yuffie, rikku or selphie

I'd have to say rikku
i have never got to the part were i was able to use yuffie sadly
so battlewise it has to be rikku plus she is quite the cutie.
how come uve never used yuffie? u can get her pretty much as soon as you get to the world map
Aw, I really adore all three. I think I'll go with Selphie, though. I thought she was so cute and sweet... peppy and strong-spirited too. I also loved using her in battle. :)

Most people seem to dislike her for being "too annoying", but really. I found her very tolerable and likeable.


So I would have to say overall it is Rikku. for being useful and having a good personality.
I'd say Riku for personality, she is just cute but sorta over cute in X-2.

Battle-wise...I'd say..............um..........yeah, yuffie.
I actually like all three of them but In my opinion I like either Rikku or Yufie. Rikku is very hot and so is Yuffie but she is a bit childish and I agree that Selphie is just so cute. I think I go with Rikku because she is Yunie's cousin lol
My favourite character outta the 3 would be Rikku, i find her funny, the way she speaks and everything is great. Selphie, although i NEVER use her in FFVIII at all i do find her entertaining, shes funny at the missile base, and she never takes irvine on either lol
Yuffie aswell, i like how she thinks herself the best warrior out of them all. Funny when she kisses cloud on the alternate date scene hahaha. But Rikku wins it.
I can't really choose but for personality it would definitley be Selphie, she rocks!
"Everybody! Love-And-Peace!"
I found that line awesome, you don't know if she's stupid or just never upset. Gotta love her though. Selphie FTW!
I thought this was going to be another "Which do you prefer?" mumbo jumbo, but all three of these chicks have the common factor of being the 3rd ranked girl thrown into the story. Maybe arguably for Selphie over Quistis, but Yuffie too a back-seat to Aeris and Tifa, while Rikku sat behind Yuna and Lulu most of the story.

I would say Rikku mainly though. Selphie's pointless, and Yuffie steals materia, but doesn't really affect the story much aside from the fact her Bhudda-like Dad runs the show in Wutai.

Rikku though and her ties to the Al-Bhed prove to be an undercover major factor in the FF plot; at least to the Al-Bhed haters like Wakka, and the Summoners who want to work together with the Al-Bhed to accomplish the goal of ridding Spira of Sin.

With Riku (full Al-Bhed), Yuna (half Al-Bhed), and the rest of the non-Al-Bhed crew in your party, you see as the game plot progresses that they start to come together and work towards the common goal of an Eternal Calm.

Rikku is a much more major character than the other 2.

Oh yeah, I guess she kicks ass in battle too.
lol Way to bring innovation points to a thread that seriously lacked it!

I'm going to ignore the original topic and instead respond to Busta's take on this thread. lol I think the character that has the most impact on plot would have to be Yuffie. While Rikku does have connections to all the main characters and does help develop them as characters, she could be easily replaced pretty easily. Not to say that she's a replacable character... but what she represents is so self-evident in the story anyhow that you could probably go without her and still bring home the ideals she represents. At times it seems like you're traveling with two Tidus's...

I say Yuffie though because there was almost no other way for them to introduce Wutai into the story without her. Wutai was a big portion of Shinra's history and one that needed to be explored. It helped define who they were as a company, even before recent events. The only other way to introduce Wutai would have been through Shinra... and that would have completely defeated the purpose.
Rikku hands down with Yuffie coming up in second! ^^

Mod Edit

Put more effort in your post please, say why you prefer Rikku
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Rikku definately because she was always on of my favorite characters to use in both X and X-2. The other two I didn't use very often....

Rikku saved my party numerous times =D