Your reaction to PM's?

What is your reaction to new PM's?

  • Alright! A PM, I can't wait to read it.....

    Votes: 20 44.4%
  • Someone finally PM'ed me......Bout damn time!

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Oh Gawd......I'm so scared.....someone is about to chew me out.

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • *Yawn* A PM. I'll read this when I feel like it......

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Not bothered... but I'll open it anyway

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters
Ehh.. some PM's I get are good. Some of them are from my friends on here. But, I hate those that tell you that they moved some thread you made ages ago. I get all excited thinking that I have a good PM, when it's just the FFF system sending an automatic PM.

LOL. That just happened yesterday. I thought someone PM'ed me and it was just the FFF system sending those automatic PM about threads being moved and whatnot. I don't usually think, "Oh great, what now?" or "Uh oh, am I in trouble?" I like receiving PM's and I'll get them every now and then, but not a whole lot. I usually get them from my friends or other people I don't really know, but are just PM'ing me for advice or reflecting about a thread or post that I made. So it's all cool, of course. It's a great way of knowing someone.

By the way, I'm still waiting for that PM, Saix! ;)
What's my reaction to a new PM? Hey, alright someone wants to talk to me.
I enjoy getting them, especially when someone writes and say hi or just wants to chat. :)

I do get disappointed when it's only a spam message or the FFF system. :'(
Ehh.. some PM's I get are good. Some of them are from my friends on here. But, I hate those that tell you that they moved some thread you made ages ago. I get all excited thinking that I have a good PM, when it's just the FFF system sending an automatic PM.
Aww, diddums. xD You just need to start PMing people yourself. That'll get you some nice ones. ;p Wait, my PMs not good enough for you!? :(

Mitsuki said:
By the way, I'm still waiting for that PM, Saix! ;)
Uh-huh. I'll get you something soon. ;p

As for me, the thought 'I wonder who's complaining about something now' immediately goes through my mind. More often than not though, it's something worth reading. Can't say I jump for joy... but I'm not unenthusiastic towards opening it either.

*poll option added*
It depends.
For the most part, I can already tell what it's going to contain according to who sends it.

My pm box is basically 99.9999999999999% Meiks/midnight.
Go figure...
As for me, the thought 'I wonder who's complaining about something now' immediately goes through my mind.

When you receive a PM, you suspect it to be someone complaining. When I receive a PM, I suspect it to be a verbal castration coming on. We're so similar....*Hugs Saix*
I'm usually like "YAY! A PM!! SOMEONE LOVES ME!" and then I found out it's just a shite pm about a thread being moved.:(

But my last pm was amazingly awesome.
Well, my reaction to PMS is usually swift, fleeing terror. Who knows what hell they might raise in that state?


Oh, right. Um, I have like instinctually trained myself to read it immediately in the same window by hitting "Ok, Cancel"
I don't really mind but it is nice to know that something pms me with something (i've had countless number of those pm moving things lol)
i love pms :)

i dont know why but regardless of reasoning i just cant get enough of them!

so everyone pm me random stuff!
I'm more of the: "Hmmm, wonder what's up" kinda reaction to PM person. Like I may get one from Aztec that's titled "My flamingoo's on Fire!!" and it's only asking what I'm up to today, or I meay get one from a newbie to the site asking me how to add a link to an image. It's all random, all teh time, so I never know what to expect.
My opinion of PMs have changed a bit. If it's from a member, or a normal moderator, I check to see what it is.

If it's from a global moderator, or an administrator, I'm a bit edgy, and nervous. I start to think ''Crap...this may be all over again.''
I do wait quite a while for my PM's for FF3 friend codes. However, it did take me like a week to send one because i completely forgot about it so i cant really blame people for forgetting :P
it depends.

if its from Rydia its normally something funny. if its from Mitsuki it makes me think "why didn'y she just say that in the msn convo were having right now?"

half the time she says (on msn) "did you read my pm yet?" :P

if its from other people im kind alike "Hmm? why are they Pming me?" like when someone PM'd me the other day who id barely spoken to before i was a bit worried incase they were attacking my Clerithness (as it was a tifa fan) but instead it was an Aerith siggy they made ^_^

if its from a mod...its either someone replying to a PM i sent to them, and their reply makes me nervous :lol: as i don't know if what ive said/done is allowed or not...

Good god im rambling :X
when i see a pm i get all happy be it bad or good at least i got some mail!!! i never get mail it makes me happy that is unless it says from pa learners online *shivers* that allways scary....but i love pms
it depends.

if its from Rydia its normally something funny. if its from Mitsuki it makes me think "why didn'y she just say that in the msn convo were having right now?"

half the time she says (on msn) "did you read my pm yet?" :P

Aww shucks, don't make me look so dumb, Mark. :rolleyes: And I usually PM you because you're either not on MSN or your MSN's acting up, which is like so typical. xD

I never really get PM's anymore, which is cool, I guess. That means less worries.