Crisis Core Zack's Hair


Jun 25, 2008
(Sorry if a thread has already been made, feel free to remove if need be)

Anyway when Zack changed his hairstyle I was like noooooo I preferred his hair as it was at the beginning of the game as I think he looked cool. But that might just be me.

What hairstyle did you like best on Zack and why?
I preferred his older hair too =P
I think he looked younger with it, and I guess some people may like him not looking younger. I dunno :3

Well the second style is more his signature style, so I don't really mind. xD
I liked his hair at the start of the game too xD It made him look younger, but that's why they changed his hair - he moved to a SOLDIER first class, so he'd obviously have to act more mature and whatnot.
Aye, aye, the hair at the beginning looked better, but seeing he had to "mature", changing his hairstyle and other characteristics was necessary, :S
Zak changed his hair?

I never noticed...I knew when he became SOLIDER first class he changed his outfit. But his hair?
Yeah, he kinda had that Sasuke thing going on at the beginning of the game, but after Zack
kills Angeal, inherits the Buster Sword and matures quite a bit
he changes the style a bit and I believe lets it grow out a bit longer than it had been previously. Lots of people do was kind of refreshing to see an FF character actually change their hairstyle. Kinda like how Yuna did from FFX to X-2, same with Rikku and Tifa in AC.
Haven't played the game, but I've seen enough images online. I'm glad his hair got longer since in the original FFVII game his hair was like a long mane going down to his back and in the spin-off FFVII titles, it was drastically changed to be really short instead o_O

Although that's probably so that it would be easier to see how Cloud took on Zack's personality and such *shrugs*
M'hmm, Mandi's right. Lots of characters change their hair-styles after a profound experience, look at Garnet in FFIX - I would have thought she was the most obvious example.
Killing Angeal
would have forced Zack to mature.
i didn't really pay much attention to his hair, i didn't mind it either way and wasn't really that othered when he changed it's stye. after the change it did make him look more mature but his hair had no effect on how powerful his attacks were or how many materia slots/accessories he could equip so it never really bothered me. he looked cooler than cloud both ways so i am not fussed
I didn't mind either way, but I do think he looked a tad bit cooler with his hair short in the beginning. He looked young, fresh, and full of life with that hair of his. :wacky: But yes, the change of hairstyle is almost like a symbol of him maturing in a way. Also, I believe a year or two (I can't remember now) had passed, and so it was only natural for the change of hairstyle and growing it longer then.
I wasn't fussed either way, as soon as he hanges it I forget what it looked like originally so I can't say I prefer either, although that one random bit of hair on his new 'do at the front REALLY pecks my head and I just want to chop it off or something >_>
Well I personally like his hair in the beginning of the game better. The shorter cut really seemed to suit his personality better than the longer hair did. Plus it just.. looked better.

although that one random bit of hair on his new 'do at the front REALLY pecks my head and I just want to chop it off or something >_>
Ah yes, that stupid flippy piece :/ It bugs the crap out of me for some reason too
His hair changed? I really didn't notice whatsoever xD
I really do miss little details like this...mainly because I don't know things like this happen unless someone points it out to me.

Maybe he grew his hair because that was the 'in thing' at the time. :neomon:
Tbh I didn't notice either until I think Aerith or someone mentions it then I was like arhhhhhh, that demon peice of haaaaair :gasp:

I don't generally notice these things either :wacky:

Before the incident that made Zack change his hairstyle


His new hairdo.

The main differences are that his fringe is only on little bit of hair dangling in his face, and that it is also longer, he probably chose this new do because of Angeal. This should make you see the difference, if you still can't see it I'll find another pic.

Ahhh, I see now. In which his first hairstyle was well better then, it made him look more mature in my opinion plus, people always look better if they have hair coming down their fringe rather than it all pushed back. :wacky:
His hair was like that in VII though so he would have had to have that style anyway, I'm surprised they made a point of keeping it like that actually, they like to fuck about with the plot so something as unimportant as his hairdo being right is impressive xD