
How would you have prefered Zidane to be?

  • Hes perfect the way he is

    Votes: 53 86.9%
  • Less hyper and Happy

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • More Angsty

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • More like Cloud Or Squall

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
I liked him just the way he is. Less serious and more of a sense of humor than other main characters in previous FF's
Zidane is perfect the way he is. He's attitude seems to fit the game perfectly. The game is still serious, but doesnt seem to be as serious as FF VIII and FF VII. He's attitude perfectly suits the game and its atmosphere.
Zidane was more of the old school hero. He didn't need an excuse to be a hero or be doing what he was doing, he did it because he was a good/happy person. He reminded me a lot of the previous/old final fantasy hero's, back before VII. ^_^
I thought that zidane kinda ruined IX. He was way to immature, and he seriously needs to reconsider his sugar intake. JUST CALM DOWN ZIDANE!
He's a Pervert!!
But I don't wan'him to be like Squall or Cloud that will be freaky!!
Hmm, I wanted him to be more like Squall or Cloud. I love those two characters so much. Bad boy attitudes. Zidane was way too nice. Gets boring.
I love the way he was created and used in the game. Starting off as a simple thief but getting pulled into an epic story and life changing journey that leads him to face his own "brother" in a way that is attempting to doom all of the beings on the planets of gaia and Terra. Zidane's a true hero, fights through the hardships, and ends up on top.
I actually appreciated the fact that Zidane was nothing like Cloud or Squall. I really love Cloud's character, so nothing against him...but think...if Zidane was like Squall??? o_O
Squall was emo, boring, dependent on everyone around him...
Zidane actually went off on his own when he needed to take care of his own issues. So did Cloud. Squall drug the whole Garden with him.
Zidane always has an idea on top of his head in every situation. He's quick on his feet. He has a way with women.

He's great!!! ^_^
I didnt like him at first. He just didnt appeal to me, but the more I played the more I liked his character.
There's nothing wrong with Ziddo. He definitely shouldn't have been made more like Cloud or Squall.
I love Zidane. If he was made anything like Squall I would have screamed. Squall pissed me off.
I liked Zidane the way he was :-) He was very childlike and joked around a lot, but the seriousness with which he actually undertook the whole quest thing belied a depth to his character he didn't really let on.

It was certainly a pleasant change to have the protagonist not being so emo, at any rate, haha.
I liked him the way he was. Its good to have diverse main characters - it would just get boring if every character was like Cloud or Squall.
I think Zidane is a cool character but not as cool as Squall or Cloud. The main characters in the final fantasy games are going down hill.

Cloud - Awesome
Squall - Cool
Zidane - OK
Tidus - Average
Vaan - I hate him
I think Zidane was a refreshing change of pace for the series, if immediately reverted in Final Fantasy X to the ultimate Freudian, love-shy, daddy-never-cared miserable twat they called Tidus. Nonetheless, Zidane, to me, outshined both Cloud and Squall, though perhaps not quite as much as the rest of the FFIX cast, each of which was underscored with a pretty decent amount of complexity. I'll make another thread about that.

As for Zidane, I liked him because he defied the pattern of emo introvert turned born leader by a group of friends. Where the situation for Cloud and Squall was grave at the start of the game, Zidane was already a well-adjusted, dynamic character, or at least appeared to be. Instead of becoming more and more a leader as the game progressed, Zidane's role actually deteriorated as he discovered his true identity.

Thus, the most interesting part of Zidane's character to me was that he never actually needed to develop, but did anyways. While Cloud and Squall's characters were too boring and painful to avoid developing, Zidane could have stayed the same throughout the game without detracting too terribly much from the plot. He seemed one dimensional on the outside, but was deeply troubled and complex on the inside, quite the opposite of his predecessors.

Zidane's my main man, literally, I suppose.

Already posted on this subject but his pretty much puts into detail why he's a far superior main character than the emo trio of Cloud, Squall and Tidus. QFT.
I don't liek Zidane,m he wasn't enough of a "leader".
He probably would'be been better in a Zell type roll.
CLOUD IS NOT A GODDAMN EMO AG!!!!! lol zidane was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to hyper for me lol i like the cool silent type of characters