your luckiest fight?


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 20, 2008
mine has to be on disk two in my no junction game, fighting that huge robot after escaping the prison. both of my characters were killed and just rinoa was left. she hits an invinsible moon and continues to smack with angelo cannons and an angelo rush, she died arount 8 times and every time she was healed with angelo reverse and i eventually killed it. Remember this was without any junctionsand a hell of alot of luck.
That huge spider robot that chases you after the SeeD exam on the first disk on your way back to the beach. I figured aww what the heck, I'll fight it. Squall was down to about 50 HP the last time you fight it, and I had like a minute left to get to the beach.
with omega weapon and characters no to 100 % and diferent stats, it was a " bersek" battle that i use cause i was so angry with him that the only thing that i want was cut his head off.
first all my members die, then fenix! yahoo! then all my members die... angelo ! then rinoa was alone and use the resurrection hability (or a phoenix down, i dont remember) then omega kill her, and then kill him.
what a bastard but, what lucky moment , was like " oh... OHH...ohh.OHHH"
Must of been the first time I encounterd a Malbrough, My party really wasn't setup for the battle, and just as I waited for it to use 'Bad Breath' and wipe out my party, the skies darkened and Odin came to my rescue.
Battle against Omega Weapon was my luckest fight being as I was able to pull off Selphie's The End to well... end the battle even it was the cheapest move in the game to do it. =)
Fighting all of the guardians in Ultimecia's castle without taking a lick of damage, and then Omega, though he wasn't done unscathed, all in a single run.

And using nothing but Renzokuken, Armaggedon fist, and Angelo's invincibility limit.

All three characters were in the single digits for HP.

I wasn't in any desperate need of healing items or spells, I just wanted to do it. I still consider it damn lucky.

I also had hilarious Gilgy luck during the battles. No less than five summons, all but one was Zansetsuken. Utterly useless, but still appreciated.
Probably the fight with Adel, I'm not even sure how I beat her. I had attempted her like 4 times before hand and I not sure if I did anything significantly different when I beat her. So I'd probably say it was a complete fluke and I got very lucky indeed.
I STILL remember my first playthrough of FFVIII and how I beat the final boss.

Squall's the last one left, and then he gets KOed, but before I know it the summon Phenoix comes out of no where, revives him, and at the same time attacks Ultimecia, defeating her there and then xD
Please try to avoid one liners and say WHY you were lucky in a particular fight guys, also Raikyo this is a discussion for FFVIII not XII ;)
the luckiest fight i ever had in FFVIII was on the Island Closest to Heaven against a pair of Chimera. The fight started and Selphie was half dead, and Squall was the only other one in the party that was alive.

I was down to just Squall, and i won with Lionheart. it boosted Squall up a few levels from 46-48. so i healed the other two, got the remaining Chimera almost dead and just let Squall win. did that over and over until my entire party was on 99.

but that first one was my luckiest battle, in the means that i won the battle, and hadnt saved since entering the last disk.
There were plenty of times, but what first comes to mind is the most recent...

1) I was on the Research Center side quest! I returned after beating Bahamut and was in for a long descent into the underbelly of the station!...fortunately the mighty king of Valhalla, Odin, made it a lot easier! When I got to the level with the Behemoths and killed the 1st one Odin came crashing in and killed the next 2 Behemoths and 3 Ruby Dragons in the next level! 5 Zantestukens in a row!!! I also got 2 Energy Crystals per each successful decapatation by Odin!!! I had to kill a pair of Iron Giants on the next level, but then Odin jumped in again and killed off the next 2 pairs!!! I have to thank the 2xLuck J 50% with Cactuar and Tonnberry (...I think)!

2) In search the Cactuar GF, I was fighting Jumbo Cactuar and he never used 10.000 needles on me! Only the stomp and Ker Plunk!
The last battle of the game had to be the luckiest for me. I mean with Ultemacia (sp?) transforming 3 times into 4 different forms, and when one character dies, they are expelled from the game for the battle, it makes it hard to keep your most important characters in their at the same time throughout the game.

I do have to say that this was one of the most challenging fights in the game simply due to how long you had to keep your characters alive or else you had to do everything all over again.
The last battle of the game had to be the luckiest for me. I mean with Ultemacia (sp?) transforming 3 times into 4 different forms, and when one character dies, they are expelled from the game for the battle, it makes it hard to keep your most important characters in their at the same time throughout the game.

I do have to say that this was one of the most challenging fights in the game simply due to how long you had to keep your characters alive or else you had to do everything all over again.
Really?! I found it pretty simple when I found out the attack patterns...
BTW the chars don't immediately get xpelled when they die! U have a chance 2 ress them! Thats why I use Alex's power with my healer!
I remember I was fighting Enoyle in Esthar City, I forgot to heal my party member, they were in very low HP, but suddenly I ran into him, and I haven't save the game, I was like "Oh No! I'm dead this time", then suddenly my party faded, I was like "Yay! Odin saved me!"

Another lucky battle was I fought Ultima Weapon, many lucky battles with this guy. First, Squall and Zell were dead and left Rinoa with low HP, then Ultima Weapon shoot Rinoa with light pillar, I was like "stupid Ultima Weapon", but my game didn't show game over, intead, Angelo come out and revived Rinoa, and Wishing Star came, finally finished him off. Another time is I played on pc, I have Phoenix Pinion, but I seldom use it, 'cos it's pretty useless when you have Revive ability, so I fought Ultima Weapon, and he killed my party members, I was thinking it's game over, but suddenly the Phoenix came out and revived my party and healed Ultima Weapon, and luckily Squall had a chance of Lionheart, so I can finish him off, that was pretty lucky!
Odin saves your bacon quite a few times! Is it just have a high luck stat that will help you summon him more? but when i was trying to get doomtrain and fighting loads of marlboro's everytime the skies went dark I breathed i sigh of relief.

Also I think i've had a few lucky escapes with Squall on low hp but manging to nail a Lionheart to kill ultima weapon. The first time i got down to him i didn't save at the secret save point, error! I died and had to go all the way down again!