
How would you have prefered Zidane to be?

  • Hes perfect the way he is

    Votes: 53 86.9%
  • Less hyper and Happy

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • More Angsty

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • More like Cloud Or Squall

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
So what did you think of Zidane Being happy and cheerful for a change instead of depressed and emo like Cloud and Squall. Personally i thought it was a nice change - he even got over his angsty bit really fast.
I said Zidane's perfect the way he is, but I didn't think Cloud and Squall were that "emo." Considering everything he went through, I thought Cloud kept a pretty good attitude. Squall, especially at the beginning of VIII, was more like "emotionless."
I thought Zidane was great the way he was. It was a refreshing difference from Cloud and Squall.
The last three are pretty much the same thing, so there was really no point in making three different versions of it.

I think Zidane's perfect the way he is. Cloud was nice, but he seemed way too serious for me to really like him as a character (although "Let's Mosey" was pretty funny, along with a bunch of other awkward things). Squall was just a boy dealing with puberty. Nothing completely interesting about that.

I like happy characters. I like the fact that Zidane was friendly and happy and actually smiled in the majority of the FMV's he was in. Besides, he knew when to be serious and when to be silly. Personally I thought it was a nice change. Hell, if Squaresoft made Tidus more like Zidane, FFX probably would've been less painful to play.
I'm not really going to say anything here that hasn't already been said. I think Squall was irritating and the only thing that helped me get through FFVIII was Zell... Oh Zell. So funny and hotdoggy.

Actually, no I really liked FFVIII, but still the teenage angst thing is annoying.
I'm more or less happy with his character the way he is. I don't see much point in wishing he was altered that much. I voted in the majority.
I don't have much to say about this, since FFIX is the first FF that i have
actually finished, but Zidane is a happy, cheerful character.
Zidane's character was jsut fine. They did a good thing by trying to change up the personality of the main character after Cloud and Squall. Now there were some other characters that needed change.. *cough* Quina *cough*
Zidane is one of my favorite character of all time. He is cheerfull, he is smiling. I really like those type of funny characters. I also like Sam "Serious" Stone, although he hasn't anything in common with Zidane. I just like when characters are funny.
It was nice to see a change but, to me, it was just another reason not to like IX. He gave me the impression that IX was just a stroll in the park, just something to think about as a forgetable game. He was far to childish for my liking.
Hmm...I never would have classified Zidane as "childish", I really loved his character...What's wrong with an optimistic character once in a while?? lol

And for me, IX is one of the most memorable FF's of all. *shrugs* But I know I'm going to be in the minority there... ^_^
Yeah probably in the minority lol but then again IMO IX was the 3rd best FF game ever - i really dont get why people hate it so much :(
i sed he's perfect the way he is cos i like him hes wikid =D
so there and like av only played a bit of ff10 and av played ff9 and ff9 is just the best game ever =D

Zidane is perfect, I wouldn't have him any other way, that's why he's my favorite character of all FF characters. He is always nice, you can learn something from him(I dont mean you, I mean anybody)
I dunno where everyone gets the idea that cloud and squall were "emo" cause if anything remotely like what happened them happened to you you'd be a bit like that and zidane was hyper at all he seemed pretty normal yeah cheerful and flirtly but normal he deals with stuff the way most people would, he's the most normal character i've seen since cecil in FFIV
I loved it when he grabbed Garnet's butt and Garnett freaked out but Zidane just smiled really wide and shook his head as if he's going into a sex frenzy lol.

A really funny, always helpful and pervy character design.
Zidane was a far more appealing character than Cloud (overrated) or Squall (boring and predictable) and was easier to relate to him as well I suppose but I liked his character from the beginning and he was more believable in the leadership role too.
yes, although his giddy-giddy approach to everything makes me wanna barf on my sister's head, I would have to say it's nice to have a character who actually speaks. I mean, with words, not ellipses, not with deep sighs.