Zack Fair Vs Vincent Valentine

Zack Vs Vincent

  • Zack Fair

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Vincent Valentine/Chaos

    Votes: 12 60.0%

  • Total voters
Is that video from Dirge of Cerberus? Anyway, I got it in FFVII but I don't know how to do special limit breaks because I'm still kind of new to the series.
On whether or not Vincent can use materia in transformation, it depend on which Vincent... 35 y/o in VII? or 37 y/o in DoC? because in VII he can't but in DoC he can... and without materia Zack would lose, and with it, it depends on the materia. If Zack has KoTR and Vincent only has steal, then sure, Zack wins... but if they have balanced materia, then Vincent Wins.

no question about it. vincent would destroy zack. vincent can fly (PARTIALLY IN HUMAN FORM, FULLY IN CHAOS FORM), and is much faster and more agile than zack. one shot from death penalty, and zack is done.
wow, if I think about this, they have a different style to another

Zack is short ranged, and Vincent is long ranged; so different
but, from what I know, a short ranged one is always easier to attack on the long ranged, so... you know the result ^^a

I think Zack will win this one, if we put that Vincent's monster form aside :confused:
Vincent, no contest.

He saved the world single handedly in Dirge of Cerberus, he's undead and well he has that kick ass Spawn cape going on, Zack wouldn't stand a chance against anything Vincent could pull - especially Chaos, but even alone Vincent would kick the stuffing out of him.

Also, Vincents pretty skilled with that gun of his, that is his first vantage point; then there is his several monster transformations, and also his Spawn Cape. :awesome:
Huh, well seems Zack loses.

I would put Vince in a match against the next power level, which would be AC Cloud but the creators already said Cloud is stronger than Chaos and that he is seph's rival so that would be a waste of time:P

What position do you think Zack is on the FF7 power ladder?

I personally put it like this:

Top Tier:
Sephiroth(stated and showed as the strongest)
Cloud(stated as seph's rival, fought and killed the transcended, negative lifestream enchanced demi-god form of seph in Advent Children)

High Tier:
Chaos Vince(defeated Omega)
Omega Weiss(got beat by vince)
Zack(defeated genesis avatar)/Elfé(fought Crisis Core seph competently)
Genesis(worse than Zack, better than angeal)
Angeal(SOLDIER 1st Class)
Various Weapons

Mid Tier:
Nero the sable
Rosso the Crimson
Azul the Cerulean

Low Tier:
AVALANCHE(not including Cloud e Vincent)
The Ravens of AVALANCHE
Vince. Stronger, better fighter, more power, better with magic (well in 7 he was very proficient), and he gains all new powers after transforming.