Zack or Cloud? Better main char?

Better main character?

  • Zack- FFCC

    Votes: 36 53.7%
  • Cloud- FFVII

    Votes: 31 46.3%

  • Total voters
this is difficult! Both are great, but I guess I have to say Cloud. More playing "memories" x)
all that looking for clothes to make Cloud look like a girl and all.. :D Enjoyable playing.
Though Zack was great too in CC. but.. Cloud.
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I would have to say Zack, just because I never really felt any sort of attachment to Cloud in anyway, Zack is just badass in my opinion :D
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It is rather hard for me to pick between the two. I could see Zack stealing the spot light from Cloud though he never had the chance as he was killed in the end of CC before the start of FF7. If not for Zack, Cloud would of never escaped from the Shinra Mansion, he never would of made it to Midgar and he never would of gotten the buster sword. He would of ended up being one of those mindless people in those black cloaks going to the reunion. So Cloud owes a lot to Zack but in his own right Cloud made a good hero in the end. He did defeat the main villain and save the world. So in the end i think i would have to say they both good in their own ways. So I can't decide who is the better hero.
I like Cloud better.He's cooler than zack!+Cloud stared in one one of the best RPGs! I just like clouds attitude better!
My vote is for Cloud, even though he is a polygonal mess while Zack is a graphical portrait of manliness! :wacky:

Even though Zack was more positive, enthusiastic and what not, I still preferred Cloud because his flaws made him more interesting as a character in my opinion.

Well said! and I have never played crisis core. so Cloud FTW. Besides Red XIII is better than them both ^.^
hard to say, i agree with bustersword though...both of them are interesting...sadly zack was killed before FFVII T_T, it would be interesting to watch him with cloud in FFVII, both of them are great in my opinion, cant decide ><
It's a hard decision but personality and going by the character himself its has to be Zack, he is a lot more fun than the depressed cloud. But if you look at which character has a better story role it has to be cloud, his story has so many twists and turns throughout ff7 its one of the reason that game is brilliant.
hmm tough call.

Essentially they are the same person. Or at least Cloud tried to be. When it comes down to it, I guess I would pick Zach. mostly because Zach doesn't get all depressed and mean. I mean, Cloud is no Squall, but he's no Zidane either.
Cloud. He's got such a good story. He's powerful at the beginning and then becomes even stronger after the revelation. Much better than Zack I think, though he's still good.
I really love both characters, though I'm probably leaning towards Zack. He's got such a great attitude and was so briilliant in Crisis Core. That game made me cry.
Ah, why must I choose between my two favorite characters?! :gasp:

To me, Zack takes on the role of leader better than Cloud. He's brave, strong, confident, and always has a positive attitude, even in the worst of circumstances. Cloud, on the other hand, is not sure what to do when he is thrust into the leader position, and his confidence often falters. Despite all of that though, his friends never hesitate to follow him, even after he does make mistakes ^^

Even though Zack is the better leader of the two, I prefer playing Cloud. It's much more entertaining playing a character who is in every sense the underdog instead of your everyday, overconfident hero.
Zack was definaetly a more likable character right from the word go, I really liked how he never really lost his spirits no matter how glum things got, and he suited the Zack the puppy comment aswel :wacky:
Playing it made me warm more to Cloud and I always liked him alot anyway, I didn't really mind his arseyness, it was just Cloud I guess. I just really felt for them both tbh, sad game was sad ;_;

Asfor who I prefer, I really don't know, they were both amazing characters and fitted their own roles perfectl
y - I suppose I lean more towards Cloud, but that's probably more fangirlish reasons than giving any kind of proper reason....v_v

I just really like them both, so I can''t choose...
I would have to go with cloud cause he's that emo badass, and that type of character was in at the time(still in now I think). But to be honest i luved Zack in CC, and when he died it made me cry.
In all i would choose cloud. Mostly because he is what makes up all of final fantasy 7. He started the series for the playstation. Plus he has that badass bike.
I'd have to go with Zack.

First off, he single handedly won every battle he was ever in (Excluding the bouts with Sephiroth)

He sacrificed himself so the mako poisoned Cloud could survive.

Not to mention he makes a better main character, because his emotions aren't always scattered all over the place.

He knows what he's doing, and he does it.
I like Cloud better than Zack, but I think Zack played a better leading-role~
The stuff that happened to Zack in CC seemed so much more harsh than Cloud in FF7. He even handled the death of Angeal better(than the death of Aerith to Cloud), by not being all anti-social like towards everyone... So yeah, definitely Zack in the leading role =D
Who's the best main character? What kind of question is that? Zack Fair, of course! :P Really! I mean, Zack was a really enthusiastic, playful, funny, strong and confident character! These attributes make him a really lovable character.

Cloud on the other hand was the angsty, grim kind of man who wanted to be left alone. That's why I say Zack all the way!
That's a slightly unfair question to ask, simply because we got to see more of Cloud's story in Final Fantasy VII (I mean, come on, how long does it take to beat that game?), and from a much younger age as well. Although I am more partial to Zack, there's no way I would compare the two, not without having as much information about Zack as we do Cloud.
gotta be said, although not a main char in cc cloud is still the better char he's just so resiliant and imo amazing to be honest :)
I would definitely say that Cloud was a better main character. You can argue whether he as strong, smart, or brave as Zack but those points are meaningless IMO. He was a better character because he had far more depth. Zack's only role was to provide backstory for Cloud. Cloud was the main character of the original and always will be.