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  • Rawrrrr.

    Just got platinum on Lego Harry Potter =D and reached level 10 on my trophy level, have fun catching up to that xD
    I have a question, is your RP of FFX full? Cause I could make a and fish the SU tomorrow if I can still get in. However, it doesn't really matter if I cannot.
    Likewise, and yes, we should do it again soon *had no idea you were also a Smallville fan* :jess:
    I dunno if its so much about getting an early night as it is sleeping for a certain number of hours. I tend to sleep between around 11am and 6pm, at least. xD
    /totally not late in replying or anything
    I'm sure there was a book somewhere about evil kids being stranded on an island in a contest to see who lives and who dies. If there isn't one yet, I will write one. :wacky:

    Warwick or York - haven't decided which is to be my firm and insurance yet, considering I change my mind every day. xD
    Could be better tbh. :sad:

    Horrendously busy, just found out how much I hate kids, feel half-ill for some reason and can't wait until Easter. :sad3:

    How are you lately?
    I bet it will . <3 I'm having a graduation party planned out afterward ~ x]
    And oooooo, your new set is pretty . :jess:
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