Donald Trump
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  • Why are you up all night? Doing uni work? You should focus on that rather than whatever you're planning on doing.
    :hmph: you'll be asleep part of the time I am asleep too, you wont have that much time to do horrible things.

    ....what are you planning to do then? :ahmed: You have to tell me, then I will decide if I will continue to bother you about hugs.
    But being Freddy Krueger'd doesn't seem so scary to me :hmmm: You must be planning something else...:ahmed:
    :hmmm: tell me what I have to do to get this hug out of you?
    There's gotta be something? :ahmed:
    That's pretty dodgy. Will you hug me in my sleep? That's also a bit creepy, I'd rather be awake.
    :ahmed: I am a little bit paranoid but I can't think of what you could possibly do to destroy me :hmmm:
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