Final Fantasy Forums

TGS 2018: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition announced for PS4 & Switch
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Does anyone remember Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles? It was a primarily multiplayer-based spinoff cult classic for the Nintendo Gamecube. Due to technological limitations at the time that required the need for four wired Game Boy Advances to hook to the console for that 4-player experience, the game was lost to time until now. With the era of ubiquitous online multiplayer gaming, Square Enix are bringing this multiplayer spinoff back with a remastered version, for both PS4 and the Nintendo Switch.
TGS 2018: Kingdom Hearts III receives 'Big Hero 6' teaser trailer
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All aboard the Gummi Ship for San Fransokyo!

Though we have known for a while that Big Hero 6 will be one of the playable worlds in Kingdom Hearts III along with fellow newcomers such as Tangled, Toy Story, Monsters Inc and Frozen, we've yet to actually see any footage of this world until now. With the Tokyo Game Show just around the corner, Square Enix Japan have released a new short teaser trailer. In it we are introduced to Hiro and Baymax of the film, other characters in the game's other worlds and of course, the overarching villains of the entire franchise.
YouTube FFF Sims Lifestream Episode V: Woohoos and Coochy Coos
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"My very small inner goddess sways in a gentle victorious samba."

Readers may remember I read out reprinted an email from a lovely man named Ben Dover last week. He wrote to complain about the conspicuous lack of hugs, kisses and sex on our show. When he accosted me on the street, I calmly explained to Mr Dover this is a family-friendly web programme as we don't want to risk those impressionable kids taking a break from playing Fortnite for just two minutes to watch our content and walk away with the wrong idea. Mr Dover looked furious and I was convinced he was priming to swing a knuckle sandwich in my direction, so I responded by curling into a foetal position and sobbing. Mr Dover just looked understandably baffled.
YouTube FFF Sims Lifestream Episode IV: A New Nope
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Hello, darkness, my old friend...

Believe it or not, we do get emails and social media messages about our Sims show. Ideally feedback and messages of either joy or outrage reach Mitsuki first and foremost, but I've disgracefully also been granted the job of reading and replying to all our fans. What do I look like? A PR representative with actual experience in the field? But we'll worry about that in a moment. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to yet another installment of our virtual circus, where we put ourselves in the world of The Sims 4 and see which of us is first to end up on the Grim Reaper's list.
YouTube FFF Sims Lifestream Episode III: Fire and Furry- I mean Fury
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This fire is out of control, I'm gonna burn this teddy, burn this teddy...

Woo! The weekend beckons and as usual we are back with the third installment of our elaborate social experiment. If you've already experienced the action in the preceding two episodes, you know the drill by now. One adult, with assistance from another adult in designing these death traps you call affluent Californian homes, spends up to an hour of her time streaming a load of inane madness on Twitch while an audience of more adults drop what they're doing and inexplicably decide to watch. Another adult, perhaps the most daftest of them all, decides to closely chronicle the lives of these virtual mental patients housemates and see what we as a society can learn from their trials and tribulations.
YouTube FFF Sims Lifestream Episode II: Someone Call Social Services Already!
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I've become so gnome, I can't feel you there...

Welcome back to another installment of FFF Sims Lifestream, as narrated by yours truly, and streamed & directed by the same anonymous Californian resident from before. If you have just joined us, this is a special site feature where we run a social experiment using hapless virtual guinea pigs to see what happens when you re-enact Love Island or Big Brother or any similar reality TV show but with considerably more intelligent contestants.
Continue for all the mayhem.
YouTube FFF Sims Lifestream Episode I: The Blazing Blunder
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If this isn't considered cannibalism, then we have collectively failed as a society.

Welcome to FFF Sims Lifestream, brought to you by a semi-regular Twitch stream and from an inconspicuous Californian home. The FFF Sims Lifestream is an auspicious social experiment using EA's The Sims 4 to see what fresh, fascinating new insights can be gained pertaining to the human condition, though personally I believe it will simply be an ominous confirmation of the fact that the human race is a mistake.
Square Enix aim for the stars only to shoot themselves in the foot
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E3 season is upon us. For many, this is a momentous occasion. An annual ritual like no other. A period of sheer glee where we can bask in child-like wonder and speculate on what Santa Claus will bring come his next visit. Few companies inspire this essence of wondrous nirvana like Square Enix, a company with a history of igniting pure, unadulterated excitement while barely saying anything of substance. Square Enix can drive a fan crazy like few other major corporations can, besides maybe Apple. So unsurprisingly, when they announced in the run-up to this year's E3 that they have a press conference for the first time since 2015, auspiciously touting it "the next chapter is about to begin", expectations soared.
Continue for all the mayhem.
First new E3 trailer for Kingdom Hearts III - Introducing the world of 'Frozen'
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Let it go, let it goooooo

Microsoft held their E3 press conference this evening with a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III part of Phil Spencer's lineup. The new world showcased in the trailer is the highly popular Frozen. To dispel with the professionalism for a moment, let it be known (if it is not abundantly clear already) that I absolutely adore the film and I will not let it go.
Kingdom Hearts III will release on 29 January 2019
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To 2019 and beyond!

Nearly six years after its initial announcement at E3 2013, Kingdom Hearts III finally has a confirmed release date of 29 January 2019, with Japan due to receive the game only a few days prior. This release date was confirmed by Tetsuya Nomura himself at a special orchestra concert in Los Angeles. The date, he apologetically acknowledged, is a little later than the 2018 window initially promised.
Birthweek Event - Giveaway! - Sign up - CLOSED
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Welcome to a very special Birthweek event celebration!

