your luckiest fight?

I'm too familiar w/ that situation. I'm always near-dead w/ only Squall whenever I try to go easy on a Boss/tough enemy and decide to leave it to Lionheart. My mercy always leaves me regretting it at the end, but there's no way I'd lose because I actually DO pull off Lionheart.

But, there was a specific fight; When Greiever used Shockwave Pulse, that left Zell to fight, who conveniently had Recover and Full Life. Squall was the obvious choice, so I revived and used him to Lionheart while I had used the other two to heal and support. The last few turns, Squall was half-dead, Zell used Recover, Irvine used Triple Aura, and then I won.
King Tonberry.
I fought him not knowing that I had to rotate my characters so the grudge don't kill. well in the long run i got lucky and Irvine landed on 1 hp and was hasted. I quickly slowed everyone but him, and caused a barrage of ballistic fury. I had already meltdowned the tonberry so fast ammo was dealing 9999.
The final bosses (ultimecia and griever). Well it has been years ago and don't quite remember how it went, but i do know I was extatic when the final boss finally went down xD. And I think the phoenix helped my ass out when I died.
I cannot remember if it was a weapon or Bahumut, but I THINK it was what ever I fought at the bottom of the sea facility, Squall starts the battle out with Lionheart and kills it in one swoop, that was damn nice
I cannot remember if it was a weapon or Bahumut, but I THINK it was what ever I fought at the bottom of the sea facility, Squall starts the battle out with Lionheart and kills it in one swoop, that was damn nice

Ultima I think

That is exactly what happened to me...well...kinda

My 3 guys, Quistis, Rinoa, Squall had fought away......pathetically and were on their last legs. HP yellow for al 3, I was thinking, next attack - whatever the hell it is, is gunna kill me. I was frantically trying to heal, and the limits I was getting with Squall just weren't going my way, I can say the same about Rinoa...didnt get invincible moon once.

Then, just as Id given up, selected squalls limit hoping for a miracle (xD) I got Lionheart, I was like WOO, that should take a chunk off the fucker, now I just have to hope the girls get in on time with heals or it was all in vain.....anyway, I needent of worried, it killed him off and I was like yeeeeah Im gooooood (Well, ntrly, but I could at least pretend)
The last boss. I got lucky and ended up with my main three fairly quickly, and whenever Ultimecia destroyed magic, it was never magic I had junctioned! I had lots of Aura spells and Squall got Lionheart quite a few times. Bye bye Ultimecia!

For a few minutes I thought I was done for, and then Rinoa got Invincible Moon =D I was very happy. Griever is a bitch to fight D=
Ack, gotta say the last battle. I kinda got stuck in that situation where all the characters were around... level 30 at highest (Rinoa and Selphie were under level 20 XD), no one had their ultimate weapons and not very many limits. Couldn't level up either 'cause all the monsters I could get to on the world map were too high and blasted me away with one hit. Finally gave up trying and made it up to Ultimecia. I dunno how many times I fought her, but this one time everything just kinda stopped. I freaked out. XD Took me a good few minutes to figure out I'd actually beaten her. Think I had to keep asking my roommate if I really had. But that's probably my luckiest battle that I can recall.
My fight against omega using Squall, Rinoa and Irvine.

I began it not knowing what he could do, and not knowing how much health he had. All i did was Triple aura then i used the item that puts invincible on everyone and limited my way through most of the battle until invincible wore off. Then he used his 'big' attack dealing about 15,000+ to all except Squall who had 3 health left. After reapplying Invincible and Aura, it took another 5 Lionhearts to completely kill him.

To win this battle you definitely need luck, or invincibility.
fighting bahamut.......was like 10 when i played the game first time, my characters were really horrible.....and anyway, the party died...and phoenix came to rescue......3 times....., so yeah, i pretty much did a hit or two, died, hit or two, died...etc....till bahamut gave up ^^
Hmmm tookk me a while to think of one but i remember being on the island closer to hell id just got into a fight with a ruby dragon after beating him my helath was crippled i think only squall was still standing. I decided to make my way back to the ragnarok which was literall only a few steps away. Well after my first step i got into a battle against a t-rexaur -__- now i hadent saved in ages at this point, i had collected so much magic and aqquired many rare cards, death now wouldve have meant ffVIII being turned off permanently.
Well the luckiest thing happened....Odin. :)
The Bahamut sequence, where you have to fight two consecutive Ruby Dragons before the Dragon King. I was over lv.70 so there was a very real threat that the Rubys might use breath on me; I ended up getting Odin on both of those dragons and thus only had to fight Bahamut. I have heard rumors that this is scripted -- any truth to this. In any event, I felt lucky

Definitely when I was fighting Ultimecia. I got my main party of Squall, Quistis, and Zell and after I cast Aura on Squall, I kept getting Lion heart and before I knew it, Ultimecia was dead...
Well I wouldn't call it my luckiest but I was quite lucky somwhat, my last playthrough not too long ago I went to fight Omega, i'd not really prepared the best I could but I fancied a shot anyway xD
Anyhoo, I survive quite a while (note I didn't use any invincible tricks before you start xD) and then he constantly spammed Light Pillar and Megiddo Flame, it was quite lucky I had refined the Bahamut card and had a quite big collection of Megalixers, also Irvine had Alexander's Revive ability which is an awesome revivication ability, so, I eventually got back and out of my healing loop and managed to kill him =D
I enjoyed it:gasp:
The luckiest fight that I had was with Ultimecia. When I got to her last form the only character I had left was Squall with 1hp. I would use recover to bring my health back up, then she would drain it back to 1, I use my limit break, she takes some of my magic, and then repeat the whole process over until I beat her.
Mine was on my first play through of the game. I was at Adel, and I couldn't beat her. I didn't have any good weapons on my characters, and my party was just no where near being prepared for her. Plus you had to keep Rinoa alive,and with my party the way it was there was no beating her without leveling up. But I got lucky. When the battle started for the 2nd time or so,she hit Selphie and knocked her down to low Hp. I did her Slots and cast "Do over" around 4 times and The End shows up. So of course I use it. I started panicing during it,wondering if it would also kill Rinoa and cause a game over for me. But it didn't and I won. Luckiest battle I have ever had on FF8.

I've had The End to come up on my recent playthrough while fighting Ultimecia,but I didn't really need it. My party was very prepared for that battle,but I used it just to show my husband what it looked like.
Hmmm, fighting Diablos. Since i didn't fight him right away, it was extremely hard!!! I didn't have any healing magic at the time and he pwned Squall and Zell, Rinoa was left and Rinoa got Angelo Cannon, and Thank God, it killed him,
my luckiest fight was probably against omega weapon. it was because in the fight, i used aura on rinoa and she was able to constantly use invincible moon so i pretty much had invicibility the whole fight and was able to beat omega weapon pretty easily
my latest lucky fight was fighting those things that Edea gets to attack Rinoa, and I had doom or something on both Squall and Irvine, and it was down to one, and then I killed them with Irvine's shot
First time I fought Ultima Weapon, I was doing alright. Got him down to critical HP for sure when he started spamming Light Pillar. Ran out of Full-lifes with my caster and wasn't smart enough to bring Lifes or have the Item command equipped. It was just Rinoa left with about 500 HP. Limit break....BAM! Invincible Moon, used it again, BAM, wishing star. 3 Wishing Stars in a row, and right when Invincible Moon wore off, I used it again. Rinoa solo'd the rest of the battle.
In the beginning of the game where you can fight those T-rex things. I was a low level and Squall had like 30 hp left ad I finally killed it.