Your individual voices


Jan 30, 2007
Everyone has their own voice. I don't literally mean your vocal identity though. Every person has their own personality and their own corresponding style.

How does your voice and your style of speech correspond with your personality?

Do you think with the same voice that you speak with?

Do you change your style of speech or your attitude around different people?

I'll answer for myself in a while. I just want someone else to reply first. ;]
Everyone has their own voice. I don't literally mean your vocal identity though. Every person has their own personality and their own corresponding style.

How does your voice and your style of speech correspond with your personality?

Do you think with the same voice that you speak with?

Do you change your style of speech or your attitude around different people?

I'll answer for myself in a while. I just want someone else to reply first. ;]

Many people say that My brother and I both have the same mannerism's and way of talking. I am extremely laid back. I like to think before I make a decesion on what I say or do. I speak with an intelligent mind. I joke around a bit and you may say I'm not thinking, but trust me, I think long and hard about what I say.

It's kind of tough to answer your thread, as I'm having a hard time fully understanding(It's not you Nephany :O) I just can't think of how to answer the thread fully. Give me another hour to think about it. ;)

But Yes, I do speak the way that my personallity corresponds with, doesn't everybody? That's what makes you "you".
My personality doesn't correspond with my mannerisms; and my inner voice and my style of speech are completely the opposite.

The way that I'm talking right now would be about as close as it gets to the way I think things through in my head. I don't have "slang" thoughts unless I'm daydreaming about something. So my inner voice is rather cultivated.

My style of speech is spontaneous. I don't always think things through before I say them, so what I say is typically an unrefined, unrevised, and unedited version of my thoughts.

My physical voice would sound something along the lines of:

"Get the fuckkkkk kidding"
My vocal response to something of interest.

"No mames...":
My typical response to frustration. Not quite pissed off enough to yell, so I quietly curse to myself in Spanish; a language that I honestly don't truely comprehend.

"No, YOU'RE hot!" or "You're FACE is an idiot":
My typical reply to statements such as "You're hot, or, you're an idiot.

"Loooooove youuuuu"
My #1 most repetitive line of speech.

I don't act differently around various people, but my mannerisms change from person to person. Around my dad, I'm pretty quiet; I'm not shy, but I speak in a low tone of voice.
Around my boyfriend, I go out of my way to avoid cursing, using profanities, or speaking in an uncivilized manner. So typically I just keep my mouth shut and nod my head because really, I've got nothing to say except for profanities. :]
Hmm...I honestly don't know. I know the way I type online varies from situation to situation. Nowadays this is the regular way of typing for me... There's various reasons for that, but let's settle on the fact I don't find the internet as fun as I used to anymore. That said, certain people do make me smile/happy, and as such, I'm more perky and cheerful around them. When something's bugging me, it's usually visible...I've tried a million times to hide what I'm feeling or thinking, but it always shines through.

Offline...I think my voice changes to fit my mood. When I'm relaxed or gloomy, I tend to have a calm, low voice. When I'm happy or cheerful, it gets higher in tone. When I'm angry, it might even scare people.

As for the "voice" I use when thinking, that too depends on what I'm thinking of. I think I have a pleasant reading "voice", but if I'm, say, thinking about something negative, I tend to be more gloomy as well....

I'm probably not making any sense, but that's fine with me...
You mean...back when the internet was new to you and u tlak leik dis? Much wuv. ^__^

I don't talk on the internet the way I used to; I guess what you said is true. It isn't as fun anymore as when I first got accustomed to it.

You know whenever you listen to yourself talk? Sometimes I think I sound like a smoker when I hear myself speaking, but...I probably sound like a 12 year old boy more or less. Haha. XD
what i say is usaully a brag but its a habbit (like everything else i say or do). i always misprononce things i want to say on accident.

so my real voice is way diffrent from my "inner" voices!!!!

on sub-subject= i am actually doing an expermint on something like this.(i am 15 years old and i am doing psychology experiments,i am a nerd or i am very bored who cares)
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It's like I have two personalities... seriously. When I'm around my friends(and just my friends) I just kind of say whatever's on my mind. When I'm in a croud of people, I try too keep it low key and not talk much. This is probably because I'm quite shy. When I'm with my parents, it's just like I'm with my friends but I try not to swear.
I speak the same way i type/think. So...just try to "hear" my typing and you've got it down. And thank god i dont have a southern accent. I've had multiple people from out of state tell me i dont sound at all like i come from TN.

And my mannerisms often resemble those of Jack Sparrow <.<
The way I speak tends to change depending on how I feel in a day. The way I speak is more proper than my looks would let on but its just cos of the way my mum brought me up, bless her. No matter who i'm talking to I speak my mind and sometimes I'm just freaking weird with what I come out with.