

Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
I don't remember if they told what was up with Zone, but i'd like to know what was up with Zone and his stomach pains and such?

All I know is that he liked to look at naughty magazines according to Rinoa. lmao.

I think he just had bad nerves haha and whenever anything stressful arised, he'd just keel over.... well, that's what I assumed anyway
It's probably a disorder like how Laguna always has leg cramps around women lol. That's the only conclusion I can draw unless a parody or something was lost in translation from the japanese to english.
He's a bit of a coward basically - whether he really started feeling ill every time he had to do something vaguely dangerous or he was just faking to get out of it is open to interpretation I guess XD
Yeah I think it was just fear that brought it on ( whether it was real or not). Also thank for bringing it up, it brings up good memories, (I love the train cart switch bit (I know for some reason people don’t like that bit)) I’m finding it hard to remember a lot of the game these day’s (I would say It sounds like time to replay but I have a few games I want to play first.
There is nothing wrong with him. Like the people have said, he invents it so he doesn't have to do anything dangerous. Oddly enough when he has to run away from the Galbadians he is fine, so there is nothing really wrong with him.
He also doubles over when he gives Quistis his ticket and she tries to give it back.

It looked to me like a textbook case of IBS. I know people like that. It IS aggravated by stress, pretty instantly, though that was an extreme caricature.

Nothing a little Gaviscon wouldn't fix. ;)
Yeah... except Gaviscon taste like chalky shit.

Anyway... speaking of Zone... has anyone ever bothered to give him the Naughty Magazine you get from the Timber Maniacs building while he's on the White SeeD Ship?
Figures he has the shiva card.
Out of all the possible cards he could own, she is by far the most sexy.
Fits you trade it for a naughty magazine too.
Zone may have a problem being around women since he's used to looking at them in magazines. As a result, he pretends to have stomach pains so he won't have to talk to them. That's my hypothesis anyway.....:randompoke:
Maybe zone fakes some of his stomach pains and some of the time he actually does have them. He might have IBS and just uses it to his advantage. Funny thing, i have IBS....... its horrible. I kinda act between a cross of zone and the dad of ice cube from the movie Friday and Next Friday. LMAO. but yeah, i had it for about 3 years, i hate almost everyday of my life. no joke.
He may have had something wrong with his stomach lining or something. Or a very bad case of IBS as he did get the tummy ache when some action came up lol. I dont know if the porn had anything to do with it though lol.
I thought Zone was seriously a dumbass. I mean who the F squats down everytime something is about to happen and pretends his stomach is aching? I thought he was also cocky in the game.

Ok speaking of Zone, you know when you find that naughty magazine in Timber? And then later on the white SeeD ship? Zone wants that book bad and we all know why. Well anyways what I wanna know is did anyone refuse the offer to sell zone the book? And If so what happens does the bargain price increase or do you just lose the chance to make that little bit of extra gil anyways?
If you give it to him for free, he'll give you the Shiva card in return.
If not then not.
Hmm. I don't know. I've always had two theories. The first being that its a fake, so he doesn't need to get involved in the heat of the frontline battles. Which can easily be discounted by the fact that he's a pretty brave guy who gave his train ticket to Quistis.

The second, well, a disorder. I have a friend who gets a stomachache whenever she's nervous. I figure its probably something like that yea?
The guy was a pussy man! A real man stands up when the shit hits the fan...not sqaut in the gotta admire the for so openly liking naughty mags even a sniviling wimp needs to get some, eh? and he did give u the Shiva card for helping him with his peverted leanings! now thats post hey Ato?
If you were round Rinoa for that long, wouldn't you feel a little sick? :P

Only joking, but I think when people say it's because he gets nervous, that would probably be it. Wonder what happened to him in the end...

Maybe zone fakes some of his stomach pains and some of the time he actually does have them. He might have IBS and just uses it to his advantage. Funny thing, i have IBS....... its horrible. I kinda act between a cross of zone and the dad of ice cube from the movie Friday and Next Friday. LMAO. but yeah, i had it for about 3 years, i hate almost everyday of my life. no joke.

Been there man, we should get jackets :D That's what I always thought as well when Zone scurried off with his cramps. I sympathize with him it's no joke, I've had it 6 years now.