Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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"Why meddle in affairs you know nothing about? Overthrow you? For
what - a drought-ridden little castle?" He drew the materia from his pocket, looked at it and groaned. It shattered as his fingers applied pressure. "Kamui still has it doesn't he?? I can't believe you bullshitted me like that... Either way, you are wrong. I have no desire for immortality, you pathetic little moron, Cloud. Swing your sword as much as you like, pal. You don't stand a chance. I myself have a question, though. Why, Kamui, are you hiding? If you are truly on Cloud's side, then why not come and save him? I'm sure that's what mummy would want!" Vline laughed as he simply dodged Cloud's next charge. Regardless of the situation, he looked amused. "There's two of you! I'm sure you can do it! Although, neither of you have seen sme water magic yet... You should see it before you die..."
ya tidus u can b vincent

Cloud swung and swung, suprisingly his energy was always full. Vline was taunting him but he didnt care. whatever happened all he knew was that Vline was dying. Then vline said something about water magic... o well cloud thought, my magic is better than anyone in the kingdoms so it wont matter. Vline dodged blow after blow but soon cloud had him in a corner. cloud smiled and swung his sword...
"Yeah. Ok, swing your little sword if you like." Vline said without care. The blade struck his neck. Cloud shouted triumphantly, but then gasped. The blade simply passed through his friend without leaving a scratch. "Shocking isn't it?" Vline lay there in the corner as Cloud continued to swipe in vain at his neck. "Shall I let you in on a secret? When a water-lord, someone with water abilities as potent as my own, means no harm to a person, they can not be harmed by aforementioned person. Rather like trying to cut water - don't you think?" He laughed, and then suddenly jumped to his feet. His voice was no longer calm and collected, but was dripping in contempt. "Of course, now, I mean you harm! How could you betray me? You said allies and promised me the room? We don't look like allies and I'm not in the said room!" He crouched to the courtyard ground and placed a hand on the ground. A small typhoon surrounded him, and Cloud was knocked back. "En guard!"
Cloud thought fast... this was dangerous grounds. he could not hurt him physically and he would soon try to slice at him. he was running out of time and he saw Vline slowluy approaching. Quickly he ran to the room of the well and drew up the bucket... invinsibility cloud thought... to only die of old age... do i want this?? but then vline entered the room and cloud made his decision and drank the bucket of cold well water right as one of vlines staves hit him across the face.
"Oh, now that is just taking the michael!" Vline jumped back, and then remembered whom he was. "Uh, yeah, you seem to forget that, having a lot of power over water, I can probably do this:" He lifted his stave up and pointed at Cloud's stomach. A slight rumbling issued forth, and Cloud vomited the no-longer crystal clear water all over the floor. "Fight fair!"
Cloud was in disbelif he couldnt die! but he could still fell pain alright, he vomitted twice more and then stood up. if Vline fought dirty then so would he. He shot of a lightning spell and it hit Vline head on. Vline fell back emiting cry of pain. "you wanna play dirty!" Cloud shouted. "ill give u dirty!!" and walked over to him.
"Ooh, ok. That's not so good." Vline sucked air through his teeth, and jumped backward outof the room hurling his staff at Cloud. The lightning had obviously weakened him as the the aim was poor and his movements weren't as elegant as usual. Cloud had realised he'd hit a weak spot, and chasedhim from the room. Due to the messed up stomach, he wasn't too much faster than Vline, but caught up again in the courtyard. He kept hurling little 'thunders' at Vline, most of which hit their target. Vline was definately slowing down now. Cloud threw one large thundaga at him, and the man was thrown backwards. Amazingly, he landed on his feet facing Cloud, but almost instantly collapsed to his knees. His body slumped forward and he was on all fours. Cloud advanced upon him, and Vline put up a hand to block his face. "Ok, you can stop the thundaga now please." Cloud continued to march up to his quarry, and Vline started to panic. He came to rely on retarded babble that he should never had had to use. "Come on, Cloud! You're oldest friend? You'd kill him?" He was obviously in pain, as the raised hand dropped to the ground and the entire body lowered with it. "Why would you kill your best pal? Didn't I look out for you when we were eleven? Ah, forget it - that's not gonna work... Just make it quick could you?"
"hmmm... it seems Cloud is stronger then i first thought, though, it seems he may not be strong enough to kill Vline... this is not good, i hope Cloud knows what he is doing, Mother is it to be that Vline survives, or is it that he is to die..."

