Crisis Core Zack's Sword


ShinRa Guard
Oct 26, 2008
in your pocket
im sorry if this has been posted before if it has feel free to remove

ok so witch do you like better his Classic SOILDER Second Class Sword
Or Angeals Buster Sword
He gets after you
kill Angeal

and why?

I myself like the Buster Sword as since he Ranks up he deserves somethin a little more heavey duty...
and in FF7

if you get the secret cutscence of Zach And Cloud and his death

go to Shinra Manssion after you can go fight Septh and walk to the basement were u met up with Septh in Disk 1 and you will get the Secret CutScence

it shows his given Cloud the Buster Sword

and it just so much cooler :zack:
I prefer the Buster Sword, it stands out a lot more than his other one and it just looks a lot cooler in my opinion.:wacky:

Plus, unlike the Second Class Soldier sword, the Buster Sword it has a story behind it which makes it more interesting to me.
The Buster Sword hands down :monster:

It has such an interesting past, going from Angeal, to Zack, and finally to Cloud. Cloud uses it to pwn Sephie's ass too, which makes it even more the sword of win.

It looks a lot more bad-ass than Zack's second class one as well.
I prefer Buster Sword, really. I would seems to be no different to other ordinary SOLDIER if he is still using that normal SOLDIER sword. I prefer that the main character use an unique weapon rather than normal. Just like Sephiroth carrying Masamune...ya know..
I'll have to go alone on this one and say that I preferred his SOLDIER 2nd Class Sword, not for tradition, uniqueness or story as others have already said (And they are good points for the Buster Sword), but as Angeal says, "This sword is heavy and unwieldy". It doesn't affect gameplay, but the Buster Sword just looks too heavy to be used well in a combat situation.
in all honesty i prefer the first sword he has (SOLDIER sword) as it looks better than the Buster sword, its not unrealistically big and i prefer how it looks on Zack's back
Definitely the Buster Sword. As people have mentioned, the history and its past is quite intriguing more than anything else. I don't care much for the look since that's not really what I look for, but for the special meaning behind it and sentiments that come along with the weapon.
In all honesty, I prefer Zack shirtless weilding the umbrella!

over all i think that the buster sword is better. the SOLDIER 2nd Class sword has no history to it except for Zach's friends who died in battle using them (little scenes from the DMW with Tseng). The buster sword is cool not because of it's history, or of how it got passed from mentor to mentee by death, but because it has the nostalgia from the original FF7.

i personally like it because of the fact it was the only sword that you ever really see in the game. it just has so many things with it that is cool. the shape, the size, the strength even though it was only an initial equip weapon, and the fact that it was used to kill the main enemy in 2 games set years apart(excluding Advent Children and the multiple buster sword variations).
Please keep on topic and put abit more effort in your posts guys ^^
I Didn't Play This Game, But The Buster Sword is Legendary...

I Used That word For CLoud All Of FF7. Only Switched Once wih THe Nail Bat
i like the buster sword myself.... but i wish it was bigger like in the original game how the sword was bigger than cloud:P
I find it very heart warmt in AC when he puts
the Buster Sword in the death place of Zack Fair...
That moment was so so sad...
I prefer the buster sword because a 1st class soldier should have a special sword and when Angeal died Zack was his closest friend.
The umbrella was the best.
Now seriously,the buster sword was very better because it wasn't an simple sword like his SOLDIER sword and it looked stronger than the other sword.
I prefere the buster sword, it's a legendary weapon afterall, such history behind it and the strength of it is amazing.
Both swords have the same stats but different looks, just like the 2nd or 1st uniform makes no difference in stats other than looks.
The buster sword for sure, nothing screams I'm a badass like effectively swinging around a weapon that’s bigger then most of the enemies you encounter.
The first sword Zack had was a SOLDIER standard weapon, not a 2nd Class weapon. It was for any rank.
The Buster Sword obviously wins hands down. Looks better, it's much more iconic and historical and is obviously, more powerful.