Your first FFVII?


Black Mage
Apr 19, 2007
When you played FFVII for the first time what were your thoughts? Did you wreck your first try by using the same party throughout the game because you didn't know you could change it? Did you get through the game and realise there was so much more you could've done?

Now, I was only 10 so naturally, I bought the game because it was 3D and looked amazing (at the time) The problem was, because I was 10, I got frustrated when I couldn't get past Nimbelheim so I used a cheat cartridge :sad: There was a cheat that gave me something like 100 000 EXP points at the end of each battle, so I gained about 13 levels per battle. The rest of the game was annoyingly easy and kinda ruined my first try of FFVII.

If I could go back in time I'd slap that little 10 year old version of me arund the face with that stupid cheat cartridge!

Don't do cheats kids. Cheats are bad.
One thing I regret from my first time playing is training Aeris. I never cheated, well the only thing I did use 'help' for, was the numbers for that safe to unlock Vincent but other than that it was pretty much straight forward for me.
^same, but without training Aeris. I never used her, even before I knew she died. I just never liked her.... I got pissed my first time because my sister saved over my file right before the sephiroth battle...
That would've pushed me over the edge lol I never used Aeries either, but I never really regretted that...
I remember my playthrough of FFVII fairly well even though it was a few years back. I evened it up though when it came to using party members. I stuck with a main party of Cloud, Barret, and Red XIII, but I also gave a lot of attention to Cid and Tifa earlier on.

I try to get everything I can on the first run of the game since it's so rare for me to go back through a game a second time. I'm trying to complete the older games in the series first before I go back and replay one's I've already beaten.
I remember it quite well. My earliest recollection of it though, is after the highway chase over Midgar. I was just like =O for quite some time after I was fully immersed in the story.

My friend told me not to train Aeris though. Didn't tell me why, but I pretty much established the reason. Not that I'm complaining... wouldn't have used her anyway. My main party normally consisted of Cloud, Barret, and Red XIII for the beginning of the game, whereas later on, it would be Cloud, Vincent/Barret, and Yuffie.

Ranged characters FTW! I've mentioned I disliked Cloud in the game elsewhere, so the only reason I have him in my party for the majority of the game is for his Limit Breaks. Gotta love 'em.
Well i can remember my first go at ff7... i first played final fantasy around 3 years ago ( i played x ) ... i knew about final fantasy along time ago and i remember 7 but i have to admit i thought the game was crap... so i played kingdom hearts 1 and it got me in the mood to at least try it.. so i did and i admit this i gave it back to my friend and said it sucked.... now i did the right thing and got it back again n actually played it and it was the funniest thing i ever did lol .... now most people would like it if they played past midgar but some cnt stand the graphics but hey i played pokemon right?
I regret not getting a strategy guide, and thinking I can beat the game without any help. I've missed so much materia my first time, and I'm lucky I got vincent and yuffie though it took me a long time. It's just so much easier when you have something to help you with the game instead of trying to figure out everything on your own.
I regret not getting a strategy guide, and thinking I can beat the game without any help. I've missed so much materia my first time, and I'm lucky I got vincent and yuffie though it took me a long time. It's just so much easier when you have something to help you with the game instead of trying to figure out everything on your own.

I find using a guide kills the game because it takes away the fun out of exploring areas and trying to solve things on your own and when you complete the game you can't really say "I" clocked this game when you used a guide from start to end. Thats why when I play a game for the first time I don't use any hints or tips and on my second time playing I go for 100% using guides and all.
I remember that I would play bits and pieces of it at a time and would have to ask people what I was supposed to do next. XD And I had someone help me with some of the bosses. I think I always used Cloud, Aeris, and Red XIII. Then right after I was supposed to get Vincent, someone told me that I didn't get him or Yuffie, I didn't even know you could at the time... So they got me Vincent and then we went back to the first continent to get Yuffie.XD

I liked the game, but I didn't become a fan of it till years later.
I was only 12 when I played the game, and was very new to RPG. In fact, it was my first RPG. I didn't know what to do, but I got the hang of it eventually. On my first play through, I missed A LOT. I was towards the end of the game, fighting Sephiroth and couldn't beat him. I also didn't have Vincent...I didn't know you could have him in your party. =/

So I decided to start over. This time, I was more careful and patient. It took me more than 3 months to defeat the game. I was mainly leveling up...and I got Vincent too! ^_^ I got everthing out of the game, even the whole chocobo breeding...except defeating Emerald!

I'm playing FFVII again and I swear that I will beat him this time...
It seems like everyone misses things to start with, I know I did. I don't regret not using the strategy guide though, it would've ruined the whole experience.
Hmmmmmmm I got FFVII for myself (meaning not for use by my brother) when I was 11 or so...

I did terrible because I didn't understand the concept of leveling up. lol.
Final Fantasy VII was my very first r.p.g., so I sucked majorly at it. I was borrowing from my cousin as well so I didn't have the manual. I got stuck on really, REALLY basic stuff; like not being able to find the boss in Junon because i didn't spot the exit at the bottom of the screen....took me ages to figure that the Select button did something.....still, meant I was strong enough to beat him from being over-levelled! But I didn't pay much attention to the side-effects of Materia or anything, I remember having Barret equipped with about 5 Summon Materia and a couple of Magic going into one of the battles with Ultima. Yeah, that's probably why I found VII hard when i originally played it.:rolleyes:
No matter what RPG I play I always try to use each party member equally. That way you never miss a special or ability a character might have. Its a bit boring sticking with the same characters all the time.
FFVII was my first RPG as well if I remember correctly. I was 8 when I bought it and took me forever just to finish the dam first disk. 'cause I didn't know that you needed a chocobo to get past the Zolom (I skip past long narratives...)

I missed so much stuff too, but mostly because I didn't bother working to get all the other stuff like bonus materia or getting the gold chocobo. But meh, just finishing the game was superb...
i thought it was good graphics were not the greatest but i learned to ignore it over all it was good
I was 8.
I loved the game and somehow got earth 3 by the time i was fighting my first midgar zolm cuz somehow i trained A LOT and i got to aeirs death and a little futher and somehow my version i got cid in junion (how i dont know but i did and then my uncle came in and turned it off and i kicked him really hard and he let me play and i didnt have cid anymore :( )