As Kamui servyed the scene below, something had occured to him...
"DAMN IT! CLOUD GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!!" shouted Kamui from the roof tops... "GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!!"
Vline's eyes held a steely determination. They were looking right at Cloud. He sighed. His arms raised above his head. A blue light was emanating from the palms. In a swift motion, he thrust them in front of his face and a massive torrent of water burst at Cloud. Cloud braced for impact, but the impact never came. He was in the water. It was all around him and then gone. He saw Vline back on his knees in front of him. The man was panting for breath, and pointing weakly behind Cloud's back. He turned around and saw a regiment of the stone castle's soldiers, dead. "Repay your debts Cloud. If Aerith saw your heart's goodness, and you neglected your heart, you would betray her love. That was for me, not you. I save your life - you save mine." The man collapsed and lay with his head to the side in the gravel.
cloud stood seconds from a meantal break-down, vline had just errupted old memorys and feelings... and then, he had saved his life... cloud just looked at his palms skaking. It all came back to him. They had been playing in the courtyard as usual when they found a little materia on the ground they picked it up and played with it until cloud threw it up to the sky and it blew up, destroying half of the castle walls... their teacher was furious cloud was knoced out Vline hessitated and then said that he did it instead of Cloud, because he knew of clouds dreams to be king. the teacher whipped VLine for three nights and three days. His wound never fully healed...
he looked again at the now collaspsed body of vline. "take over the castle and threaten to kill tidus if anyone tries to stop you!" he looked down at vline sadly. He picked up his old friend and rushed to the stone castle's best healers. Cloud woldnt forget anymore...That vline had saved his life...
Vline crept up to the bars of the cell. The usual jailer came up and served him his meagre meal.
"No thanks. I choose starvation." Vline tipped the contents of the bowl straight onto the floor. The jailer shrugged and left the cell.


Cloud was taking a wash. I was three days since the disaster at the stone castle. Suddenly, the water all drew to the same spot, and then dispersed. He looked closely, and as he moved, the water caught the light. It wasn't just randomly arranged. It was words: 'Cloud. Get over here quickly. The execution is in three days. Vline. Don't leave my blood on your hands!' He read it and gasped. The water was now crimson and thick. Remarkbly, Cloud thought, like blood.
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Kamui was waiting outside the door for Cloud,"i thought that might happen, but what other choice did i have?... none it seems..."

Kamui leaned against the wall, "Cloud isn't fit for battle now, i might need to protect him, until he recovers... but then what, if Vline is to be killed.... do we need him? No that is for Cloud to Decided not me..."
Cloud acted fast he would have to to get vline not to turn his kingdoms water into blood...
Vline slammed his fist against the stone wall. Where was Cloud, and maybe Kamui? He'd left a blatant enough message with a blatant enough threat. He had only two days left. He slit his hand once more, to send another friendly reminder in blood. 'I have two days left. You must hurry.'


"One day left - great." Vline lay upon the cell floor, once more rufusing to eat what the guards claimed was 'food'. This time, however, Tidus was there as well, smirking. "Something funny, sir?"
"Well yes." Tidus smiled unpleasantly. "I rather enjoy watching you panic."
"Whom said anything about panicking?" Asked Vline calmly, as he drew his knife. He slit his wrists and gasped in pain. For this one, he was going to need a lot more blood. He let it to bleed for three seconds, and stemmed the flow with his hoody.

Cloud looked to sea. What was the sea. It was now blood.

The prison guard drank some water from a pewter mug, only to spit out a red liquid...
"I'm the only person with water in your castle now. You can check if you like, but bare in mind that if I die without lifting your unpleasant 'curse', then it remains permanent..."
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Cloud rushed to the cell. the sea to be blood... what a horrible thought. he ran to the cell door to see tidus smirking at Vline. cloud ran up and puched Tidus in the face knocking him unconsious and killed the guard with ease. he loooked at vline who smiled at him. Cloud opened the door and they both rushed out to the courtyard, seeing a war. His men and the stone castles men were fighting it out. Cloud muttered a curse under his breath and started hacking away at Tidus's men
Kamui watched the chaos below, then he saw cloud appear with Vline...

"Mother it seems we are need", drawing Shirakun, Kamui begain to decend into the battle field... "They are both too weak to escape here"

"It is time to cry out Shirakun, keep Dirakun at bay, Cloud is not strong enough to escape her wraith..."

And with that Kamui decended into the battle field, and began fighting the army... he reached Cloud...

"i apologise for killing your men as well as the others, but i had no choice Cloud"

"It seems neither do we..." replied Cloud
"But of what now?"
"i do not know you Kamui, but i am going to trust you..."
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That's godmodding.:p You can't control the action of another.

"where... Am I?"

Seifer was walking through the halls of the marble castle when he heard a crash. "What the hell was that?" He ran to the location of the of the sound that he heard. While he was running towards the place where the crash had been heard; he wondered: "Is "he" here? I wonder if that chicken-whuss is here too." He continued on to his destination with haste and angst.
Kamui and Cloud kept fighting, Vline was too weak to do much so they alone would have to destroy most of the army, cloud too had not fully recovered, which left Kamui to protect them both...

"hmmm... it seems we may need another way out mother..., i can escape but i can't let Cloud die, and if his will is to bring Vline, then so is mine, Shirakun, we may need Dirakun after all..."
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