Your Perfect Party

I once made Sqaull, Seifer and Edea in to a team, it was fun having 2 Gunblade users at the same time, but there singular level Limit Breaks really killed the buzz. After a while thy regular characters had there appeal back and they were there for a while.........till I pissed of Rinoa, Qiutsis & Irvine for good.

Just they seemed like the main people when i played Zell is Squall's like sidekick and Rinoa is his girl made sense to me lol.

My order.

I'd much rather just play through the game from Seifer's POV though.
I use Zell because he as the strongest limit break in the game with the deadly Armageddon Fist combo and because of his attack power.

I use Squall because i have to, but even if i didn't he would probably still remain in the party as his Lion Heart limit break makes a nice combo with Zell Armageddon Fist.

Then i use Selphie or Irvine...just because i like them, with Zell and Squall there's no need for another person with another awesome limit break and to be fair the game is easy even without limit breaks except for a few bosses, so why not use the characters that i like the most as the third party and call it the perfect team?

Seems right to me.
I always used Squall, Zell, and Rinoa. I had Squall because, well he is the main character; Zell because I just love him; and Rinoa for all magic casting. They were my perfect party and I barely ever EVER gamed-over. But I used them all the time that my alternate party became SO underlevelled, and I hated those times in the game where you have to use them. -_-
I always had Squall (I don't remember if you can take him off), Irvine and Quistis. Some times I'd have Rinoa, but I don't remember ever keeping a large time, Zell and the other girl.

Zell did help out in a pinch, but the power houses were the three I listed before lol
Mine's always Squall Zell & Irvine too. ^^
Their physical attacks are the strongest I think... although, Quistis' Degenerator can be tempting.

With boss fights, I have Zell summon Cerberus, Irvine use Meltdown, then Squall and Zell buff everyone with Regen, Protect and Aura. When Aura runs out, I have Squall spam Holy and Meteor, Zell do whatever, Irvine keep shooting.
It all goes extremely well. The second time I PROPERLY played through VIII (my current playthrough) I beat Bahamut with him only having the chance to attack twice.
I used Squall, Rinoa and Quistis.

Mod Edit: Please try and put a bit more effort into your posts. Give us reasons why you used these characters. Thanks. :)
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Every playthrough of this game I generally change my party depending on who i'm liking most at the time if i'm perfectly honest. xD
I've used Squall, Zell, Irvine a lot in the past but I think my favourites would have to either be Squall, Selphie, Rinoa or Squall, Irvine, Selphie.

Irvine normally wins in that department because of his limit and the novelty of having him and Selphie in the party together.
I don't think i've ever had Quistis in my final party, it's not that I don't like her I just don't use her for some reason. Although I have levelled her to 100 along with everybody else a few times.
So generally for me it's Squall, Irvine, Selphie.
For me I use:
Squall: Hes a powerhouse not to mention hes Hot ^^
Selphie: For her great moves
Zell: Hes my other powerhouse
i typically used a combination of Squall, Zell, Irvine, or Rinoa. Quistis and Selphie were just kinda "meh"
When I played the game, I used Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine. (Until numerous times she'd be unusable, then I would then pick Quistis.)
I usually used Squall, Rinoa(When she was available), Quistis, and when one of them was absent Zell, or Selphie. Never used Irvine if I could avoid it.
Always squall. At the end of the game i started using zell and rinoa.
Just a reminder guys. This is a post count section. Please try and expand on your posts as much as possible. Thanks. :)
My best party would be Squall,Rinoa and Selphie........

Because it's not shared levelling up........I'd say I woulda used Zell more certain times I got stuck in the game (where you had a fixed party) and had nothing else to do but fight which led to me having a un even team........

Here's my current team (not finished the game yet)

Squall=level 55
Rinoa=Level 34
Quistis=Level 22
Zell=Level 22
Irvine=Level 24
Selphe=Level 32

Im not gonna really bother evening them out until after i complete the game......
Mine was Squall, Zell and Irvine.
Used them cause of their special skills, that do lots of damage :D
Squall, Zell and Rinoa!
Probably because they had the most screen time in the game!
Zell is that spunky kid with the never let die attitude. Squall was the cool silent but yet charming dude who we all know and love and secretly hate at times too because really had a whole emo-ness about him.
and rinoa was just the cute little bystander who needed rescuing 24-7 who had that awesome shooting star move. that and she was my prime Atk = Equals Death Character. Very useful against T-rexaur
The perfect party could be anyone really as long as Squall's in there.
For me it was Squall, Zell and Rinoa mainly because it just made perfect sense having the main character and his girl fighting all the battles. Plus, I always saw Zell as Squall's right hand man in the game so Zell fit the party perfectly!

Also these 3 have the best limit breaks cos of Squall's Lionheart, Zell's duel (with the Meteor Strike which causes 9999 damage most times) and Rinoa's dog because of his Invincible moon move