Your Platinum Demo critter


Eternally Begrudged
Aug 21, 2013
So, in the Platinum Demo, we played a young Noctis in a dream world, and leading him was a familiar looking critter from the Final Fantasy series. At the end of this demo, we got the chance to name said critter.

What'd you decide to name yours, and has he helped you at all in the full FFXV game yet?
I have not received any help from Carbuncle. I decided to keep his name since I do love, like it has appeared in many other final fantasy it is one of my favorite summon, esper, eidolon, etc. I think he just helps you along with the tutorial but else-wise I'm not sure what else he would do.
I think he just helps you along with the tutorial but else-wise I'm not sure what else he would do.
If you play on Normal, it helps you in the tutorial. If you play the game on Easy, it'll also help out Noctis when his max HP hits 0 (for a majority of battles, but not all), by fully reviving him. (I don't know if it'll revive twice in one battle, though.)
Since I knew I couldn't name Noctis, I named Carbuncle what I always name myself on forums and such; ZaXo. Outside of the tutorial though, I haven't seen him since I'm playing on normal.
I think it is really silly we can't summon him on normal mode. Here's hoping they patch it in sometime cause he can be very useful as a "one time full life cast".

i didnt think it was going to carry over from the demo :( but i dont feel too bad since ive only seen him in tutorials lol
I just kept mine named Carbuncle too, like a lot of people it seems. I've never managed to summon him though, from what I understand he's unsummonable on Normal mode so I was unable to see him anyway. It's too bad, Carbuncle is really cool. And I got attached to Carbuncle's from levelling up Summoner in FFXIV haha.