Donald Trump
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  • You're the one that said Giant Squids kill sperm whales in the first place. You can't suddenly change your mind. This proves that you do not know what you're saying.
    You must be very thick. We've been through this. Giant Squids can kill anything. Also Humans kill Killer Whales so there's that too. :mokken:
    You are the Killer Whale.
    I am the Giant Squid who eats the Killer Whale and The Sperm Whale.
    You will not have me infracted. Friends do not get other Friends Infracted. Also you started this.
    I am the Killer Whale

    I am the Killer Whale

    I am the Killer Whale

    I am the Killer Whale

    I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale
    I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale
    :rage: Fuck you

    I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale I am the Killer Whale
    Hello squigger.
    You are a piece of plankton.
    I am the killer whale.
    Giant Squids do not kill killer whales.
    The only reason you are reading this is because you are predictable.
    Do not deny reading it either you cunt.
    OI :rage: It's hug an Aussie day! Where are you? I'm waiting with arms open wide!
    :hmph: you have too much time on your hands!! Go do something constructive instead like uni work or jumping off a building or something :hmph:
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