Your first FFVII?

Hey, all.

I tell of a tale of when I was playing Final Fantasy VII. Frankly, that was a powerful time for me when I was getting my first taste of RPGs. I didn't have a care for any of the characters. I was an amateur looking for time to kill. I didn't even tear when Aerith was killed! (Yes, we ALL had reckless moments when we were children.)

The point is, I was there and that started my legendariness in RPG gaming.

-Signed, MasterX.
First time, I played it through without cheats. Second time, I used both 2 strat guides, a "game champion", and a "game shark".
First time I played FFVII?
I was a little kid. I must have been like 11 years old or something. That was what...8 years ago? I saw my brother play it a lot and I always asked if I could play but he was a jerk about it. So I got my dad to get me my own copy. XD

I did a piss poor job the first time through of was my first RPG and my first FF ever.
But now it's a classic and my favorite. ^__^
Well the first time I played FF7, I was about 8 years old. I had borrowed it off a m8. I didnt get very far(Just got onto wall market lol) and I didnt really know what to do. fair play I was only 8.....
5 years later I borrowed it off him again(same copy) along with an old and tatty hints book(which included the numbers to get vincent in the shin ra mansion, what to say to yuffie and stuff like that) and I completed it in about 3 months (started again a few times)
I have to say that it was the game that got me into final fantasy as it is the first one I played and (appart form XII) is my favourite game:D
I was not dissappointed at all when I got my copy of Final Fantasy VII. I thought the graphics were awesome, I thought the gameplay was awesome. I even liked the hours upon hours of sidequests, and chocobo breeding. I liked it so much that I bought an extra copies for a coupla my friends so they could own it as well. It wasn't until after I beat it that I went out and got the strategy guide. I didn't realize that I had missed so much stuff the first time around. Excellent game and #2 on my list of Final Fantasies.
First time I played Final Fantasy VII was actually only sometime last year. When I first bought it, I'd just finished playing FFVIII and loved it, so I was expecting great things from VII too. At first, I really didn't know what to think. For a long time I considered it inferior to VIII, but after the flashbacks on disc 2, when the whole story slotted into place in my mind and it all made sense, I liked it a lot more.

I missed so much stuff on my first time round. Barret's best weapon was the main thing. Second playthrough I managed to get most of the stuff I missed though xD