Your First FFVII?

Your First FFVII?

  • FFVII - The Game

    Votes: 163 85.3%
  • Advent Children

    Votes: 18 9.4%
  • Dirge Of Cerberus

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Kingdom Hearts

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • Other - specify please

    Votes: 2 1.0%

  • Total voters
I played the original back when it came out. I never imagined there would be a bunch of spin-offs!

I'm so stoked my first FF was 7 :D
The original Final Fantasy VII game. When it came out, I was already a huge fan of the series, and I bought a Playstation solely due to Final Fantasy VII. I still play and love the game to this day :)
Indeed, I think one of the trailers used to sell the PS1 in 1997 over here was actually the FMV where the SHinra launch the rocket in FF7
For me it was definetly playing the original game. I watched my uncle play it when he lived next door to us. And he asked me if I wanted to try it out and I took the controller and ever since then, I've loved playing FF games.
he he what a nice story :)
I recently showed a friend of mine who has only ever played FFX FFVII. And now they love it too!
I still remember, it was my first FF game, in my cousin's house, and it was in Japanese! it must be when it just come out, since my much older cousin's save file was only up to meeting aerith.

anyway, bombing mission, and i fell in love with the graphics...i must have been just about 8-9 yrs old, it was like the awesomest game i ever played then, and what got me badgering my dad for a PS1.

ah, the memories....and i well and truly beat the game in 6 months: since my friends were playing too, and we couldn't figure out how to kill emerald weapon. walkthoughs were rare back then....i had no internet back then lol
I first got into the Final Fantasy VII Compilation with the original game, Final Fantasy VII.

Though I have the movie Advent Children and have seen it multiple times, great movie.

I also rented Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus some, eventually got through it, never bought it though, it was alright, to me, it just seemed to lack enough depth in the way of a good storyline.

And on August 26th, I'm going to be getting Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, even though my favourite Final Fantasy character isn't in it, it still looks to be a blast to play, and can't wait to get my hands on it.
Final Fantasy VII is my first Final Fantasy game I've played that I had got for X-Mas! I was confused at first what to do because it wasn't really the type of RPG game that I normally played... 'Till then I've been a huge fan ever since!
well ffviii made me a ff series player cause thats the first one i played. when i beat it i got vii and got hooked lol.
i'd love a remake... honestly ;_; i haven't played DoC though. i have mixed feelings about it because people tell me it sucks some tell me its great and its a shooter, i suck at shooters!!! but i'll play it...eventually ^^;
Its funny, the first one I played was the original (it was also my first Final Fantasy) But the first I beat was Crisis Core. I don't know, it was something about the name, Final Fantasy, it just caught my eye. It has that mystical feeling to epic feeling.
I watched the movie at first.In fact I watched at least 30 times because I had liked a lot.That's when I decided to borrow FF7(game) from a friend.Come to think of it she had told me about ff7 8 years ago.The name Tifa just sounded like I had heard it before and then I remembered Cloud too.
I played the original game which got me attached to the series after that I watched Advent Children followed by last order, after that I played DoC
I got into it by buying the first game!
I liked how Reno had a laid back personality, thats why i like him the most :)
Well I found out about ffvii by playing kh and I was like "Wow Cloud seems pretty cool I think I'll try playing the game his from" then I asked my brother if I can borrow his ffvii for the pc and he said sure.And well thats how I got into the 7 series and the final fantasy series.Im glad though I played 7 it changed my life.
The original game, my first introduction to Final Fantasy was IX, which I still love, but VII is my favourite I think. Was a bit disappointed that they chose to milk it, but I'm pleased with Crisis Core.:)
I can't remember if it was FFVII: DoC or Advent Children, so I chose Advent Children.

I didn't know a lot about FFVII before I saw it but I think I knew enough as to not be confused by the story, which I find compelling. I'm playing through FFVII itself for the first time now and thus far... I'm somewhat surprised. I don't know how long I'll be able to play before the urge to play MGS3 takes over but I'm liking it so far. We'll just have to wait and see...