Your First FFVII?

Your First FFVII?

  • FFVII - The Game

    Votes: 163 85.3%
  • Advent Children

    Votes: 18 9.4%
  • Dirge Of Cerberus

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Kingdom Hearts

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • Other - specify please

    Votes: 2 1.0%

  • Total voters
A buddy of mine recommended that I play it seeing as I had already played FFVIII several times as well as IX and loved them both. So, he let me borrow his copy and I’m sorry to say, I found the game to be seriously over-rated, and this was well before AC as well as all of the spin-offs/side-story’s. Don’t get me wrong, it a great game with a great story, but I never really saw all of the fan base hype that surrounded it.
Played FFVII. I've played it after I played FFVIII. After playing FFVIII I was like: "WOW! I want to play the other Final Fantasy games!" For a while I actually rented FFVII, I got as far as disk three. Finally my dad decided to buy it for me.
i first saw it at a blockbusters, and i knew my cousin had it and he had only good things to say, so i rented it, beat it in two days, and went out to get my own copy ^_^
i can be a bit of a speed player when i want to be ^_^
i acually unlocked tofu mode on RE2 and returned it early from a rental >_>
I got to watch AC first before I got the game, yeah it was so late before I played the game, it was like sold out for many years, I got my copy of FF7 pc version last 2005, I was so happy cause it was still year 2002 when I really wanted to play this game...

I found the game in a bazzar and lucky me I found it....
I played the game first, it was a long time ago, maybe 7-8 years ago, an awesome experience.
I just ended up liking Final Fantasy generally and bought every 3D title. I later bought the old school ones. I don't want to pretend to be a die hard fan though. I just love the incredible stories, and getting involved in them. I enjoy playing the games a lot, but I've completed none. I've only known Final Fantasy for about 2 years, and I only came to know it 'cause I was looking for a new game and someone recommended it. :lol: I've since bought so many of the games, I've not had the time to complete any. See, at roughly the same time, we got the 'net. I spent most of my time on here finding out about Final Fantasy and making VIII/X/X-2 music videos...or game/anime sigs...
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I don't know about any of you, but I played my first Final Fantasy game back in the late 80's, and during the early 90's since my Uncle lived in Japan during this time, he sent me the imported FF games that never game across to the US over here so that I could play it. All I can say is...I've been a FF gamer for along time now, and VII I still regard is as the best, and I got to play this game 2 weeks before it was even released, I knew the head manager at a Toys R Us personally and he sold it to me before it was released.

It was great, because I had a huge headstart before everybody I knew, hahahaha.
I think I actually played kingdom hearts first but that wasn't the reason i got into FFVII. I thought Cloud was cool but i didn't know which final fantasy he was from.(same with Squall). I had beaten all the games i owned at one point and i loved playing long games and RPG's so i wanted a to buy another one. And one of my friends used to tell me that FFVII was one of his favorite games when we were younger. So I went to the store asked this guy if they had Final Fantasy 7. He went into the back and got it. I remember when i first saw the cover, it immediately peaked my interest and i wanted to play it on the spot. He tried to sell me chrono trigger instead but i kept saying no, i wanted FFVII. It's been my favorite game and i've been hooked ever since then.
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I got into Final Fantasy because of Mystic Quest. But the FF7 game was the one out of the polling options that made me want to get the sequels and prequels and other spin-offs of FF7.

Ahhh Mystic Quest... beat that in 4 hrs of continuous play, aquired most of items...

As for Final Fantasy 7, I played the game first but I was there from the beginning... from the first final fantasy... ah those were the days, trying to find a place to land the airship to get to Leifen for the bell/chime
I first played Final Fantasy VII the original for playstation. I found it at a yard sale a few years ago with a playstation and some other Final Fantasy games (FF VIII and Anthology) and some other RPG's all for $5. This was the first time i had ever owned anything Final Fantasy or RPG. My cousin had almost all the Final Fantasys but i never really payed attention when i went to his house. As soon as i got home i started playing Final Fantasy VII. I loved it. And now i have gotten into Final Fantasy a lot more and even more RPG's by Square. Final Fantasy VII is a must-have as it is probably the best (alongside IX)
My first FF was VIII, then IX and then X..only because i could not find VII anywhere! I had watched my mate play through 8 and decided to get it myself, then got the rest of the series. So for me it was the actual game, i found AC very dissapointing..and i am not going near DoC.

Kev ~
Well, I got into FF with X, but I had always heard how great FFVII was but I could never find it. I bought FFVIII, then FFX/-2 but still kept looking for FFVII, i wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I saw AC first, I now own the game, very proud but because i only saw AC because I had heard about FFVII...I guess you could say both. never palyed it? I have played it so much that iv gone thru 5 copies of the game. First saw an aunties bf playing it when it was first released, he handed me the crol pad while he went to the loo or whatever and iv never looked back since!!!!!!

you REALLY need to invest in a copy. Get your rear end on ebay or summat....dont go buying one of those platinum versions tho......
Plateniums are good, they come with FF VIII demos :p not that its needed these days

For me it was the game, and always will be the game. FF VII is FF VII, nuff said.
I moved when I was about 12 to a new state, and my brother borrowed FFVII from a friend. I then fell in love with FF for the rest of my life. Beautiful story right?
I played FFVII 2 years after its release. It was instantly my favorite RPG(though Crono Trigger is a close second), I've played through it at least once a year since then.

I was stoked when I heard about the compilation, it really paid to have been a fan of the original before AC or anything else came out, as the compilation seemed like a Christmas present to us.
Well i was always a big ff fan since the snes games but i only ever got to play ff7 in my friends house because at the time i didnt have a playstation. I would go everyday after school to play it and we would take shots each..and it took a very long time to beat. We both thought it was the best game to roll onto the face of the earth...until ff8 of course:D