the bug and want to go out and buy some final fantasy games. I have done my research a little and found that the world of final fantasy is pretty vast and so it will be an ongoing work in progress to collect them all. So like any other collector I headed to the biggest supplier I could find, which was ebay, and seem to have struck a gold mine in regards to someone who has a large collection up for sale right now?!?!?
Heres the URL of his store or whatever:

Please let me know what you think and maybe give me some suggestions as to what games are rated as the best and worst.....I actually have almost every game system except for a NeoGeo and that dumb old virtua boy system lol.....anyways, thanks for the look and advice.....
I have a few action figures -- Tidus, Yuna, Rinoa, Selphie, Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Freya, Vivi, and Quina. I also have little mini figurines of Rinoa and gunner Yuna, and a Bastok keychain.

There's the soundtracks for 4, 9, 10, and 11, too, and strategy guides, but I don't know if any of those actually count.
I said about a month or two I'd get to posting pictures but I got swept up irl and haven't even been at home much actually. Hur it is. Starting with Aerith Shrines, custom statue and Dollfie/plushies, staff, plus other statues that are increasingly difficult to acquire with framed rare promo art.. Play Arts/Other FFVII Fig collection, clusterfuck of XIII/Summons, X/X-2 and VII mech collection.. oddball items from VII, collector international set, VHS and Cloud's phone... shelf of ultimania omega's and collector's soundtrack with Mr Uematsu signature when I went to Distant Worlds.. and as well, a Shinra staff and Jenova's Witness t-shirts.

...ohright, and my uber fantastic Aerith's Music Box.










I love collecting merchandise so of course I have a lot of Final Fantasy merchandise! The most being FFIX of course. ^^


Coca Cola Figures
Red Bottom - Steiner : Zidane : Eiko
Yellow Bottom - Zidane : Garnet : Steiner : Vivi
Red Clear - Zidanex2 : Garnetx2 : Steinerx2 : Vivix2 : Amarant : Eiko : Quina : Freyax2

Heroines Figure

Chrome Figures

Garnet : Zidane


Zidane UFO


Queen Brahne : Quina : Beatrix : Blank : Garnet : Zidane : Moogle


Original Soundtrack with Melodies of Life Sheet music

Final Fantasy Tetra Master Card Game

Dissidia Figures

Final Fantasy Visual Arts Collection
Art of Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX Ultimania
Postcard Book
Official Guide Book
Final Fantasy IX Japanese Art book

Final Fantasy Creatures Small Figures
Black Waltz 1 & 2 Clear Version
Phoenix Metallic Version
Death Guise Color Version
Necron Color Version
Trance Kuja Metallic Version
Black Waltz 3 Metallic Version

Trading Arts
Vivi Metallic Version
Minis - Zidane : Vivi

Vivi Picture Frame

Vivi Resin Figure

Diorama Figures
Vivi & Zidane : Zidane & Garnet : Zidane & Steiner

Bandai Figures
Zidane & Vivi : Garnet & Steiner : Amarant & Eiko : Freya & Quina

Master Creatures
Phoenix : Leviathan

Playarts Figures
Garnet : Zidane : Vivi

Vivi Keychain Charm

Zidane Standee

Coca Cola Figures
Clear Red - Squall : Quistis : Seifer : Laguna : Selphie | Chibis - Seifer : Rinoa : Laguna : Squall | Creatures - Pupu : Chocobo : Cactuar : Moogle
Japanese Guide Book
Rinoa Bandai Figure
Selphia Play Arts
Master Creature Bahamut
Master Creature Diablo
KAI Figure Brothers

Sephiroth KH Figure
Kadaj Figure
Sephiroith Advent Children Figure
Reverse Sephiroth Figure
Coca Cola Figures
Clear Red : Sephiroth Chibix2 : Tifa Chibi : Aeris Chibi : Cloud Chibi : Aeris : Tifa : Vincent
Mini Trading Arts - Sephiroth : Yuffie
Advent Children Display Box
Master Creature Ifrit
KAI Figure Bahamut SIN

Capture Guide
3 Different indept books about the Characters,Worlds and Towns, and Items
Display of FFVI for Gameboy Advance
Carddass Cards
Keychains - Kefkax2 : Gau : Cyan : Gogo : Umaro : Mogx2 : Locke : Relm : Strago : Edgar
Celes Cold Cast Opera Scene
Master Creature Kefka Palazzo
KAI Figure Terra and the Magitek Armor

Yunalesca Figure
Coca Cola
Clear Red - Yuna : Kamari : Rikku : Seymour : Lulu : Wakka : Tidus : Auron | Chibis- Rikku : Yuna : Kamari : Auron : Tidus : Seymour : Lulu : Wakka
Master Creature Magus Sisters
KAI Figure Valfore

Master Creature Mateus the Corrupt
KAI Figure Zelera the Death Seraph

Post Card

And I think that's about it. I'd post pictures but my laptop won't accept my camera for some reason. :( Here's my videos on youtube though if you want to see what everything looks like
Final Fantasy IX Part 1 and 2

Final Fantasy Collection
Me Gustith That collection is incredible, and I see that you have a piece there which actually led me to this thread in the first place - the Aerith music box. Recently, I accidentally stumbled across that amazing item on the internet. Didn't even know they existed. I looked into a bit and it looks like 1000 were made, and only the best sounding 100 were kept, and sold. They were then numbered, and number 000 is somewhere within Square Enix.

Just check out the ridiculous price this one is going for; and I mean ridiculous.
Thanks. The music box is my more recent acquisition and probably my most proud. I first stumbled upon it back in 2005 when I was new to ebay.. they were about.. 500 bucks then. Me being so young, I could have never afforded it then. But I never knew of it's rarity either. The story of the music box and it's numbers go few and far between... Only about 100 of them exist, when there were supposed to be 1000.. Some people say not even 1000 as there's only 3 digits on the plaques, so maybe it was 777 (because of lucky 7's in the game). But nobody knows.

But there's definitely less than 100 'official' pieces. The company that produced them in 2002, Digicube, got the license to release them, but shortly went bankrupt part way through the run.. so the run was never actually complete. A bundle of the movements actually sat in Sankyo untouched... until 2010.

2010 an ebay seller started selling the movements in knock off boxes.. The boxes were near identical, same exterier, red interior, with the addition of a small side compartment. He claimed he had access to them... and the way he managed to sell about 5 within a two month span (for about 700-900$ respectively), he obviously spoke the truth.

About in 2011 when it got to be too hard to find an original (I was jobless during the 2012 stint and couldn't buy one) I tried to maybe check around if it could be done to make one. Not at all simply. Movements that complex cost thousands to make, especially in quantity, and you still have to acquire the license for it too.

Recently, that same seller started shooting off a couple again. That's where I got mine, because I knew he was legit (and I had a lengthy talk with him then and recently when I bought it.. the movements just sat in the company in a box and weren't doing anything, so he decided to sell them, albeit, illegally). He's still selling them in far different boxes to avoid being spotted by SE (because before he received a cease and desist letter from them) and now they're going for about 3000$ +... mine was about half that, but still not cheap. But when I can get a custom plaque and order the old original box off a Sankyo website, I've as good as got an original, just without a number.
I only have next to all the Playstation (1,2, and 3) games, new and factory-sealed. I posted them in the game post you linked to so I won't list them here, since you specifically mentioned this wasn't for games. I do want to get into collecting other FF swag, but it is hard to convince my wife why I should be buying "toys" instead of things for the baby and our needs. I can get away with video games a little bit.