Your Most Hilarious Death


Jun 6, 2006
For me, it was when I fought 2 Marbolos, I had Vaan, Basch and Fran. Fran was using Chaos Mace (confuse strike), the 2 monsters casted Breath on me, Vaan and Fran got confuse so I tried casting Esunaga but then Fran hit me. The next thing I knew I was sitting there laughing watching my characters hitting themselves like dumbass morons. It was freakin' hilarious, well to me. :lol:
Dont really think my characters have died a hilarious death tbh. I just remember that Elder Wyrm destroy me with sporefall or whatever it was called. Only other one is where most of my party decided to stop and fight Ba'gamman in the Lhusu Mines. I was left with just Fran to run away with...
Mine still has to be going down to the sewers on level 10 or somthing. I thought yeah I was just here now I'm leveled up I'm bad ass!! First thing that walks up to me was a big frog. He slaps me once resulting in death!! I then tried to run to the next screen only to get pounded by some more toads. Turned around to escape with my reserve players as a marlbro and toad finish me off.. I was shocked but then laughed:P
Lol Yea, I didn't really die in this game that much. I remember once in the beginning I was running around the Giza plains. I was able to kick the hell out of almost anyone and I could just barely take those huge flapping bird things. So I figure I can take on the warewolf creatures. Yea, my entire party wiped out. Talk about wrecking my ego boost.

I have seen that confusing thing though with my characters. haha That's hilarious.
There was this one time when i was hunting the Antlion in the mines at bhujerba(however you spell it), but it was too strong for me at the time. It killed a couple of my party members while I was fighting it, then i decided to run away. I thought that i would be able to escape, but it caught up to me and killed everyone except for Fran. I was freaking out the whole time because the thing was being so freakin' relentless. I don't know why Fran was the only one who survived.
unfortunatly i dont think i got any hilarious deaths i di die many times but it was not funny
Last night. Only using my main party doing hunts.

Went to kill Trickster and he got to the point where all attacks he was immune to. All elements were healing him so it took a while before his "White Wind" wore off.

Killed it finally with little to none HP left and all Phoenix Downs used due to other hunts and the Hidden Esper I did.

Didn't realise the Quickening chain + Concurrence I did aggroed a nearby Ice Elemental and it wiped my main party.

Was funny as hell!
..This is very strange. 2nd thread I've found now where you've taken people's posts word for word, making a new thread on them. most hilarious death? Last night actually. Down to my last character, Vaan, and he was taking on like 10 ahrimans.
hah darkblade has exactly the same post as that other guy lol
unless that is darkblade:/

mine is when i got annoyed at my vaan and ashe beating each other up (they were confused) then i got penelo and killed them both but then penelo got confused and died :(
hah darkblade has exactly the same post as that other guy lol
unless that is darkblade:/

mine is when i got annoyed at my vaan and ashe beating each other up (they were confused) then i got penelo and killed them both but then penelo got confused and died :(


confused is the best spell

i mean all you have to do is confuse the party members and they start to kick eachothers ass
Just recently.

I'm at the Omozone Planes or w/e they are called... I went down into a little swurvy part, found myself in a something "ruins" surrounded by 6 lvl 38 horse thingies... *never good with names* ... my characters are only lvl 20 and, well, they kind of... killed them all, in 2 attacks.
I just laughed, they were helpless... there was no way I would of got out of there, so I laughed mindlessly as my party were surrounded by about 6 horses, and them dying with in 3 secs of entering there.
this reminds be that once in the ozmone plains i did enter the cave that lead to the zarthian carverns and got my characters ass kicked. i was at 18-19 when i was heading for jahara

are you talking about the same samething
It is the Zertinan Caverns. She is right, as I walked into those vary caverns myself when I was lower levelled, just to see a bunch of level 38 horses walking around. Being the sensible person I was, I turned, and ran straight back out.
yea, I'm not very good at this game. I am not a great manager of my party or it's gambits. So, in any boss fight I get in (I'm usually low-lvled btw) I end up kicking a** until they do some power move that wipes a lot of health off my party. Then, cause of my gambits, everyone is trying to heal everyone which is just pointless cause then the wrong people get healed, it drains my stock of items and magic, and all the time while still getting beat up. Like the fight right after Raithwall's Tomb. you know, the guy. (I'm trying not to spoil anything). Yea, him alone pretty brutal which is pretty sad.
I was in the friggin Barheim passage, and I ran into a pair of bombs. I killed the first one without a problem, but while fighting the second, I forgot about their last resort.. (it's been a long time since I played any Final Fantasy. |: Not since VIII). Killed my entire party, except for Fran.

So I'm running around trying to find the switch to raise the hugeass gate to get to the next save point, all the while running into mimics, bombs, zombies, lions, bears, trolls, hobbits, and pop stars. I get like, within sprinting distance of the gate, and I die.

Even funnier, though I didn't actuall die.. I was in the Leviathan, trying to avoid those rediculous red-laser gates. A soldier targets me from the other side of the gate, and Basch, being the genius that the computer made him to be, targets the soldier and walks right through the lasers, triggering the alarm. I lost like, two of my party members, but thankfully the save point was just behind me.

I will never forgive Basch for doing that. :| Jerk. Probably did it on purpose, too.
It was after killing the Rogue Tomato for the first time. I went to get afew more points to level up before returning and I was killed by 2 birds, cant recall the names. I wasnt too happy ...
Mine has to be when I attempted to kill the T-Rex right after going for the first hunt...Of course, I just got the game and was killing those weak cactus things lol and attempted to act tough and well...that was that.
Mine has to be when I attempted to kill the T-Rex right after going for the first hunt...Of course, I just got the game and was killing those weak cactus things lol and attempted to act tough and well...that was that.

LOL...yeah I think about everyone did that. I walked right up to him like bring it you big ole lizard and then WAM!! he brought it. I did manage to escape though. It was a good fealing going back later and stompin his tail:D.
I was walking around the area near Rabanastre and I thought it was all easy killing those Cockatrices. Well, then I met that special one, who is pretty strong. I started attacking it, and I noticed that Balthier died. I was thinking, "Oh god. NO!!" And I start running and my gambits keep going and trying to attack it and the thing annihilates me. ;_;