Yuna's Arm

I really don't see how they managed to leave that in there. They probably didn't notice or were too lazt to fix it. Either I'm sure most people didn't even notice this while playing.
lol Yeah I've never noticed it. It's obviously pretty easy to miss unless you're sitting there just staring at Yuna's arms xD

This made me giggle quite a bit actually.
It's not a mistake. If you look at her arm her arm is turned sideways so it's at it's thinnest. And since she's already a skinny girl when she turns her arm sideways it looks all skinny because it's basically her bone since she's skinny.

Watch it really closely. Turn you arm her way and you'll notice that her hand is turned sideways which makes your arm look skinnier.

Her arm is perfectly normal it's just the way her arm is turned.
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WTF that was really weird now I am going to have to play it again to see that for reals.Although it was kinda disturbing looking at it think I had passed out.
I think its just a trick of the CG system they used. But it sure does look strange. And no, I had never noticed until now.
If you buy the sphere in Luca and watch it again, it doesn't actually look like the pic, it looks normal :huh: