Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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Cloud looked up and saw vline walking tworad him. "yes i have it" cloud said reluctantly. this would cost him big time. he would not be able to contact airies and there would be drought but he knew that the stone castle had plenty of it. so he didnt mind that much about the water part but what did bother him was the not contacting aeries part. she had been his only comfort with all the chaos erupting around him. he pulled the materia for a,l the waterin his land and for contacting aeries and handed it to vline ,vline smiled. "so now, he said where is my prince?"
"Don't hesitate do you?? My room." He grinned and pocketed the materia. "But I warn you, there is the distinct possibility he is not in fantastic condition. Shockingly, I disliked the idea of him watching me as I got changed ... so there is the distinct possibility that he is very bruised and shoved behind a curtain... So what do you plan to do with him?" Vline accompanied Cloud walking up the staircase. He pulled out the materia and studied it.


"You surprise me, Cloud." Vline murmured, turning over the materia in his fingers. He started watching in amusement out of the corner of his eye as Cloud fumbled in the curtains as he tried to remove the entrapped Tidus. "Your lust for war is so great that you would throw away your love, and part of the balance of your kingdom to capture a prince that was already in your castle?? Do you simply ... not care for Aerith?"
cloud turned to Vline "if you say that again I will kill you... airieth means everything to me. the reason I did that trade is because when i win this war i believe that u will give me it bak..." he had some guards take Tidus away to heal up. Then he turned to Vline and smiled. "guards" he said and a man came out of nowhere and knocked Vline unconcious
well i'll create a new character then

name: Kamui
age - 17
weapon - dual weilds the Dirakun and Shriakun (medium swords)

him wielding Shirakun

personality - imagine him as a mixture of both Cloud Stirfe and Vincent Valentine
Bio - Has a hidden wing, that if he gets mad, goes crazy and his inner demon will control and consume all, until he regains countrol, the changes are that Dirakun will appear in his left hand, and his right shoulder will have a demon wing. After he regains countrol, the right wing will disappear, not before his left shoulder, and angels wing will appear, though only for a moment.

Bio - Kamui has lost all senses, he feels nothing, his memory is gone, and has no love for any one or anything, he nothing more then a shell, with a black heart. He can be cruel as well a kind, though he hides his true emotions behind all this. his memories, were destroyed, though he somehow knows and beginning to remember his past was cruel, there was no affection or love. He is the ultimate warrior, though he seems to hide his true skill, for some reason he is working with cloud and the others, though for what reason is unknown

From: This boys appearance if unknown, it seems he may have come from the planet it self, for he can hear their voices, all he says he is a dragon of heaven, but nothing more, all his secrets which have been washed away are coming back, yet it seems he keeps everything to himself, though he is a powerful warrior

i'll re do his bio, after the story has progressed
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OoC Whoa there skippy! Gimme a chance boyoh! There is a bit of Power-play in this but you did god-mod slightly TGC :P

Vline awoke in a cold, dark cell. Three sides were stone and the fourth was bars and a door, locked in about eight diferent places. Through the bars was Cloud, leaning against a wall. Vline stood up and brushed himself down. Cloud laughed mirthlessly and tossed up and down the materia.
"Cloud! I'm impressed!"
"You've cheated your way through life with empty promises and dark threats, Vline. Don't be too sour that for once you don't win."
"I will be when that day comes. But until then-" Vline looked down at his tattered robes. He clicked his fingers and was engulfed again in the blue water which replaced them with his hoody and trousers. "I took that materia fair and square. Thus, with a bit of skill, I can do this:" He held his hand up in the air. A burst of white light erupted, both from Vline's hand and Cloud's. The materia switched between. Now, it was Vline holding the materia. In the other hand, a plain blue materia appeared. Cloud moved right up to the cage, unable to believe what had just happened. "Now, old friend, watch." He lifted up the blue materia, and crushed it between his fingers. Then he lifted up the Aerith materia, slowly, and began to aply pressure...
"NO!!" Cloud shoved the Buster Sword through the gaps in the cell, in a futile attempt to stab Vline.
"So you don't wish for Aerith to vanish?" Vline asked in mock surprise. Thn the corners of his mouth rose slightly. "Then I suggest you listen..."

TGC - it's up to you what happens nowish - i'll go with the flow
thanks alot blackrose, took me a while to think of the character i wanted to be... okay here, i'll continue the story

"WHAT THE" cried Cloud, every happened, as though time stood still, then a someone fell from a portal, "It seems i have work here, is this why i was brought here, mother?"

"Wait who are you?" asked cloud. "i am Kamui, i was asked to come here by my mother, who gave birth to my Shirakun sword, it seems i have come here on unfinished buisness... hmmm... you have the eyes of those of JENOVA tell me, what are you?"

"How do you, no, there isn't any time, what happened to Vline, and the guards?"

"hmph, those creatures, how sad, it seems to me, that Vline is not all that he seems, how pitifull."
ok FFX can create ur story.
ouch dygan u got me in a tough spot.
Cloud watched helplessly as his materia was being crushed... he didnt want Vline running free but he didnt want aerieth to be gone forever. he made a choise/
"Vline.... Vline.... please dont... ill let you go." Cloud said. he unlocked the door and opened it "but if I see one false move from you Vline your dead."
Vline just smiled as he walked out of the cell

thanks alot blackrose, took me a while to think of the character i wanted to be... okay here, i'll continue the story

"WHAT THE" cried Cloud, every happened, as though time stood still, then a someone fell from a portal, "It seems i have work here, is this why i was brought here, mother?"

"Wait who are you?" asked cloud. "i am Kamui, i was asked to come here by my mother, who gave birth to my Shirakun sword, it seems i have come here on unfinished buisness... hmmm... you have the eyes of those of JENOVA tell me, what are you?"

"How do you, no, there isn't any time, what happened to Vline, and the guards?"

"hmph, those creatures, how sad, it seems to me, that Vline is not all that he seems, how pitifull."

???????????????????????????????????? that post was cool but ur supposed to strt ur own story at one of the castles
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hmmm, i think i can still link both stories together...

okay golden chocobo, here is how it goes, Vline got away, but Kamui was there watching the whole thing happen... yeah that works, then after that this happened

"Dammit" shouted Cloud, "Is that thing so precious to you, that you would give your very soul to save it?"

"What are you talking about?" answered cloud "to protect those precious to you, hmmm... i think i can help you there, Vline isn't all that he is, why did you send me her mother, to help him, or something else, maybe he can help me?"

"Very well, Cloud, i think i better help you?" said Kamui, "But why?" asked Cloud back. "Because it seems its what mother wants, i don't know why she sent me here, or her purpose, but my past is distant, and she is all i have"

Then Cloud stared into Kamui's eyes and saw, the distance in them, there wasn't anytrace of happiness, or sadness, no anger or compassion, hmmm "Very well then" they shook hands.

"Now what do you know about Vline, and how did he do all that, and finally who are you?"
Cloud opens the door for vline and he walks out. cloud gives him a swift punch across the face and walks to the other side of the hall
"What do you mean by "false move"? Haha. Surely in my position, any move i make puts you in 'check'. Now, then. How about opening the door for me?"

i think your already out of the cell, and Golden chocobo, Kamui doesn't know his past, so he doesn't really have a story to tell, he will start remembering as the story proceeds, thats why i said i would update his bio every now and then to go with the story
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