Zodiac Escutcheon & Danjuro


Dec 14, 2006
Hello, I want to obtain these items however brady games strat guide isnt helping much. Im not exactly sureon how to get the Larva eater to spawn between the 2 teleporters, and the zodiac escutcheon ive read is in great crystal, Barheim passage, and henne mines, can any1 tell me a sure fire way to get this shield because i just spent 2 hours in barheim passage picking the "supposed" chest, and i got nothing. Thankyou.
Thats what I want to. The strategy guide didn't help much for me either. I hvae been looking for the shield like crazy. I want to know the answer too.
Same here, I found the Brady Games strategy guide missed out on alot.

And when it comes to knowing the specific requirements to make certain rare monsters appear, it simply doesn't tell yaz. I mainly wanna find the Danjuro however. I think there are 2 Zodiac Escutcheon in the game too, not sure. I haven't played FFXII since I beat the game... haven't gotten around to doing what I wanted to do.
so... does anyone know where the zodiac shield is or am I going to continue dying constantly trying to find it?
The Zodiac Escutcheon is found in either a treasure chest in the Great Crystal upper layer or in a treasure chest in Barheim Passage. You'll just have to keep rezoning if they don't show up.

As for the Danjuro, the Larva Eater in the Crystal Grande drops it. Good luck.
Oh I think you'll have to chain about 20 to 30 of those Necrophoba (spelling?) and hope you have the correct way point area. It doesn't always spawn in the same place so it's up to luck if it shows or not.
Well I don't think you HAVE to chain necros, but I think it really improves your chances. I chained them and the Larva eater spawned randomly at one of the way points. It really is just random... kinda like the weather at Giza Plains.
I hate waiting for the weather to change in Giza... it takes forever... anyways yeah thanks for that tip i'll try it when ever I got the chance.

I finally got Bombshell to drop Yagyu Dark Blade and it sucks =/ I thought it was more combo friendly than katana's but apparantly not.
The weather at Giza Plains changes by hour, I think even numbers means rain, or is it the opposite...?
upper crystal

If you haven't already you should check out the upper crystal map on gamefaqs by Seph. It really helps navigating that whole area. Anyways, on that map under the words Map 2 the treasure *can* be the Excalibur, you have to keep walking away, like at least 3 areas and back. Also you have to have the diamond armlet or don't bother you'll probably never get it. Then at the top right, the (T) treasure can be the Zodiac Escthelon, keep doing same as before. Also on that first one, if you get the bravery suit, I think is what it's called, some special armor, then the sword will not show up.
I finally got Bombshell to drop Yagyu Dark Blade and it sucks =/ I thought it was more combo friendly than katana's but apparantly not.

Yagyu Darkblade is not katana, its ninja sword. And ninja swords are for increasing magic and magic defense.

funny thing is i didnt know that larvae eater drops that item so i didnt bother killing them because i was busy looking for the way... anyway guys does the map in the upper right doesnt really work or is it just me?! because the first time i was in the crystal maps i used to see them unfortunately i didnt go there because of my level...now i got 1 character at level 76 and the others are 65+
Yagyu Darkblade is not katana, its ninja sword. And ninja swords are for increasing magic and magic defense.

I never said Yagyu Darkblade was a katana. Going by that strategy guide. Ninja Swords are supposedly more combo friendly than Katana's is what I am saying. But when I used it I wasn't getting as near as many combos as I was with a Katana.