Your top 5 jobs

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fiz master

The chemically mutated chicken
Mar 26, 2007
1-Chemist-after a while they learn a move that brings all of your characters back to life with full health!!
2-Ninja-who doesn't like dual wielding weapons?
3-Monk-eventually when barefisted, their attack gets very high.
4-Thief-steal any item, or find any secret.
5-Red Mage-once again, double magic is like dual wielding, it's awesome!
Now talk about your favorites.​
Five? No, I only had four main jobs.

Bartz: Gladiator
Lenna: Oracle
Faris: Summoner
Krile: Dragoon

Aside from the ultimate party (Freelancers with Sshot and Dual Equip), this is what I use.
Five? No, I only had four main jobs.

Bartz: Gladiator
Lenna: Oracle
Faris: Summoner
Krile: Dragoon

Aside from the ultimate party (Freelancers with Sshot and Dual Equip), this is what I use.
Oracle? Oh, you played the GBA version. Was that better with the four extra jobs?
Well... The extra jobs were kinda over-kill as soon as I got them (the Gladiotar was at least). Sort beat the purpose of the other jobs, except for the Sshot/dual equip combo, but the Gladiator ends up doing more damage anyway, so there really wasn't a point.

And yeah, I like the GBA version better. Simply because it has a bonus dungeon with their own Emerald and Ruby WEAPONS, and its portable. I love any portable FF game.
I'm really picky about the jobs I assign my characters and I'm really obsessive about high attack powers.

1.) Mystic Knight
2.) Red Mage
3.) Mystic Knight
4.) Monk

I do switch around though. :3
I go for:
Gladiator - Damage+Damage+Damage+Damage=Victory
Oracle - That ability to use a random ability rocks (altough I sometimes die with that)
Blue Mage - Good abilities
summoner - +White magic (or a mimic with summon, white and X-Magic)

Don't know about the Necromancer, tough, since i don't have it.
I haven't played the GBA version. anyways..

Red Mage (with the X-magic and call)
White Mage (can't miss them, right?)
Blue Mage (white wind is very useful)
Black Mage, and
Monk (for some decent neutral offense)
Five ultimate classes. Good question.

1. Mystic Knight. Flare Sword against Twin Tania doing about 9000 damage? What isn't to love?

2. Ninja- Two handed fighting is the most useful ability ever.

3. Blue Mage- They DO have the strongest magic defense spell in the game, after all.

4. Samurai- Nine times out of ten, you hit a critical. And you get !GilToss, pretty much necessary against Neo Exdeath.

5. Hunter- !X-Fight with the Ninja's two handed ability means death for just about anything. And getting eight hits against a boss is pretty awesome.
my top jobs are:
2.Summoner/white magick
4.chemist/blue mage

(the reason why i put BLAND/BLAND, was b/c i make each character a dual-type)

HEY, i have the GBA version.....AND i havent found any jobs like

(dont know)
(dont know)

can someone help me, and tell me where the four extra jobs are.Pleeze.
freelancer. (nuf said)
chemist, and all thsoe classes with stuff like mix and combination stuff
cuz its so fun, lots of vatriety, suprising
time mage i like the spell 'quick'
summon (i like levithan and bahamut)
ninja or samurai... cuz they rule
well i mastered all jobs so...frelancer is best
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