Zack in KH3?

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Kingdom hearts is a completely different universe than final fantasy. Zack can be dead in FF and be alive in KH.

ps. Dr. Cid, I'm from wales too:neomon:
I really would like to have Zack in KH3 but... there's just too many FF7 Characters in KH, sure it's their best FF(at least most enjoyable the story line is...) but that's all we have except for Auron, and Rikku and company and Leon everyone else is from FF7(I'm pretty sure... not certain though...) and I'd like more variety in KH3... sure everyone else can stay but I'd like to see more FF1-6 or 8-13 rather than 7...
I like Zach better than Cloyud, but I'd rather see a classic FF/FFIX-XII person.

Like, Cecil, Locke, Balthier/Basch, Zidane or someone. It'd be interesting to see what Barts looks like nowadays, but I'm sure he lacks the popularity... And brains to be in KH.
Having Zack in KH3 would be Awesome. I absolutely love him after Crisis Core, and I like the idea of getting to see him in another game. Plus it'd be really interesting to see how they make him interact with Cloud and Aerith..
I wouldn't mind Zack in KH3, I liked his personality in Crisis Core...he seemed somewhat down to earth. Anyway, on the subject of Crisis Core/KH3 they should kick Sephiroth out of the KH series now and replace him with Genesis, he was far more likeable than Sephiroth and we need more 'LOVELESS' quotes :gasp:
I think it would be great if we had Zack in KHIII I wonder what his part will be if they actually placed him.
I wouldn't be surprised if Zack was in KHIII. CC is a big hit and his popularity has risen after AC.

I really do not think it is necessary. He played a minor part in FFVII and there are so many other FF characters that could be in KH. I mean, Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith, Cid, Yuffie, and Tifa are already there. Why not an IX or a VI character? Or even some more VIII characters?

I'm surprised Vincent wasn't in KHII.
It would be cool to see some FFVI characters in KH3, or FFIX. Since the game is set in the past, the characters in FFVII and VIII would looks out of place their, so you'd need the older characters, as they'd fit in.

Perhaps Kimarhi and Lulu will be in it too, as they're the only playable FFX characters who haven't been in a KH game yet...

I really don't think Zack will be in it, as he won't fit in if the game is in the past.
it would be cool if some people from the legacy FFs come in, like Cecil, Terra, and them. that would be pretty cool.
i'd like to see Zack in KH3 seeing as we need more people against sephiroth. a nice fight scene would be Cloud, Sora, and Zack vs sephiroth. OWNAGE!
In a way vincent valentine was in KH1, that combination of Cloud and Vincent remember? he looked way cooler in KH1 then in KH2, no offence to AC lovers

but as for Zack, they may have based that keyblade warrior off him if you think about it,

but then there is genesis and stuff, so there are alot of characters you can include, i'm just surprised at the downgrade of the FFX characters thats all
I'm not sure if i have been here before so i shall say what i gotta say anyway.

I think it would be cool to have Zack in KH3 just to see what they would do with him, like if he would be a guest on one of the worlds or if he was there as an NPC well you know what i mean, i would like to see how they develop his fighting style if they make him awesum like cloud or useless like Donald
Hmmm I dunno about bringing Zack into KH3 seeing as its set in the past, maybe focus on Locke or Terra or maybe even Dagger, that would be good.

I don't know much about KH3 much though I'll just wait until it's release
Well, it would be interesting to see Zack in KH3, but how would they make his character work in the world of KH? What I mean is that Cloud and Aerith apparently have a relationship in KH2, so Square Enix would have to twist Zack's story a bit to avoid a love triangle. I think that the most likely place for Zack to show up would be in Birth By Sleep, since it takes place ten years before Kingdom Hearts. (Although a Zack and Cloud vs. Sephiroth fight in KH3 would be kick ass!)

Besides, wouldn't it be more interesting to see more characters from another FF, because they have a lot of FFVII characters in KH already. Ex: Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith, Yuffie, and Cid.