Your reaction to PM's?

What is your reaction to new PM's?

  • Alright! A PM, I can't wait to read it.....

    Votes: 20 44.4%
  • Someone finally PM'ed me......Bout damn time!

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Oh Gawd......I'm so scared.....someone is about to chew me out.

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • *Yawn* A PM. I'll read this when I feel like it......

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Not bothered... but I'll open it anyway

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters
Mar 11, 2007
The guv'ment
I always go into a state of fear whenever I get a PM, because I always expect it to be someone about to cuss me into Oblivion. An admin (Not on here, of course) once PM'ed me and called me an asshole, because I made a remark about a newly appointed admin abusing his power. Today I looked at those forum for the bitter memories, and found a bevy of unnecessary threats to members about every little infraction. Now whenever I see that I got a PM, the fear returns.......
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I usually don't care, I just start praying that people don't start activating my jacXXss mode with their spam. I got about 20 spam pms about a survey, or saying 'FFF SUX LOL' or some stupid crap like that. I'm a peaceful guy, but stuff like that annoys me more than racism or nazis.
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You forgot a "Sheesh...what now?" option. :P

Honestly, it depends on who the PM is from. Though normally, it can be a "...oh, from so-in-so? Meh...what do they want?" I only get excited if it's from certain people.
Whenever an admin PM's me, I always expect the worst....
If its a certian one or two, i start getting comebacks ready. >.> Two certian mods annoy me to no end, but i won't say who... They sometimes annoy me to the point where i don't give a damn about my account anymore, and i kinda forget that they can ban me >.<
Ehh.. some PM's I get are good. Some of them are from my friends on here. But, I hate those that tell you that they moved some thread you made ages ago. I get all excited thinking that I have a good PM, when it's just the FFF system sending an automatic PM.
Oh yeah, like the ones saying your thread was moved. I check my e-mail or PM's, then find out its a bot. Makes me kinda sad.
He did, i saw him on the people viewing list.
omfg, surveillancehax :O

As for the topic, I'm never really excited unless I see the topic as Re: something I've been asking people.
When i get a PM i be like "Dang Shon I finally got one" but i only get PMs from 2 peeps on this forums. Don't really care for them actually. Only use PMs when talkin bout the RPG or when people want to talk to me bout somethin.
I picked option # 1.
Since I've only been on for a little less than a month.....I'm pretty excited about PM's regardless of who sent it. :lol:
confused as to what someone has to say... nah i look at it and think . i have a pm ..lets read it?
I went through all four of them, #2, #1, #4, then #3.I think I'm the only person who gets nervous from PMs, I'm the only one who voted for #3.
Heh, i get overly excited when i get a message. it's like : "Wow, someone actually took the time to type me a message. YEAH!".

Oh yeah, like the ones saying your thread was moved. I check my e-mail or PM's, then find out its a bot. Makes me kinda sad.

Uh huh, you are not alone!>_<
I am usually like....

"What does this bitch want?"


"What did I do now?"

Either or, I really don't care. No one PM's me unless it is a serious issue or I PM'ed them first. The latter is hardly done. However, when I receive them, I open, respond, and delete it. No point in keeping them.

(Yes, I said that as I have some in my inbox)