Donald Trump
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  • Sounds so fun.
    I've never dungeoned and dragoned before but I've watched him play. It was a bit boring.
    Hmm I don't really like dungeoning and dragoning unfortunately.

    What are you doing?
    Hmm my iPhone auto corrected you into toys. I'm very sorry about the confusion :(
    By 'rep' you mean pos rep, right? :ahmed:

    Btw I'm watching flight of the conchords. You should watch it. It would make Finn very happy. Toys also be happy coz they hate Australians :)
    Lol oh well never mind... i've got enough card games on my own Final fantasies. :) Thank you tho xxx
    So what do you guzs do for fun around here lol. Where are the games? or can we make our own ;) xx
    Though all albums require multiple listenings to fully appreciate, I will agree Kid A improves exponentially with each listen. Climbing Up the Walls is still always going to my favourite song they made though
    I was gonnae donate to yer cause to remove an infraction but i want a begbie emote. I only have 4100 points :sad5:
    Hallybabes. I am very sorry that I have not left you any messages. I clicked on your profile to find Jimmyboy's countdown thread. :ryan: Besides that, you are a fascinating person, and I do not deserve space on your profile.

    But, enough with Hallybabes' credit, I do not visit that often. :wacky:
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