Zodiac Escutcheon/Barheim Passage Where the hell is it?

Mystical Ninja

ShinRa Guard
Nov 19, 2006
I can't for the life of me find out where this chest is. There are no faqs I can find or searches that show me the answer. Someone please help. >_<
I didn't get that shield until the great crystal in the girevegan, don't know about barheim though...
Cool thanks, I'm about to head over there and complete the sidequest for the key. I'm planning this right after I finish raithwall. My first time around I did it way late in the game. Also guys don't forget to go steal the deathbringer, +90 with KO, from Ithion(sp?), he's a mimic hiding as a chest(random) at the end of the east-west tunnel that deadends, with the zodiac shield it's a badazz setup.
I went to this location and didn't find a treasure canister. I kept moving back and forth between the bridge and that section and it did not appear once. If I opened this treasure earlier in the game and it was some potion or something, is it gone for good?

Do I need to go 2 zones away and come back to try and make it spawn again?

If you have done this before, please let me know how it worked for you.