Yuna Magic

Cait Sith_01

Planet Protector
Apr 17, 2007
North Wales
Did you know that Yuna can do more damage than Lulu when using black magic?
Imagine her with Firaga/Blizzaga/Waterga/Thundaga fury????
i dont use Lulu anymore seeing as I have Yuna as my 12mm Handgun of magic.
Have you noticed this?
Anyone with an ounce of observation skill would have noticed this very early on in the game. Also, anyone with SENSE would have given Yuna a second stage black magic spell when they had the chance.

Though, Fury sucks, so I'd rather her not have that as an Overdrive ability. Grand Summon is quite satisfactory.
Yeha, thats why I dont use Lulu. She's pathetic as a magic user eventhough she's a black mage. I agree.. Grand Summon does the job for me.
Thats what I did!!!!:)
It's easier than training her up all the way there to them. But I used her as the tank basaically instead of Lulu. And the game rocks its socks off when you got her with the -aga spells.
Grand Summon is quite satisfactory.

Yeah, especially when dealing with Dark Aeons, Grand Summon Yojimbo, pay him 11111 and Viola! Dark Aeon get's Zanmato'd ^_^

Anyway, I've noticed that Yuna does less damage with Flare than Lulu and Lulu does less damage with Holy than Yuna :huh: I haven't quite got to the point where I'm using only Yuna for Back Magics, Lulu is by no means a "pathetic" Black Mage
Noticed it, but I didn't care at all. I was happy leaving Yuna as my White Mage and Lulu as my Black Mage. That way I kept using every character and didn't just get one insanely-powerful character and one insanely crap one
right now yuna is more powerful than lulu just because she's on the black magic grid, and lulu's gettin more sphere level to begin the white magic she'll end up being more powerful than yuna anyways.

I hope so ¬_¬

( US international version )
i had only noticed it becasue 1. i didn't like lulu from the start of FFX and 2.i dont like using white magic coz i prefer Items.
i prefer using Yuna but with my characters they all learn white magic so lulu can be helpful with a few attacks now and again thowing spells into the mixer

but nothing beats an all out physical fight
at my place, Lulu can do White and Black Magic Tricks. And Yunie is Learning Black Magic. So far Lulu's WAYYYY stronger than Yunie. Oh Well...
i always made yuna all powerful lol, high strength, magic and defence, but yeah i noticed it and took advantage of it
I realised this when i looked at the stats. When i noticed that Yuna had higher Magic power than LuLu I was just waiting for the chance to get a Black Magic Sphere.