Yuna or Rikku

In my opinion, i prefer Rikku. Mainly because i hate summoning so i have no use for Yuna. And also Rikku was my third strongest character behind Tidus and Auron, and her overdrive is really really useful at times.
I like both.Yuna has better magic and summon,but Rikku is stronger physicaly and her "use" move has always been very useful to me.
rikku for me she is far more fun and is like she is hyper drinking red bull at times lol .For anyone that doesn't know what red bull is its a engery drink .
Hmmm a question where i've actually put thought into....I must say Yuna, she's just better i suppose with all the summons and stuff plus she has a good background. Where as Rikku = Theif and we all know theives aint good people :P

But regardless of past and all that i've still gotta say Yuna she seemed a better character to me.
Hmm, Let's see:

Yuna is the sort of good-willed, mature yet occasionally fun kind of character, and therefore for that reason alone, she seems like the best option.

Rikku seems fun, energetic, confident and like zombies[INC] said growing in maturity. I did like Rikku however when she was a little immature, she had some sort of comic relief about her.

In the end however, I'd probably end up going for Yuna for reasons previously stated.

I'm guessing opinions change from time to time so I'll be saying this.

Rikku: As people said, she's cheery fun confident and energetic, and she stays that way. Yuna at first was a summoner but later in X-2 she became another ... warrior? o_O

Anyways, I'm sticking with Rikku. I love her a lot more compared to Yuna.
Well as battles go i preferred to have Yuna in my party because the summons raped and she had white magic. Outside of the battles though it was Riku all the way! Love her personality its electric!
Her hair kicks ass too, not gonna lie :P
I think Rikku because she is simply more fun
Also I think Rikku and Tidus make a cute couple

Please don't kill me Yuna fans!
Who Is Better?

The answer is: None is better.

I'll explain. Although Yuna can summon and use White Magic, she is very weak physically. What if she runs out of MP? What if she is facing the Crawler + Negator in Lake Macalania alone? No Summons, no Magics. Yuna is a sure loser. [Tip: As soon as you finish her Sphere Grid path (last ability being Holy), get her to move onto Lulu's or Auron's. (Yuna hitting 9999+ damage and/or Doublecasting Flare (or Ultima) is amusing to see)]

But, equally, Rikku is pretty bad too. Her physical attributes are actually really poor, though better than Yuna. Her only good ability which she can use at the beginning is Steal and Use. But once you go further in the Sphere Grid, you can simply teach all your characters these abilities. Like before, it is recommended that you move her onto Auron's or Lulu's Sphere Grid path ASAP.

But my choice on who is better, I'd say Yuna. Several reasons, 9999+ damage along with summoning kicks every fiends arse easily and having the power to use Holy, Full Life, Auto-Life and Ultima for 1 MP is the best feeling in the world.
Rikku: she cool, got alot of cool moves, strong ish ,good overdrive.
Yuna: summoner, hormonal monotine woman

i wonder who sounds better
YUNA ALL THE WAY i mean come on would u rather mix items or summon IFRIT
cmon people
Putting fighting styles aside (which Rikku wins, btw), I'll stick with Rikku.

What I like about her is the fun and spunky attitude she has. It's so upbeat and interesting. Yuna was a very sweet character, but a tad too dull. Not Lulu dull, but getting there.