We are pleased to announce that as a part of the magazine release, the recent Xenforo 2 launch, and Birthweek event, we wish to extend a one time giveaway that will be exclusive to Final Fantasy Forums members with 100+ posts!
Site Feature Live Streams Relaunched
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Live streams are back on, better than ever! Streams is a popular feature for Xenforo 2, recently purchased from our owner, Lord Golbez. With this ability to record and broadcast in real time, we hope to encourage our members (and gamers) to continue exploring FFF and use our platform to keep members informed of their channels and any updates.
Welcome to Birthweek 2018!
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2018 is shaping up to be a great year for Final Fantasy Forums. We have welcomed plenty of new members, moved to a new forum system (ah, VB, we hardly miss you) and launched a magazine. And we're only halfway through the year.

On June 6th, Final Fantasy Forums will be twelve years old. We're almost to our angsty teen years. Time to celebrate with some fun competitions and activities.
Star Ocean: Anamnesis coming west for mobile devices
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The currently Japanese exclusive popular free-to-play mobile entry in the Star Ocean series of games is finally due to spread its wings and expand its presence beyond its home territories. Square Enix is apparently bringing Tri-Ace's Star Ocean: Anamnesis to western App stores for iOS and Android devices. True to the Star Ocean franchise, Anamnesis retains the familiar real-time 3D combat system and also promises co-op multiplayer battles on top of the freedom for players to choose the composition of their party squads using characters from across all mainline games.
Announcement FFF Magazine 'Timber Maniacs' Issue #1 now live
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The staff of Final Fantasy Forums are pleased to at last announce that Issue 1 of our very own magazine, 'Timber Maniacs', is finally live and ready to be accessed.

Final Fantasy fans are accustomed to waiting. At this very moment, you are likely all waiting for the elusive Final Fantasy VII Remake. Patiently waiting is part and parcel of our very existence. We live for the announcements, we live through the long waits and the many delays but typically the goods are finally delivered. In many respects, we are like a miniature Square-Enix. We announce an ambitious new project and after a protracted period of time we are pleased to present to you the final product, albeit with far fewer DLCs and season passes.
FFXV's new DLC chapters, 'Dawn of the Future' announced, roadmap for 2018-9 revealed
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The Final Fantasy XV train chugs on unabated. At PAX East, Square Enix have laid out a roadmap, detailing what the four new DLC chapters for the game will entail, along with rough window estimates for when we can expect to see their release. In addition, future content updates will include the ability to transpose your created character in Comrades over to the base game to replace Noctis as the on-screen main protagonist.
FFXV to receive 4 more DLC episodes, starting with Episode Ardyn; support will last to 2019
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The momentum for FFXV continues. Since its release in November 2016 the game has seen three DLC episodes and even an entire paid multiplayer expansion DLC. Now Square Enix are poised to continue support for the game with a fresh slate of DLC episodes in the pipeline and a second season pass. Originally three additional DLC episodes were in the cards, though it would now seem there will be a total of four, with Episode Ardyn due to kick things off.
The FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestra Concert 2018 -Eorzean Symphony- coming to Los Angeles and D
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Interested in attending a Final Fantasy XIV concert? The Eorzean Symphony orchestra shall be heading to Los Angeles, California in June, and to Dortmund, Germany in August 2018!

Expect to experience many of your favourite Eorzean tunes performed by a full orchestra!

Details (copied from Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone):

Los Angeles, California
Location: Dolby Theatre

Friday, June 15, 2018 – Doors Open 7:00 p.m. / Performance 8:00 p.m. (PDT)
Saturday, June 16, 2018 – Doors Open 7:00 p.m. / Performance 8:00 p.m. (PDT)

Dortmund, Germany
Location: Konzerthaus Dortmund

Friday, August 24, 2018 – Doors Open 19:00 / Performance 20:00 (CEST)...
KupoCon Pomathon (Birmingham 2018) spare tickets on sale Sunday 11th Feb!
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Artwork by Wave's Art Stuff

Some will be aware that the tickets for KupoCon's Birmingham event (Pomathon) have recently sold out. This is without a doubt a result of the enormous success of KupoCon's second London event (Pomingham Palace) which took place last weekend on the 3rd February.

KupoCon are feeling very generous! They have announced that they can release another 50 tickets this Sunday (11th February) for Birmingham's Pomathon event. These extra tickets shall go live at 2pm (GMT / UK time).

Be warned... They may go quickly!

The event itself shall take place on September 8th 2018 at the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre.

Who is going?
We do not yet know which special guests will be attending the Birmingham event but we can say that there are already a number of FFF members with tickets for this event. It would be great to see more of you there!

Use our...

FFXIV Patch 4.2 detailed; Omega Sigmascape, Byakko Primal; housing changes; new trailer

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If you're a raider and a Final Fantasy VI fan, Yoshi-P has decided to be extra kind to you in this next upcoming patch for Final Fantasy XIV. Patch 4.2: Rise of a New Sun will be live on the 30th January and it brings a plethora of FFVI fanservice when the next raid tier, Omega Sigmascape, is unlocked. Expect a good number of familiar enemies...a very familiar face and an equally familiar signature theme song to go with it.