Yuffie vs. Aerith

Yuffie vs Aerith

  • Yuffie

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • Aerith

    Votes: 18 40.9%

  • Total voters
Nov 30, 2006
i choose yuffie

i never liked aerith she seemed fake she
KNEW that tifa had a thing forCloud (any girl would know)
&& instead of stepping back from him she tried to get closer

yuffie can get annoyin but shes not in ur face like aerith
Well i choose Aerith. Yuffie was the most annoying character in the whole game (Apart from cait sith) did you ever do the wutai materia sidequest?? MOST ANNOYING THING EVER! Plus Aeris to me was a far more rememberable and just plain likeable character than yuffie.
I choose Yuffie. She's bubbly and outgoing and more of what I wish I could be like.
Yuffie! Love her shuriken, and she was more useful than Aeris, I was looking for more offence, so thats IMO.
I choose Aerith because for one she belongs with Cloud and for two, Yuffie just got on my damn nerves :P lol Sorry to be so blunt but when she stole the materia, man did that ever piss me off. Her airsickness kinda got annoying too lol I mean I'm not saying I hate Yuffie at all. It's all a matter of opinion, but I just prefer Aerith ^_^
Yuffie she always made me laugh, the only problem had with her was getting her to join the party.
All I remember is the sense of loss I felt when Sephiroth . . . sniff . . . you know . . . <sobs>

If that had happened to Yuffie, I probably would have sent a thank-you card to the big bad S.
I think Yuffie would win I know I like Aerith more because I LIKE MATERIA and anyone who would steal that from me (quite literally) is deserving of death, but I have to say that Yuffie would win because all Aerith does is heal and Yuffie can do more damage with her Shuriken!!!!
I chose Aerith, she was a more endearing character than Yuffie is...even if she was weak, she was so kindly and sweet, and not so freaking annoying as Yuffie is.. I dont HATE Yuffie, but she really bugs me...
Man, that was a really hard question. Yuffie had her bad points, but she's my favorite character in that game. She's a little shady when you first meet her, but I'll attribute that to immaturity (and saving the homeland). On the other hand, Aeris is honest, up front and open, which are my favorite characteristics in a person. In the end... I had to go for Yuffie.

*sob* I AM SO SORRY.